Friday, November 22, 2019

Counseling And The Use Of "The Odyssey?"

After listening to the Psychiatrist Counsels Vets With Odyssey Audio, what are you thinking about the The Odyssey?  Please specify your thoughts using a dynamic topic sentence and supporting evidence.  After listening to the audio clip, please respond during class.Blog response due by Fri., Dec. 13th.


Anonymous said...

This audio makes me think that the Odyssey can help people to calm down after being in combat positions. It helps them to think that they are okay for being injured in combat. It helps them to lose/let go of their fears and memories. Although all of these memories are almost parallel. This also makes me think that the Odyssey is more than just a book, for some people it is therapy and a safe place to confide in while they read it.

Anonymous said...

The author of the book is kinda like odysseus because during the time he was writing the book, he had a seizure. Him and odysseus are alike because they're both stubborn because they wanted to be independent and they wanna do things on their own and by themselves. The author could have made a choice to take a break from the book but didn't, and odysseus could of had help. But yet again like the author he didn't want the help or even the offer of it. But through it all, they got creative with their challenges and got through it.

Anonymous said...

The veterans are scared for life from their experience in war. Homer writes the book so that poor Odysseus interacts with rich people and nevertheless makes a great story.The audio makes me think about how hard Odysseus' journey was and what the effects were when he reached his destination.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Shae used The Odyssey to give more purpose and explanation to the veterans of war. Oddyseus had come across similar events as the soldiers and gone through similar mental struggles. It relates their life to the history of war and loss, as well as shows similarities from ancient greece and their own personal experiences fighting in combat. Odysseus is presented as someone who understands what the veterans are dealing with emotionally and physically. It also showed that people aren’t great listener and make assumptions on what both Odysseus and the veterans are doing and why they are depressed.

Anonymous said...

This makes me think about the Odyssey because he had told the soldiers of the stories in the Odyssey. These tales of Odysseeus’s losses and how the soldiers connect to the veterans. This book has connected to many veterans because they know the unity that is represented in in The Odyssey. The veterans come back home and feel as if the modern people don’t know what their pain is and what they have been through. This book connects to the veterans and how they have been feeling, because Odysseus has the same struggles as the modern veterans.

Anonymous said...

Important to keep soldiers together for mental health. Odyssey makes the soldiers feel like they are valuable. How can these safe civilians understand what I've been going through? Civilians won't understand and listen to what these soldiers have gone through. Odysseus was weeping and civilians immediately assumed qhat he was going through without even listening.

-Julia Dunn

Anonymous said...

the odyssey can connect people and relate to people. it can relate to war and talked about how it helped connect and bring up the spirits of the veterans.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey helped show the men that not everything is good in life, it isn't something nice. It's full of gore and fear and the guilt and loss of their comrades, feeling the pain. It speaks of the reality of war and what is a fake glorification of it. It speaks to the soldiers of what they understand that the civilians don't understand having never seen war before.

Anonymous said...

From Listening to the Psychiatrist Counsels vet I was thinking about the Odyssey and how all the veterans that are injured feel strong. They all read Odyssey and they could bring memories from Vietnam, and they all related to him.They were showing that the veterans are different from Odysseus and how he was strong and it truth about life.

Anonymous said...

After listening to the audio, I thought about how he uses the Odyssey to help veterans. He uses Odysseys to give veterans something to relate to. In a way, the struggles and experiences of both veterans and Odysseus are similar.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey and the podcast relate in several ways. The stories that the VA worker tells the solder, can relate to the soldiers fight. The veterans have a safe place and are given the knowlage that what they are feeling has been felt for thousands of years, and they are not wrong for what they are feeling. They are thought that if they were diagnostic with ptsd this is not a disabling, but only in injury like a built wound that can heal over time.

Anonymous said...

The audio and the book, The Odyssey by Homer relate to each other and have many similarities. The Odyssey relates to this because they are talking about war and different opinions of war and how it can change someone, and Oddyseus is a veterantan. Oddyseus came across similar struggles and challenges as the soldiers.

Anonymous said...

When we listened to the audio clip, I was able to understand the guys journey and how much it is like the odyssey. The book Odyssey also relates to veterans journey and there challenges. All the veterans could relate to the odyssey. Odysseous has many challenges, Throughout there journey. Veterans face many challenges throughout the journey of life.

Anonymous said...

The Psychiatrist used the Odyssey and the Iliad to help him recover from a stroke, so he decided to use the same stories to help Veterans recover from Vietnam. He realized that the veterans all share similar griefs and losses, even back to Odysseus.

Anonymous said...

Audio guides me to believe that the Odyssey can help people that have past experienced ww2. This helps the soldiers together for their mental health and to help them forget the war memories. Since all the men's memories are identical, it helps them to connect more as a society. The Odyssey makes the soldiers feel safe and valued.

Anonymous said...

This audio tells veterans that in history, other people experienced what they went through as well and tells them that they aren't alone in what they are feeling. In addition, it tells them that it is okay to be scarred from war, because it is a natural thing and a true injury-just like if you were physically injured in war. By comparing the book and the audio, it also helps vets understand different opinions of war.

Anonymous said...

After listening to the Psychiatrists Counsels, I have realized how much change in mental state occurs after a war, and how much it can affect one's health. Odysseus was probably forever changed after his journey and battle do defeat the Cyclops, and this listening is real life examlples of that.

Unknown said...

The author of The Odyssey is similar to the character Odysseus like because they're both stubborn by wanting to be independent and wanting to do things on their own. The author could have made a choice to take a break from the book but he decided not, just like how Odysseus could of had help, but refused it. Furthermore, like the author, Odysseys didn't want the help or even the offer of it.
-Anna W

Anonymous said...

After listening to the Psychiatrists Counsels, I have realized how much change in mental state occurs after a war, and how much it can affect one's health. Odysseus was probably forever changed after his journey and battle do defeat the Cyclops, and this listening is the real life examples of that.

Anonymous said...

Although the Odyssey is an almost fantacitical idea of the great adventure Odysseus took to get home, it resonates with a lot of veterans seeking therapy, suggesting its ability to describe the pain that comes from battle and war. While listening to the “Psychiatrist Counsels Vets With Odyssey Audio”, the clip brought up the King, who wouldn’t listen to Odysseus and his reason for crying. None of civilians could understand the weight of Odysseus’s turmoils until (as Odysseus decides) he made them more appealing. So I think a lot of struggles veterans face, is their inability to be able to talk to someone because it seems people are more content with their own theories.