Friday, November 22, 2019

Cyclops: Text To Film In "The Odyssey?"

What subtle or overt differences did you notice regarding the Book IX The Odyssey reading and The Odyssey film clip of the Cyclops episode?  Explain, note, argue, quote, and defend.  Anything regarding the Heroic Code, Guest/Host Relationship, or hubris?  After watching the film clip, please respond during class.


Anonymous said...

The film is relatively similar to the book, but there are more men present in the film compared to the book's description of 12 men max. The film does show how gravely and gross the cyclops is, but the cyclops does take ages to drink the wine. Odysseus was not a good guest eating the cyclops food, though the cyclops weren't a very good host. The difference in the story vs the film is Odysseus calls himself nobody instead of noman, which is a rather odd thing but not uncommon? Are there different versions of how the story is translated. Why is the flute in the film? There wasn't a flute in the story, and in the film, the men didn't get tied to the sheep. The man only had the sheepskin thrown on to his back, unlike in the story when Odysseus tied his men to the sheep.

Anonymous said...

All adaptations of books in movies create discussion. Some main differences that can be noticed from the movie to the book are the magic in cranium, "Nobody" vs. "Noman", the number of men present, and some of the men run. In addition, there is flute music to help the Cyclops sleep and to mask the noise they are making and there is no other Cyclops there.

Anonymous said...

While watching the film and comparing it to the text “ The odyssey”, there is a few small details like the names of the people. For example, his name is no budy vs. no man. In the film, I was able to find out why the cyclops was mad, because the group of people were not good house guests, they came in and just took all of his food. In the book there was no mention of people playing flute music. Also in the film it seemed that there were way more that 12 people. Also in the film the man stated that there was magic in his brain to persuade the cyclops, from getting eaten.

Anonymous said...

Comparing The Odyssey to the film, there are several differences. There are a few small details that were changed, in the book Odysseus called himself "Noman" but in the film, he called himself "Nobody". Him and his men interact differently with the cyclops in the film. Odysseus try's to fascinate with cyclops by telling him that they holds magic in his mind. One of his men plays a flute while he drinks wine to memorize him into sleeping. While trying escape him and his men use a less proficient method, they try to run out, or they put sheep skin on their backs, unlike the story, where they hid under the sheep.

Anonymous said...

The movie clip from The Odyssey; the Cyclops, displayed both similarities and differences to the actual book by Homer. When Odysseus and his crew arrived at the home of the Cyclops, the conversation between the Cyclops and the men were not filled with fear and caution, but instead some rudeness and a tone of intrusion. The men also thought of tricking the Cyclops with a large bowl of wine faster, for their time spent in the cave was a lot shorter in the film compared to the couple days of thinking in the book. The men in the book took more concern and diligence to their escape plan, secretly attacking themselves to live stock instead of disguising themselves in the animals’ skins. More men were also killed in the novel, and the film included a flute player to keep the Cyclops, and the cyclops’ relatives did not come to help and find that “noman” had blinded him.

Anonymous said...

I kinda feel like the guest weren't very good guest. Only because they just walked into the cyclops home and just started taking things. And that's not a very good to go into someone's home and be a guest. Personally I've never done that unless its my best friend's house and she does the same with my house, and neither of us mind. But it's kinda different in the movie and book.

Anonymous said...

some of the differences are that there is more different lines and he says nobody instead of no man. The men also ran out and there were no other cyclops in the film. and they went very fast for getting out of the cave and they had a flute thing. less detail about the cave and sheep.

Anonymous said...

flute musicnumber,of men there was more then 12,menmagic in craninm,sheep skins vs.sheep,some men ran way ,in the text none-body did have maigc powers,A guy put the sheep skin on his back to past the cyclops,The men were dancing when the cyclops went to bed.

Anonymous said...

The differences between the book and the film is the number of men, and there's music in the film to set the setting and make the cyclops sleep. Additionally, some men run away. Noman calls himself “Nobody” in the film but in the book he is Noman. In the book I feel like Odesseys seems more heroic than he is portrayed in the film.

Anonymous said...

The Movie and the Book have many differences. The movie version of the Odyssey Odysseus tells the cyclops that he has magic in his head therefore he would consume his magic if he ate him. He is also known as Nobody in the movie, and Noman in the book. In the movie the lying, stabbing, and escaping all happen in one night, however in the book this takes place in a longer period. In the movie, the men just escape in a normal fashion, and in the book, the men strap themselves to the sheep and escape through that.

Anonymous said...

After watching the film and comparing it to the book The Odyssey, I noticed many details have changed or aren't included. To start, a name is changed from noman vs. nobody. In the film, the cyclops was very angry, this was because of the visitors where completely disrespectful and not good to his home. Lastly, the film the other cyclopses were not seen, but in the book, the cyclopes where present. Overall, the movie and book are very similar but definitely do have differences.

Anonymous said...

While watching the film I noticed a few differences from the film and the tex “Odyssey”t. One of them was when Odysseus say “nobody” instead of “no man.” There are also small details that change between the film one is the number of men, there seem to be more than 12 people, also flute music is being played and Odyssey says there's magic in his brain saying that he has secrets. Finally, there was a guy that put sheepskin on his back and in the text, it's only about Odyssey.

Anonymous said...

As with many film adaptations, there are many differences regarding The Odyssey film and Book IX The Odyssey. While tempting Polyphemus with wine, one of the men in the movie started playing the flute while the wine was being drunk. This was not a part in the book, nor was the flute playing while the Cyclops was asleep. After stabbing the Cyclops’s eye, rather than escaping with the sheep (as they did in the book) the men just ran out haphazardly around the giant. While these two examples aren't the most important details, they do change a little about Odysseus character. He seems more foolhardy and supercilious and less cunning as he was in the book.

Anonymous said...

In most cases, when there is a book with a movie version, the stories usually vary. In some examples, the stories are completely different or the characters are not the same. One example is the book Odyssey and the film version. In the book, the main character, Odysyis, refers to himself as “Noman” but in the film, he called himself “Nobody.” Something similar was that the characters were the same in both the book and the film.

Anonymous said...

In the movie, Odysseus claims that there is great magic inside him and he holds valuable secrets of the world, to prevent the cyclops from eating him. The book does not mention that. The book and the movie both incorporate the wine. Additionally, in the movie, Odysseus and his men create the spear to puncture the cyclops' eye, while in the book, he calls upon his wife Athena to provide him with something. Lastly, the men escape the cave in different ways. Both stories are very similar although, they each vary when it comes to escaping and defeating the cyclops.

-Julia Dunn

Unknown said...

The Odyssey and the film have several differences. There were some little things that were changed, like how Odysseus called himself "Noman" in the book, but in the video, he called himself "Nobody". He and his men act differently when they come by the cyclops in the video than they did in the book. Odysseus tries to make the cyclops think that he is very powerful by telling him that they holds magic in his mind. Then Odysseus tricks him when one of his men plays a flute while he drinks wine to memorize him into sleeping, then try to escape him by putting sheep skin on their backs. This is different from the book, where they hid under the sheep flock instead.

-Anna Walker

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

After watching the The Odyssey film clip, I noticed that there were some differences. In the film, Odysseus says his name is nobody, but in the book he says his name is no man. There are other differences, such as the flute music, the number of men, magic in cranium, sheepskins vs. sheep, and how some men run.

Anonymous said...

In this film, I noticed the movie and book, "Odyssey" are very different. For example, the characters are not the same, and the number of men change. Also in the film the other cyclopes were not seen, but in the book, the cyclopes where present.