Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fate And Love?

So far through Act II.iii in Romeo And Juliet, what is your assessment of fate and love regarding the characters Romeo and Juliet? Please respond during class today.


Anonymous said...

My assessment of fate and love regarding the characters is that no matter who comes in your way no one is that important to disturb your love for another person. Even though their families are rivals it doesn't block them from marrying and being with the true love of your life.

Anonymous said...

Through out Romeo and Juliet so far the themes of fate and love have been represented in several way such as Romeo and Juliet meeting by chance at a masked ball and then later finding out that their families are rivaling. Romeo and Juliet still pursue a relationship and claim that they love each other even though they have only known each other for a short time which shows the theme of love at first sight.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet were pretty much meant to be, like they're called "star-crossed lovers." If they hadn't made eye contact, they wouldn't have met and Juliet would have been left to marry Paris and Romeo would have been left to be heartbroken. I believe everything happens for a reason, and even the tiniest things effect a major outcome.

Anonymous said...

During Act ll.iii in Romeo and Juliet my opinion is that their love was fate. It hasn't even been a full day and they bare already talking about getting married so i think it is fate that they met and fell in love but i also think that they could be a little crazy cause they are like going over board and rushing everything.

Anonymous said...

With Romeo and Juliet, it kind of seems like fate that they met at the party and they fell in love. It's also kind of fate that they fell in love and they are from different family's that don't like each other. Also they just met each other and they are getting married in a day. It just seems kind of unrealistic, but if they didn't get married that day, Juliet would have had to marry Paris. I think that is also fate working again.

Anonymous said...

To me fate and love is happening with Romeo and Juliet because Romeo before was falling out of love and found Juliet and was in love, I believe that fate brought them together because Juliet was going to be forced to marry Paris when it wasn't who she was truly excited about. Fate brought Romeo and Juliet together and they fall in love right away which is what they were looking for but it is going to be a struggle because of the conflict between the two families but I don't think that will stop either of them for loving each other.

Anonymous said...

I think that Romeo and Juliet demonstrate fate. Romeo was in love with Rosaline and was crying over her but then once he saw Juliet, that all changed. Their love is fateful. The definition of fate is, that which is inevitably predetermined; destiny. Romeo and Juliet's love is fateful because they met each other and they know that they should not be together because of the fact that the Montague's are the Capulet's enemy but they also know that they are destined to be together and it was their fate to meet each other and fall in love. Love is fateful but Fate may not end in love.

Anonymous said...

I believe that it was fate that Romeo and Juliet met at the dance. It was love that brought them together behind the pole so that they could talk and end up kissing. Although they are from different families that hate each other I believe that it could have been predicted because if they are around the same age they will want to do what their parents tell them not to do, so by fate they would have met and fallen into love with one an other

Anonymous said...

In Romeo and Juliet fate and love is a big element in the story because if Romeo didn't know how to read he wouldn't have found out Rosaline was going to be at the Capulet's party and then Romeo would have never met Juliet proving that fate was an important part of this story and love is shown through Romeo making an effort of being with her by climbing over the garden to see her.

Anonymous said...

Through out Romeo and Juliet so far the theme of fate and love have been represented in several ways such as Romeo and Juliet meeting at the masked ball and falling in love and wanting to get married the next day. After that masked ball romeo goes out and starts talking to himself about Juliet. Juliet does the same this is when they both decided to get married the next day. These are just some examples of love and fate regarding Romeo and Juliet.

Anonymous said...

In the play, Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet fall in love the moment they laid eyes on eachother. They did not have anything before the ball, and they probably wouldn't have met if one of them didn't go to the party. Fate plays a huge part in people falling in love and played a big part with Romeo and Juliet. If Romeo hadn't gone to the ball, he would have gone on with his life not knowing there was a girl like Juliet. Fate brought them together and started the course of their short sweet life. Fate plays in all love and friendships.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet found each other and they fell in love. If they wouldn't have met by fate then they wouldn't experience the love they do now. Fate is what made their love so alive and so strong that without it there would be no point to the story. Even though their families hate each other they don't let their love die because they know they were meant to be with each other no matter what happens or who tries to stop it.

Anonymous said...

Fate is proven through Romeo and Juliet because they met one night and plan to be married the next day. When they had nothing, they found each other. So obviously, fate was in their favor that night. Love is demonstrated not by the actions but by the words of affirmation they speak towards each other. Love is also shown because they are willing to run away together and leave their childhood and family behind.

Anonymous said...

My assessment of fate and love in Romeo and Juliet has many different sides. I feel that the love that Romeo and Juliet share is heartfelt and true, but it really comes down to analyzing what happened before Romeo and Juliet met. Before Romeo met Juliet he was madly in love with a woman named Rosaline, and he sulks about her and complains. Through fate he and his friends end up going to a party held by the Capulets, and even more they are from the rival family. At this point Romeo still sulks for Rosaline's love, and at the party spots her. I feel that he grows envious for her, and in the moment spots Juliet. It really seems more like jealousy in this sense than love at first sight. I say this because in the moment of him spotting Rosaline and Juliet, he takes immediate action to seduce Juliet. It seems more like he is trying to "replace" Rosaline with Juliet, and maybe win love from her. The fate and sequence of events in Romeo and Juliet are so coincidental that it seems so planned. Even though Romeo and Juliet share love for each other, it just seems to sudden.

Anonymous said...

My assessment of fate and love regarding Romeo and Juliet is that it is very impulsive. Romeo and Juliet have only know each other for a short amount of time and think that they are in love and it was fate that they met. I think this is very sudden. Romeo and Juliet may be in love but no one really knows if it was fate. It was a unique situation that they met fell in love. They could have not met, but they did so maybe it was fate.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet fell in love very easily, with little or no, connection to each other personally, they didn't really get a chance to get to know each other and to make a connection, and to establish having anything in common. Romeo and Juliet haven't had an opportunity to interact, to spend time with one another, to grow memories with one another, to laugh, cry and talk with one another. Nothing but a few short interactions and beautiful words spoken to one another and they are already in love. This to me resembles fate because they haven't had a chance to love each other for who they are. It was love at first sight, so far Romeo and Juliet have fallen in love based on a few simple words, and an appearance, this to me is fate because they are already going to marry, it was fate that she was at the dance and that they spoke enough to fall in love.

Anonymous said...

Through Romeo and Juliet fate has had much effect on what happens between the main characters. Fate brought them together that night at the ball, and then they fell in love. After that, they made their own decisions that led them to fall deeper in love. I believe that it was also fate that made them to be "starcrossed lovers", and that there was really almost nothing they could do about it, unless they would tell their parents. Fate seems to be a big factor in this play and somewhat of a theme that reoccurs throughout it.

Anonymous said...

"Romeo and Juliet" seems to be formed by fate but I do not believe that they should get married so soon. They need time to get to know one another, not just a few hours. Then there is the fact that Romeo completely forgot about Rosalind, like he never cried over her proclaiming how in love he was with her. Also, in today everyday life, people think they are in love and get married. But the next thing you know, they hate each other and are divorced. So why would this situation be any different? I think to find true love you have to take the time to get to know someone fully, and then get married. This process should not be brash but slow and easy, maybe even take two or three years to finally decide to get married.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion Romeo and Juliet met by fate. Romeo came to the mask ball by fate to meet his true love. It was fate for them to meet behind the pole at the dance and up kissing. Even though there is a big rivalry between the Montague's and Capulet's, it was fate for them to meet and fall in love. I believe that everything leading up in the story, Romeo having his heart broken, and Julets parents wanting her to marry Paris, is all fate for Romeo and Juliet to fall in love and get married.

Anonymous said...

In this story Romeo and Juliet's love was fate, Romeo's want to see Rosaline at the ball brought the two of them together. Romeo talking to Juliet even though he did not know who she was, was fate also. Even though their families hated each other, it could not stop their love. This story is basically about how it was fate that brought the two together.

Anonymous said...

Fate and love are obviously two very strong themes within the play. Even back in Act I ii, if the Servingman could read, Romeo and his friend would never go to the Capulet's party, then the name Juliet would mean nothing to Romeo. The Servingman is the most important character in the play, without him there wouldn't be a story. Fate and love go hand in hand, oftentimes it's fate that one goes to an event, but more importantly, once at the event one may meet another. Typically, a person doesn't go to an event to meet their soul mate, but it happens: it's fate. Fate is so important to the development of the play. Yet, love is what binds the play and brings it all together. Fate and love are themes of the play.

Anonymous said...

So far through Act II. in Romeo & Juliet, they have encountered fate many times. They met each other because Romeo first loved Rosaline and went to the masquerade to see her yet fate brought Romeo and Juliet together. Once they laid eyes on each other, it was love at first sight. Love is demonstrated through their willingness to elope and be together.

Anonymous said...

Fate and love are very prominent in this novel. I think that fate and love are purposely worked into the novel to show the true love connection between Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet have only just met and now they are about to get married. Also, Romeo going to the ball shows the importance of fate. He originally wanted to attend because Rosaline was going to be there. Since this is where he met and made a connection with Juliet, it is another example of how fate and love are important pieces of this novel.

Anonymous said...

My assessment of Romeo and Juliet is that their love is too care-free. Romeo has only met Juliet one time and he already wants to marry her. This shows that nothing can get in the way of their love. Love plays a big role in this book. Also does fate, Romeo went to the ball to meet Rosaline but then he meets Juliet. Another coincident is that she is the daughter of a Capulet; the enemy of the Montague's
This showed that fate and love are linked. Without one, the other can not happen.