Friday, November 22, 2019

"The Odyssey" In Vase Art?

In viewing the following black and red figure vase art, Odyssey In Art; Odyssey In Art Part II, what do you notice about the artists' message concerning The Odyssey? What symbols, manifestations, heroic elements, and other ideas we discussed can you critique and comment upon. Your response is due during class on Wed., Dec. 11th.


Anonymous said...

From the pictures I was able to conclude that they are from ancient greece, and it shows greek gods, like Odysseus. In one of the images, I saw that Athena was wearing a gold helmet. A human would never be able to wear a helmet of gold. The Helmet helps symbolize that Athena is odysseus hero.

Anonymous said...

This vase art shows a lot about the Odyssey and it helps me understand a lot better because it puts some more visuals in my head about the book , which helps me be more interested In it and make it make more sense.

Anonymous said...

These art pieces portray the gods and show Odysseus’s hubris. It shows him trying to become a god within one vase. I have noticed in a lot of the vases the olive tree. The Olive tree represents Athena and her presence within his journey. Within one of the vases Odysseus is getting his feet washed. This reminds me of the last supper, and how Jesus had gotten his feet washed. This shows how people look up to Odysseus.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus is very stubborn and doesn't like to have help. He also really like to be independent.

Anonymous said...

Athena picks a human champian, she helps them out despite the odds. Odysseus was portrayed almost as a god, showing that he was a man who commanded the room with his presence. Athena was always portrayed with something with her symbols such as medusas snakes on her robes or her solid gold helmet held aloft with one hand. A good thing to have Athena championing you?

Anonymous said...

From the Vase art, you can see the stories that Odysseus has shared, for example, the battle with the suitors for his lover is on a vase, wine jugs, and mixing bowls. You can also see Athena, Odysseus is using his cleverness and heroicness with the paintings. Anthena stands between two figures and wears a helmet.

Anonymous said...

In one pice of art Aigisthos kills Agamemnon, Odysseus can be seen trying to cross over from the metal side, to the god side. In another pice Odyssey and Cerise, Odyssey can be seen trying to convince Cerise to turn his men from swine to men.

Anonymous said...

In the black vase, I notice that Odysseus is standing on the "mortal side" of the vase. Though if you look closely enough you can see that he looks to be fighting to get to the other side. In another vase you can see olive wood and Odysseus talking to Athena while she wears her godly gold helmet. In a lot of these vases Odysseus is portrayed as a hero more than anything else.

Anonymous said...

that Odysseus is Athena's champion, and that she has other elements in each vase. they all have a story connected to her and the odyssey

Anonymous said...

These pictures each portray a different and unique perspective of the story from the artist. It is a good way to show how to author portrays the story,

Anonymous said...

This shows Odysseus' journey and what happened throughout. The gods like Athena are portrayed on how they help Odysseus. It helps me have a better understanding of him.

Anonymous said...

The vases show that Odysseus is clever and heroic as he shows a figure of authority in the scenes. Athena is also included in a couple of the pictures, showing her love, affection, and admiration toward Odysseus as well as her power and high mind. The vases are mostly the scenes of Odysseus’ successes throughout his long journey.

Anonymous said...

The art shows different symbols and elements of The Odyssey. Odysseus is shown in different positions along with Athena showing their nature of heroism.

Anonymous said...

Athena loves to create champions out of mortal humans. Athena also wears a helmet of gold. No human can wear a helmet of gold because it is too heavy for a human to carry. On one of the vases, it shows Odysseus holding parts of an olive tree and Athena by his side. He prayed to her, asking for help and she blessed him with olive wood to help him out of the situation.

Julia Dunn

Anonymous said...

I feel as though Athena's great importance and connection to Odysseus is portrayed here. The two are quite different, however, both gods work to connect to the the deeper meaning of this art piece.

Unknown said...

the pictures were about greek mythology and gods. Athena was wearing a golden helmet that human wouldn't be able to hold.

Anonymous said...

The pictures help me visualize the book and understand the symbolism that Homer includes. For example, the gold helmet that Athena wears is too heavy for a human showing that Athena was Odysseus' hero throughout the book. In addition, there were some pictures of Athena showing love and compassion which was something that Odysseus' struggled with in the book.

Anonymous said...

The vases show some ideas that relate to the odyssey. For example, in a lot of the vases, there is an olive tree. Since the olive tree represents Athena, it shows that she was there with Odysseus. A lot of the vases and pieces of art show some parts that happened in the book.

Anonymous said...

After viewing the vase art, I noticed that art tells the story of the Odyssey in a way. Athena’s connection to Odysseus was portrayed through one of the vases. The olive trees represent Athena. The olive trees are seen on many vases, meaning that Athena was behind Odysseus on his journey. The pictures give a visual of the book.

Anonymous said...

Many of the vases tell a story of Odysseus' journey back to Ithaca after his battle at Troy. On one of the vases, Telemachos, the son of Odysseus is standing next to Penelope who is sitting by her loom. The significance of this was Penelope's will to keep the suiters at bay until Odysseus came home. During the day she would weave her tapestry promising when she was done she would marry. But at night she would unweave it to buy time. Along the journey of Odysseus', several times he wasn't entirely as faithful as Penelope, which says quite a bit about their relationship.

Anonymous said...

Athena was positioned violently striking. Each artist made sure to show each god/human's power. Athena was always positioned as powerful and god-like.