Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Thinking About Poetry?

After viewing the spoken word poem Can I Auto-Correct Humanity, what are you thinking regarding the poem's message, tone, theme, and use of poetic devices? Please analyze and comment using specifics. This blog response is due during class today.


Anonymous said...

The message of the video is to convey the fact that technology is taking over humanity. People are becoming anti social because of being on screens too much. The tone of this video is frustrated and sad because our world is changing in a bad way.

Unknown said...

I think the "poem" he expressed was telling everyone that our phones and technology are keeping us from being face to face, and also keeping us from hanging out, developing social skills, and everything the we hide behind a phone. He rhymed a lot, which made it sound like he was reading us a poem he wrote and making it into a powerful speech. His speech really made me think about how it impacts everyone, and that we should spend less time on our devices.

-Anna Walker

Anonymous said...

Its a more free verse poem with a clear rhythm that prevents the word from stumbling. The rhyme scheme is loose but overall makes the poem sound better and punctuates certain words that truly matter in his message to the world about phones and social media. He repeated several words regarding phones, probably intentional in order to bring to light his point he wanted to make regarding social media.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the message of this spoken word poem is that cell phones and social media pull people apart from each other instead of bringing them together like a social platform should. It is causing people to talk less in person. Therefore the theme is to disconnect from your phone once in a while so that you can connect in real life.

Anonymous said...

this message is very strong and important he uses a lot of alliteration and rime scheme, it is a poem put into a rap. I think this message is very important especially today it doesn't apply to everyone but it is a bit cheesy while being super true. while we need technology to grow we need to use it wisely. it also says we cant auto-correct humans but we can do it ourselves,make the change.

Anonymous said...

After watching this video, I observe that poetic devices such as rhyme scheme and some alliteration were used. The tone of this poem seems to be sorrowful as well as determined. The poet's message is to enjoy moments and people without using technology, as it has been taking over our lives and causing us to lose touch with humanity among other things. This video definitely urged me to think about how I could better my life by limiting the use of technology.

Anonymous said...

He does a very good job at rhyming his words. He did have a very important message nut I am unsure if I agree or disagree with his opinion. But he did a very nice job at getting his opinion across and it really made me think about how often i talk to people in person and over text, whether im wit them or in person.

Anonymous said...

This poem has a tone about the bad effects of modern technology. It talks about how modern people have disconnected people from real human connection. He uses a rhyme scheme and it might be a free verse. He also makes his words flow together and the transitions are very fluid. This guy is saying that our generation is becoming more disconnected and have less connection. He is saying that our memories now are all on our phones, and we need to actually experience them and get the most out of life.

Anonymous said...

In this video, the guy is stating what he believes is true and is speaking his mind. This showed that poems don't always have to rhyme, but can be whatever you choose. This poem really made me think about how I use technology and this poem could be used to impact many people.

Anonymous said...

The poet consistently uses consonance/assonance throughout the poem, but it seemed unintentional (Cadence). The poem had a good flow by using rhyme and intentional pauses for dramatic effect (Caesura). The poet’s goal was to show how much society is sucked into the world of phones and how constantly using phones blocks us out from reality. He explains how we have made it normal to slack off and not care about what is around us or the value of conversation.

Anonymous said...

From the Video "Can We Auto-Correct Humanity," the message was saying that people are starting to lose interest in hanging out and always on phone. He talks about how we are becoming less who we are and having phones take over us. He seems confused and mad about how our world is like being destroyed with phones and were not communicating and using initialism and not talking in person.

Anonymous said...

I agree and disagree with the slam poem performed in the video. In the video he said that it could be considered "anti-social media". In some ways, I agree with this-I often find myself on my phone instead of spending time with my family or when my friends and I hang out, we often spend most of our time on our phones or having conversations about something on our phones. However, I have also met some of my closest friends on social media and I am not sure I would be as close to many of my friends without social media. I believe that if is up to each individual to personally decide whether social media is good or bad for them and their lives.

Anonymous said...

the poem, Can We Auto-Correct Humanity, uses alliteration and rhyming to make the message more interesting. the man's message is that we spend too much time on the phones, which is supposed to be bringing us together but in reality it seperates us. the average attention span of an adult is one second shorter than a goldfish. People measure their self worth because of the amount of likes and followers they have.

Anonymous said...

He uses alliteration and rhymes throughout the whole poem its like a rap almost. He tells us the social media is taking over and that it isn't social its anti-social. I agree with the statements that phones are ruining our social relationship. But the thing is we have nothing to do about it the government cant just take away every phone
that we have.

Anonymous said...

I think this poem is expressing the authors opintion on technology, how its' growing astronomically, and how people are losing social skills. He was trying to express that because of these destractions we are loosing friends, social skills, self confidence, and important life moments.

Anonymous said...

The guy in the video was speaking strongly on his beliefs in social media and screen time. Because everyday i get a notification on my phone that I spent this many amount of hours on my phone. That is hours of me life wasted. Because people are always on there phones, it makes it easy to communicate and people don't want to meet face to face anymore. I believe this to be true in older generations, but teens usually try to hang out with one another. The tone of this poem is sadness, this guy feels sad abut how people are now a days.

Unknown said...

I think the way he went about the message was fine, but it was a little overused. I'm not against phones, but I think that us using our phones too much really is a problem. The attention span point always gets me, but recently, it seems we have been pushing more for longer content, rather than short. There are many people who no longer can watch those short videos. Our attention span shortens, but there will always be something that can keep our attention. I believe phones can be a problem, but it is a problem that, like he said, with time it can be fixed.

Anonymous said...

The message of this poem is that all people care more about talking on the phone or on messages. Even on social media.Yet no one wants to go out and do stuff with there friends.All people care about is phones and people dont realize what they can say to people and how the affected them because the next day tht the will hug and forget about it cause all its on is social media or messeges.

Anonymous said...

The message, "Can I Auto-Correct Humanity" is describing how life has changed so much because of our devices. He describes the way that social media has changed our self-image and self -worth. He persuades us to put out phones down and focus on life as it is. His tone is sort of sad and gloomy, almost as if he is disappointed in the human race. He uses multiple rhyming schemes that stick in my brain after I finish the video.

-Julia Dunn

Anonymous said...

The message of this video is simply saying how the generation we live in is reliant and addicted to our screens and social media. He is suggesting we change our habits one by one in a very upset yet hopeful tone. I feel as though his "poetry" has a rhythm at some points in the video, as well as brief rhyming throughout. I somewhat agree with his opinion, however technology can be useful in some situations.

Anonymous said...

The poem "Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?" is very rhythm-based, but it does not go with a specific song. The message is very inspiring and brings ideas about today's modern society. It shows how people have changed and how socialization is viewed in a different way.

Anonymous said...

The poem, Can I Auto-Correct Humanity, was well written. The message is easily understood, and is powerful. The tone of his voice matches the tone of the poem. He seems mad, or annoyed that he even has to talk about it. The way he seemed sad when he said that his friend asked when he wanted to Skype instead of talking in real life. The rhyming and the intentional pauses in his presentation made the poem even better.

Anonymous said...

The message of this poem is meant to open the eyes of those who watch it and inform that that more people care about talking on the phone or on messages than meeting up in real life and having real conversations. This including social media. It shows how most people care about phones and social media that they forget to show their affection in real life. The one thing he said that stood out the most for me is that people don't realize that what they imply with their actions affects them and that you can't just ignore someone and choose your phone over them.

Anonymous said...

The spoken word poem talks about how our generation is addicted to the internet. Its message is to get people off of their phones and have face to face conversations. This poem illustrates how technology is changing humanity, possibly for the worse.

Anonymous said...

Just watching Can I Auto-Correct Humanity brings out a powerful mood. Not only does it use rhyme and assonance to create rhythm, but it uses visual to also bring out the message. During these inspirational speeches, many times the theme, the main message, is brought out in a crescendo emphasizing the point. The similes and metaphors used throughout the speech also bring out a new perception that is usually ignored or remain hidden. Just as the speaker says “While we may have big friend lists so many of us are friendless...” the play on words brings a different sense of reality.

Unknown said...

The poem is telling us about how our lives changed since all the technological devices came out. He wants us to focus on what is actually around us instead of social medias. He also mentioned that even though we may have a big list of friends many of us are friendless. I think the main point of the poem is to talk about how our generation is addicted to the internet.
Amelia Obrycka