Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Romeo And Juliet" Socratic?

Based upon our Romeo and Juliet Reader's Logs and Socratic conversation today, what seemed to be most important regarding Romeo and Juliet through Act III? Please respond to this blog post during class today.


Anonymous said...

I believe that Mercutio and Tybalt both dying was the very important and set the scene for the rest of the tragedy to come. In Romeo and Juliet, it seems that everything is going well, even starting to work out between the Montagues and the Capulets that is, as much as it can. With the marriage in Act 2, and all the love and friendship exchanged, it seems that all is going well for the two families. But in Act 3 when Mercutio and Tybalt both die, it definitely takes the story for a turn of the worst. Mercutio dies from the sword of Tybalt, and Tybalt dies from the sword of Romeo. This is going to set the scene for many hardships to come. It is very important to keep this event in mind, for it truly shows the anger between the two families, the hatred of even this feud, and the pain that comes with Shakespeare's tragedy. If examined more and studied, the reader and/or audience sees that Tybalt didn't truly mean to kill Mercutio. It was partially an accident, but instead of acknowledging the fact that he has fatally injured Mercutio, he flees from the scene. When Romeo realizes what has happened, he becomes filled with anger and chases after Tybalt. Arguments and fights arise, and in the final moments Tybalt is killed with a stab to the heart. This sets the scene for what is to come, and all the events that will follow this action Romeo has taken.

Anonymous said...

The most important thing in Romeo and Juliet in Act 3 is how they are having a hard time trying to hid their love from the people they love. And they also have a hard time trying to understand their differences also.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Romeo and Juliet I believe that the masquerade has been the most important thing throughout the play. This was where Romeo got over Juliet, Juliet had her first love and Romeo fell in love with her, and was really the biggest part of the rising action. Also, I think that Nurse is a really important part of the play, because even though she may seem insignificant, she really helps bond Romeo and Juliet because she delivers their messages and things like that. She helps them to be together, but still keeps it a secret.

Anonymous said...

In Act III of Romeo and Juliet, marriage was very different back then than it is now. In the time of Romeo and Juliet, marriage was arranged at a very young age. It was very common for people to get married at the age of fourteen. Today, couples can['t get married until they are at least 21. Fate brought them together in Act I and II, and they are very much in love eventhough they are only in their teens. Getting married secretly was very frowned apon but they are so blinded by love that they do not care. The Friar is only wedding them because he is hoping that the marriage will end the feud between the families. This limited time makes the characters rush and make things end up in a negative way. The hatred of the families really define the fate of some of the people involved in the play. The most important part of the play right now is the marriage and the conciquences it comes with.

Anonymous said...

What seemed to be most important regarding Romeo and Juliet is their fate because they found each other at the party by fate. They love each other and they did when they first met. Also the most important part in Act III was when Romeo killed Juliet's cousin and he was banished. She was sad at first for her cousin but then she was more sad for the banishment of Romeo. She still would do anything to see him.

Anonymous said...

What i thought would be most important regarding Romeo and Juliet through act 3 would b e fate because without the fate that these two have there would be no love between the two. Fate has brought Romeo and Juliet together and the love between them.

Anonymous said...

The thing that seemed to be most important regarding Romeo and Juliet through Act III is the fate. How before she was supposed to leave to go get married to another person they meet and fall in love. It was a sign that Juliet shouldn't go and get married if she wasn't sure about the love she is feeling. How crazy is it that at that dinner Romeo and Juliet just some how get together and spend that time together.

Anonymous said...

What seemed to be the most important part out of act three was why Mercutio hated Tybalt so much. He was a good friend to Romeo but because of him being reckless then dying, Romeo went and killed Tybalt. Thus, the king forced Romeo to either stay and die in Verona or leave forever. The killing of Tybalt changed many things. Romeo and Juliet couldn't marry as easily anymore.

Anonymous said...

In Act 3, the most important thing in Romeo and Juliet should be their love and getting away from all of the people that would hate their marriage. However, Romeo probably should have not killed Tybalt, but it is understandable since he killed Mercutio, although, that was Romeo's fault because he was trying to stop it. Romeo should have just let them have their fun. Now, the married pair just needs to run away.

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing regarding Romeo and Juliet in Act III, is the amount of time that it has taken Romeo and Juliet to fall in love with each other. In the amount of time it took to read and discuss 3 Acts, Romeo and Juliet have known each other under 2 days. It has taken Romeo and Juliet not even 2 days to fall in love. In most cases, love is a process, love is something that can be dangerous if rushed into. More heartbreaks come out of love that isn't patient. Love that is rushed into and not taken slow. Romeo and Juliet are going to wed after not even 2 days of knowing each other. I think that this is the most important part of Act III, because it is so risky, and surprising because of how much Romeo and Juliet care about each other without really knowing one another.

Anonymous said...

There are several things that are important regarding Romeo and Juliet through Act III. One thing is that the love between Romeo and Juliet differs from anyone else, such as Romeo and Rosaline. It differs because Romeo's love for Rosaline wasn't true love. If it were, he would not have been able to get over her as quickly as he did. His love for Juliet is different because it is true love. He truly loves her and you can tell because of the fact that he marries her the day after they meet each other. Juliet goes against her parents wish of an arranged marriage and marries Romeo. Another important thing is how fate brought Romeo and Juliet together. If it were not for Romeo going to the party, he would have never met Juliet and they would have never fallen in love. Romeo would still be dwelling over Rosaline. It was their fate to meet each other and fall in love and get married.

Anonymous said...

Some really important stuff that regarded Romeo and Juliet through Act III today, is that marriage was a different concept back then, love wasn't the main priority in a marriage, and it is astonishing to see how quickly Romeo fell out of love with Rosaline and fell into love with Juliet. Back in the fourteenth century, marriage was regarded as something that brought two people who have never meet and they marry for money because it was financially better for the two families. It also meant that men would marry younger girls, like teens. So in a way, it is kind of like the older men in their thirties are lusting after younger girls. This is not as common for 30 year old men to run after 14 year old girls, in this time of day, but it's because of the way society has evolved and changed in numerous ways. It's morally unacceptable, due to how many men have become creepers and preying on young girls. In Romeo and Juliet's time, love wasn't really a priority in marriage. I guess it would be by luck that the two people would fall in love after time passed. As the play plays out, it is really interesting to see how Romeo claimed to be so in love with Rosaline and then once he laid eyes on Juliet, he instantly fell out of love with Rosaline and imeaditatley fell in love with Juliet.

Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing about Romeo and Juliet is fate. If fate was eliminated Romeo and Juliet wouldn't even know each other. But, another huge topic or theme is definitely the customs of life back in those days. I think over all the customs as well as fate are so important in Act III and in the whole play.

Anonymous said...

In Romeo and Juliet the most important thing is that rate brought them together by Romeo going to the ball and falling in love right when he saw her and they end up getting married after knowing each other for 2 days it shows how marriage is different now because when they get married the girls are so much younger and the boys are way older and it is mostly for the money not really the love. Romeo and Juliet went off and got married without anyone knowing because of the conflicts before their parents, for Romeo and Juliet their marriage is all about love not money and wanting to be together but going through a struggle because of the family issues.

Anonymous said...

Based on our class work with Romeo and Juliet, what seemed to be the most important regarding Romeo and Juliet through Act III was the masquerade ball at the Capulet's home. This is important because if Romeo didn't go to the masquerade then we would have never met Juliet and they never would have fallen in love with each other and gotten married. There were also two characters that were really important to Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio and the nurse. They were both in on their marage and knew about what was happening between them though out the story.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the hardest thing in act 3 about Romeo and Juliet is that they are trying to hide their love for one another. They got married the day after they met, they were both ecstatic but really couldn't tell anyone because of the family feuds. They knew if they did it would only cause more problems between the families.

Anonymous said...

Fate would be most important regarding Romeo and Juliet because if fate wasn't a big part of this play they wouldn't have met and they wouldn't have fallen in love. Fate also played a big part in all of the bad things happening like Mercutio dying and Tybalt dying.

Anonymous said...

In Act 3 in Romeo and Juliet the most important thing is the speed of how fast they fall in love. Something like this most likely would happen today even if someone claims that it was love at first sight. Another thing that is important through out the act is how much the families are rivaling still because they do not know that Romeo and Juliet are married and Mercutio and Tybalt are killed.

Anonymous said...

The most important regard of Romeo and Juliet through act III is that tybalt kills romeo's friend Mercutio. after that romeo kills tybalt. Which effects both family when Juliet finds out. Juliet and Romeo get married that day. romeo's friends mess with the nurse. Romeo and Juliet have a balcony scene which is portrayed.

Anonymous said...

The time shortage that the story creates is something that is important in the story. When Romeo killed Tybalt he was banished by the Prince. Now Romeo has to leave Juliet causing distress. Time is also a big problem because Juliet has to marry Paris very soon, so action has to take place before that happens. Juliet's love is so strong for Romeo she comes up with a plan so they could be together. Also because marriage was so different back then it causes conflict between the relationships in the story. Romeo and Juliet rushed the marriage which later causes problems. Also the idea that the parents pick your husband or wife causes the problem of having to marry someone they don't love. These are important ideas in this Act.

Anonymous said...

The most important thing we talked about today regarding Romeo and Juliet would be how they met and rushed through this. They found each other and completely fall for each other like love at first sight. Then the next day they get married and Romeo ruins it all by being banished since he killed Juliet’s cousin. People even today ruin relationships by jumping into marriage like a crazy person, which is probably why there is so many divorces. Two people met and instantly fall in love then get married and divorce the next year or sometimes within the same week. Marriage is not suppose to go that way, it is suppose to be a gift from God. It is a serious matter not something you just go with. You have to make the promise of being forever faithful to your husband and wife and you have to care for them when they are sick and in need. Everyday, you must be there and take care of them and most of all, support them and have complete trust in them. I highly doubt that Romeo and Juliet could actually agree that they would do all these things. To love someone is hard but sticking with them throughout your whole life on earth is harder. You will hit obstacles and mountains that seem will never blow down. So when you see a couple that is old and gray yet they still laugh and have fun then they have truly found their true love. I wonder if Romeo and Juliet have even thought about all those commitments.

Anonymous said...

The most important theme regarding Act III seems to be fate and destiny of the two young lovers. In class, we discussed how Romeo and Juliet met through fate (Romeo went to the masked ball to find Rosaline, but found Juliet instead). Destiny comes in as well because we learned in class that rich men were chosen (by a parent or other party) to marry young girls. Romeo and Juliet were not chosen for each other, they fell in love instantly. Also, I think love and destiny come in again because of Rosaline. Rosaline and Romeo were ideally supposed to be together, but Romeo and Juliet were meant to be together. The love connection is prominently displayed due to the short time period. Their love doesn’t develop over time, it come together in less than 48 hours.

Anonymous said...

The most important thing about Romeo & Juliet in Act III, is the marriage was very different in their time period than it is now. Romeo & Juliet were married at a young age, the male being quite a lot older than the female. The parents chose who their daughter or son would marry; Juliet was to be married to Paris. Yet, the fate in Act I and II brought Romeo & Juliet together, they fell instantly in love and wish to be married instantly. Friar Lawrence is to wed them secretly because he believes it could possibly end the feud between the Capulets and Montagues. Neither Romeo or Juliet know what consequences they will receive because of their marriage, but they do not care because they are completely in love. If their families find out about their marriage, they will all disagree and frown upon it.

Anonymous said...

In act III, I think the most important thing to Romeo and Juliet was staying in love and standing by each others side even though Romeo killed Tybalt. It was difficult for Juliet because she was friends and family with Tybalt but she sided with her husband because she knows that he did it for his own friend. It seemed like everything was going to work out, but after the two deaths, it was extremely important for Romeo and Juliet to be together no matter what.