Friday, April 12, 2013

"Pyramus and Thisbe vs. Romeo and Juliet?"

How does Pyramus and Thisbe connect with Romeo and Juliet?  What do you notice about the message of the myth?  Other thoughts?  Please complete during class today.


Anonymous said...

The story of Pyramus and Thisbe is so much like Romeo and Juliet because the two are forbidden to marry, yet they love eachother very deeply. However in the end, the male thinks his lover is dead, so he kills himself, but then she comes back, realizes what has happened, and kills herself. Therefore, they are very, very similar.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet connect with Pyramus and Thisbe by how they weren't allowed to love each other but they did anyway. Also on how they both killed themselves because they love each other and never wanted to be separated. I think the message means that go with what you believe in and if you don't believe what other people are saying stick up for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connect with Romeo and Juliet because of their love. It's strong and they wont let anyone or anything come in between them. I noticed about the message of myth that most "loves" don't act like it. I think that if you liked the little part we read you would like Romeo and Juliet cause they are similar and both about love.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connects with Romeo and Juliet in many ways. The main one I noticed would definitely be the fact that in Romeo and Juliet Romeo think Juliet is dead so he kills himself, when in reality she is not. And when she finds Romeo dead she kills herself so they cannot be parted by death. In Pyramus and Thisbe the same things happens. Pyramus thinks Thisbe is dead so he kills himself, and when Thisbe comes and finds him dying, she kills herself so they can be together. These two concepts are almost exactly the same, which is one of the biggest connections between the two. The message that comes from both of these stories is basically love never dies. If you truly love someone, death won't even part you from your other.

Anonymous said...

"Pyramus and Thisbe" is a very similar story to "Romeo and Juliet", because both lovers were forbidden and ended in death. Pyramus and Thisbe were very much in love but were not allowed to see each other. Romeo and Juliet's parents did not approve with each other as well. In both stories the love was so strong that they died to be together. In the myth Pyramus and Thisbe it says, "the gods were pitiful at the end, and the lovers' parents too. The deep red fruit of the mulberry is the everlasting memorial of these true lovers, and one urn holds the ashes of the two whom not even death could part." Both couples' love was so strong that they would rather die than not live with their soul mate. In the end of both myths, the lovers were together in the next life.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connect with Romeo and Juliet in several ways. One way is the love in general of the story. In both stories, the love between the couple is forbidden but they are both persistent to make their love work. Another connection between the two stories is the way the love ends in life but lives on in death. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo believes Juliet is dead so he commits suicide, then, Juliet not being dead finds Romeo dead and commits suicide herself. The story is the same in Pyramus and Thisbe. The message of myth is clear. To me, the message of the myth is that love lives on after death with your "true partner".

Anonymous said...

In Pyramus and Thisbe the two characters could not get married because their parents forbid it. From what I know of the Romeo and Juliet story, they seem to have almost the exact ideas. The message of the myth I think is that love will pursue regardless of situations. I have always enjoyed mythology so if Romeo and Juliet is similar to the theme of mythology than I feel like I will enjoy this unit overall.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connect with Romeo and Juliet because they are both love stories from a long time ago. They are both forbidden to marry. And they both think their lovers are dead. Therefore both stories are very similar.

Anonymous said...

The tale of Pyramus and Thisbe relates to Romeo and Juliet in showing how love is a powerful force. It is shown in the ending with the theme of the man believing the woman is dead and he is so sad that he kills himself but then girl finds him and is so sad she kills himself too which occurs in both stories.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connect with Romeo and Juliet because they all encounter fate and love each other with all their heart. They couples are also forbidden to marry. At the end of their stories, the man thinks his lover is dead and kills himself so he can be with her; yet she is still alive and finds out what had happened to him and kills herself to finally be with him. Pyramus and Thisbe's story relates very well with the story of Romeo and Juliet.

Anonymous said...

I think that Pyramus and Thisbe are similar to Romeo and Juliet because both stories talk about and explain, their deep love for one another and the sacrifices that each is willing to do for one another. Each story demonstrates mis-communication, passion, commitment, war, and pain. In Pyramus and Thisbe, their love for eachother is demonstrated through pain, they love eachother so much that one is willing to sacrifice their life for one another. The couple proves wrong that look down upon their love for they will stay together through whatever and fight for each. "Not even death could do them part," the story states. The couple fought for eachother and loved eachother so much that they were willing to die for one another, willing to make the sacrifices to prove their love. This is the same and very similar to Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet love one another so much that nobody can tear them apart. No opinion, no one could make them love one another any less than they already do. It is amazing and seems so unreal that one could love someone so much that they are willing to give up their life and many other things to prove their love. In both stories/novels, the couple has infinite love for one another. It is remarkable that two individuals can show so much passion and commitment for another person. The message of the myth I think is that love is unstoppable, no matter how hard one may try to stop love, if it is as strong as Romeo and Juliet's love and Pyramus and Thisbe's then it is unstoppable and will go one forever.

Anonymous said...

The story of Pyramus and Thisbe is like Romeo and Juliet in many ways. There are to tweens very much in love but forbidden to marry because of their rivalries between their families. Yet this does not stop them. They find time to meet with each other behind their families back. In the end the male kills himself. The female comes backs back and realizes what he has done and kills herself as well.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connect with Romeo and Juliet because the two lovers have a forbidden love that began when they were young. Like in Romeo and Juliet, Romeo decides it would be a good idea to kill himself after he finds out that Juliet has "died", just so he can be with her. So when Juliet finds out that her love has committed suicide, she decides to kill herself as well, so that she can be with Romeo wherever there love takes them. In the small myth of Pyramus and Thisbe, it is the same plot, but it is just a little shorter and doesn't have all the detail. In the end, both couples had a love that would last forever. Not even a family hatred towards the other family could take them different ways. Like the vows that man and wife say at their wedding, "til death do us part", that is what both couples show in the writing. "Love, however cannot be forbidden," (page 101). This just shows the whole theme of every love or romance plot. When you truly do love someone, you are going to fight for them, no matter what. Because in the end, all you want for the person you love is for them to be happy.

Anonymous said...

The myth relates to Romeo and Juliet because it is about two people that aren't supposed to be in love but are and then with out communication they get confused by thinking that there partner is dead and they aren't and both of the stories ended in both of the couples dying.

Anonymous said...

Pryamus and Thisbe connects to Romeo and Juliet by the idea of forbidden love and that love can not be separated. The both are tragedies due to love and being forbidden to be together by their parents. In both stories the thought that the one they loved has died caused both character’s to kill themselves, because of the love they had for each other. They would not allow death to separate them, “Only death would have had the power to separate us. It shall not have the power now.”(page-103)

Anonymous said...

In Pyramus and Thisbe and Romeo and Juliet both go through a lot of pain. In Pyramus and Thisbe, Pyramus believes that his true love Thisbe has passed away even though she has not passed. When Pyramus found out about this he committed suicide, once Thisbe found him, she too killed by Pyramus. The same thing happened in Romeo and Juliet, so the theme of both of these stories is don't take action from something you hear until you can prove that it is true. Love is a very delicate thing to hold so always be careful when dealing with it.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe is similar to Romeo and Juliet because they both have this never ending love that can never be destroyed. " can always find a way." So in the end where Pyramus and Thisbe go to met each other, Pyramus thinks his love is dead when he sees the cloak of Thisbe torn and stained with blood. Once he sees this he thinks it is his fault that she died and so he killed himself, because he can't live without her. But then it turns out his love is alive and she kills herself because "Only death would have had the power to separate us. It shall not have that power now." This ending is exactly like what happened to Romeo and Juliet because one pretended to be dead to be with the other forever but then the other loved one didn't know, so he killed himself. Then after he died, Juliet woke up and killed herself to be with him forever.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe connects with Romeo and Juliet because they have a very similar plot. These two people grow up next to each other and end up falling in love, but it is forbidden for them by their parents, so they must keep it a secret. Also, in both stories there is confusion between the characters, causing them to kill themselves in the thought that their lover is dead. The message of this myth is that with love comes sacrifice, and I find it interesting how both stories refer to the same message, and how in Pyramus and Thisbe, the author creates a symbol for their love by turning the Mulberry bush berries red.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe and Romeo and Juliet both have a strong message of everlasting love. Thisbe rushed over to Pyramus’ side when he had stabbed himself to death. “Only death can have the power to separate us.” While I have not read the Romeo and Juliet text, I know that it sends the same message.

This text also reminds me a little bit of the book New Moon from the Twilight saga. When Edward left Bella, she became severely depressed without him. She attempted to jump off a cliff and rumor went out that she had died. Edward soon came back to her,and they both realized that their love was too strong to keep them apart.

Anonymous said...

Pyramus and Thisbe contrast with Romeo and Juliet because in both stories they both have a strong out put for showing strong love and bondage. They also have the same story plot where one character thinks the other is dead and must join them in the afterlife to always be together. The whole message that I got between these two stories were that with love, there will always be a negative result. Either of broken hearts or even death in this case. No matter what though, they can't be separated and must always be together in both stories.