Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Shall This Passs In "Anthem?"

How would This Too Shall Pass and White Knuckles by Okay Go violate the societal norms set forth by the councils in Anthem?  Looking beyond the obvious, how do the videos exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society?  Would Equality be pleased with Okay Go's performances, designs, and visions for their music and art?  Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response to prove your view(s). This blog response should be completed in class after we view the videos.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This video relates to Anthem because just to do something simple they find ways to do it in the most complex way, and they don't know what they're missing out on like in Anthem.

Anonymous said...

This Too Shall Pass and White Knuckles by Okay Go violates the social norms throughout the book Anthem because it overcomplicates a simple task by making elaborate and detailed series of inventions. This is the opposite of anthem, which prohibits any creativity, development, or thinking outside of the city’s box. This would bring Equality a lot of job and pleasure because he longs to build and create things, like the light bulb, by experimenting and combining new things to make something else. Art, music, design, performance, and innovation are all things that Equality searches for and aspects that the city is blocked out from.

Anonymous said...

Because it isn't simple as the society its to complex for the councilmen. They will disapprove in this complexity and they would rather a simple equal life. It would be to chaotic.

Anonymous said...

The council in Anthem is against individuality, and any form of creativity. However, this video goes against all of the council's beliefs; bright colors, music, and different from others are strictly forbidden in Anthem. Even the look and thoughts of this band are opposite of what the higher powers are for. Many of these videos remind me of Prometheous but to the extreme. For example, "Okay go" is different from most bands, and Prometheus is different from most citizens with his rebellion, therefore the two remind me of each other. Equality strives for creativity and freedom, and this band is an example of that. Rebellion from social norms are presented in both.

Anonymous said...

Prometheus would be amazed and inspired, it would violate every social norm because there are original and creative new ideas. Prometheus would be exited about the colors sounds and all of the action and the science. one take. to see a pet. they don't have pets in his society. they have creativity and individuality and they have something that separates them from others.

Unknown said...

Equality 752521 would like the first video because a lot of different parts of a system work together to make progress and move forward and create something new. This is the opposite from the city because the council prevents the city from working together to move forward with the economy illustrating that the city only does things to live for their brothers and love the same way they have been living forever. The second video shows everyone working together in order to move and create new objects/ structures. This video is very opposite from the council because the council prevents people from different equalities to work together in order to make something new like equality 72521 wants to happen.
-Anna Walker

Anonymous said...

In the video "This to shall pass" it showed creativity and the idea of imagination which was very different from Equality's society he would be crying about the videos after watching them because they represent everything he's been trying to learn about. In "White Knuckles" Equality would have been wondering what the dogs where and how they were obeying the men on the screen mostly wondering how they were doing all those tricks... even in awe about how Man managed to tame a "wild animal".

Anonymous said...

Everything is kind of in order in the video, and for what they need to happen to actually happen, things need to go perfect, which is kind of how the society works, they need everything to be perfect, not a single thing out of order. I think the videos are more chaotic then the society is, but I think they have the same general idea and concept, which is. that things need to be in order.

Anonymous said...

Equality would celebrate all of the individual parts that contributed to the end product. This would help him better understand how important an individual is and their importance. Equality also years for creativity and being able to create something new and different. Equality gets his first taste of something brand new fun and creative. For example, "We made it. We created it. We brought it forth from the night of the ages. We alone. Our hands. Our mind. Ours alone and only. We know not what we are saying. Our head is reeling. We look upon the light which we have made." he realizes the joy it brings him to create this light. This video would violate the rules of society because of their uniqueness and creativity.

-Julia Dunn

Anonymous said...

Equality goes against what is considered "normal" in a society and the band in the music video made a very different video than what is considered "normal" in society. I think Equality would like what message the band is trying to pass because he likes change. " I am. I think. I will" Equality says this because he learns to be an individual and this ties into the creativeness of the band expressing thier individuality.

Anonymous said...

The society found in Anthem is very strict in what it regards as a transgression and what is holy. In This Too Shall Pass the video shows a contraption made to get paint on the guys. However, they built a majorly long and elaborate way to complete the task. Similar things in the other video White Knuckles occurred by using creativity to have trained dogs to promote the music video. The constant themes of individuality and creativity would resonate with Equality because he desires to learn more and create things the society or himself may desire.

Anonymous said...

In these two videos, “This Too Shall Pass” and “Whitenuckles” by OK Go, the normalcy of many music videos and tasks are defined as they elaborate things with color and complexity. They do things that are unique and that most people would not think of. They create contraptions, use lots of color, use trained dogs to do things, and even sing music. In Anthem, none of this would be accepted. Creativity is a sin and doing things differently is not allowed. Things are done simply and all of the same. Unlike these video, things are expressed in a new and different way. Equality craves to do these things as he begins to go against the council and the society.

Anonymous said...

"We made it. We created it. We brought it forth from the night of the ages. We alone. Our hands. Our mind. Ours alone and only." Equality's creation of electricity put in him with a sense of his own power, which he clearly expresses here. For the first time, Equality feels what it’s like to create something of his own will. The repetition of the words, symbolizes the affirmation of his sense of individuality, a sense that will ultimately completely break him from society. Equality does not yet refer to himself, which creates a level of ridiculousness which Rand uses to expose what she sees as the intense degree to which collectivism suppresses the individual.

Anonymous said...

The videos by Okay Go violate the societal norms in Anthem because the videos demonstrate imagination, which is not seen in Anthem. In the society, the council blocks any type of creativity or individualism, but these are seen immensely in the videos. Equality yearns for individuality, imagination, and creativity, which is demonstrated in the videos.

Anonymous said...

Both of these videos go against the laws in the society of "Anthem" because these people were using objects from the unmentionable times that haven't came back in their society yet. As well as the fact that they were using both animals and humans in one project, and based off of the text it doesn't sound like animals have really been excepted in their society. Equality would be proud of all of this because they are being super creative with the supplies given. He would also be proud of this because this is a way that these artists express their individuality.

Anonymous said...

During This Too Shall Pass and White Knuckles by Okay Go doesn't show the society norms from the book Anthem because it detached an easy task to multiple inventions.Equality would be happy because it would bring him jobs, but he would get left out of the city and he wouldn’t know what to do.

Anonymous said...

These videos violate all social norms in Prometheus’s society. This would violate the norms of the council because the machine is complete chaos, this is because the council has control over everything. Where as this machine is so chaotic and there is little control. The machine also had such a simple task, but was so intricate and detailed to complete it. This was like prometheus’s journey to find new knowledge. This quotation explains how long prometheus's journey has been, “This my body and spirit, this is the end of my quest”(Rand, 94). He had such an intricate and complicated journey to find the truth of his society. These videos also show such imagination, this is what prometheus had been searching for. I believe if prometheus saw these videos he would fill with joy and be very happy at the sight of such imaginative creators.

Anonymous said...

These music videos are unique and different from most music videos. The go beyond the normal the normal idea of of a music video. This is like Prometheus in a way because, prometheus wants to be unique, and he is different from most people in the society. The videos, explain/ show the idea of creativity and individuality, and that is what prometheus is searching for his hole life. I think the Prometheus, would be joyful when he saw this video because, it would be new to him, it would give him more ideas on how to be an individual, and how to be unique.

Anonymous said...

The videos by Okay Go are unique from many other styles of music videos. The "Anthem" council would not be pleased because of the bright colors and different ideas, but Equality would. Equality wanted to be free and expressive, and the music videos are a fun way to do that. They go against what is considered "normal," and Equality would have enjoyed them.

Anonymous said...

This Too Shall Pass and White Knuckles by OkayGo violates the social norms in “Anthem” by Ayn Rand because the videos show an incredibly complex way to complete a simple task. The method used is very creative and one of a kind. In Anthem, the council wanted limited any creativity within the society. This would make Equality very happy because although he lives in a strict society of no individuality, he longs to invent, create, and improve.

Anonymous said...

These videos by "OkayGo" violate all social norms in Prometheus’s society because the videos demonstrate imagination, which is not seen in Anthem. This video would also go against all of the council's beliefs such as, music, and different from others are strictly forbidden in Anthem.

Anonymous said...

I think that Equality would find joy in these videos because they are being creative and expressing themself in simple ways. They are expressing their imagination and individuality in a new way that Equality has never seen.