Friday, March 22, 2013

Writing Thoughts?

1.  Regarding your Problem/Solution Paper, what did you specifically address or revise more than anything else to create a complete and final copy by April 3rd?

2.  How did you incorporate ethos, pathos, and logos within your paper?  Please explain.

3.  Based upon the entire Problem/Solution paper experience, what specific writing approach and instruction will you apply to the next writing you complete?  Please explain.


Anonymous said...

1.) I addressed the final paper more than any other part of the assignment because it was the most important part to get my thoughts across and share my opinion.

2.) I used pathos the most because I used a lot of feeling in my writing to make my audience have sympathy for the kids who commit suicide. I also used logos and ethos with my statistics and quotes.

3.) I am going to try to make my thesis statements as strong as the one I have in my problem/ solution essay. I am also going to try to argue my point the best I can with quotes and statistics.

Anonymous said...

1. I Addressed that warming up before practice is important to prevent any injuries in teen athletes. Teen athletes sometime stretch but don't stretch that much which makes it a higher risk for them to get injured much easier.
2. I don't really feel like I incorporate ethos,pathos,or logos within my paper. I put some pathos in my paper but not in the way that i did during the article one with these.
3.I will apply planning my time better and planning the paper better for next time.planning my time better next time will help me get my paper done quicker and make it better. planning my paper in an outline and actually applying that will help me with my paper being successful next time.

Anonymous said...

1. Regarding my Problem/Solution paper, the things I specifically addressed or revised were the hook of my paper, thesis, and supporting paragraphs. I made sure to put extra time into these features of my paper because from personal experience of reading other articles, I know that these were the key factors that made me decide whether or not I wanted to continue reading the paper.
2. I used emotional connections in my hook and intro because it causes the audience to feel emotion and sadness when I describe my argument against animal abuse. When I talk about being on a farm as a child and taking care of animals, it is stronger then not telling a story.
3. The next writing piece I complete I will make sure to use an outline to guide me more thoroughly. I will also annotate my sources and research with more information.

Anonymous said...

While revising my paper I had the most trouble with inserting my quotes. I wrote my paper quote-free and so having to insert them was difficult and time consuming, because I often had to write a new paragraph to fit around the quote. Aso, I realized that what I wrote was not really related to what I had researched. My paper was more about experience than factual information. There was plenty to back up what I was saying, but the direction of where my paper ended up going was different than what I thought it would be. I still ended up enjoying it though.
During my paper I believe that I appealed the most to pathos because I tried to create a relatable paper to prove my point with lots of rhetorical questions. I also appealed to logos because I used factual information, or basic logic that makes sense.
Based upon this writing experience, for the next writing I want to incorporate the transitions. I have never paid too much importance to how I transition between one paragraph and the next, but after looking over the example paper, "Enough is Enough", I went back and revised my transitions to help smooth over any "bumps".

Anonymous said...

1.) For me, I worked most on my outline. At first I had my outline completely wrong and it was very unorganized so I had to make very extreme revisions. But, in the end I felt like I put out a very strong outline, which was worth it!
2.) To be completely honest, I didn’t even think about ethos, pathos, and logos while writing, but reminiscing, I feel as if I used two of three. I had pathos in my intro really relating to the emotional part of obesity. And pathos I had because of all the statistics and quotes I used.
3.) I really didn’t work hard in the beginning stages of the paper so next time I want to push myself to work hard at the beginning so it’s not so intense at the end.

Anonymous said...

In my problem solution paper I addressed the subject of semi-automatic and automatic gun laws and restrictions. I had to mostly revise and edit my quotes, they were good, but I needed to explain how the quotes related to my subject and I needed to show the comparison between what was said in the quote and what I was discussing. Overall though, I finished my paper on time and ready for the due date of April 3rd. I had to evoke emotion into my paper, mainly because it is a horrible subject (people murdering others with weapons) and I had to bring that into my paper, after all the reason that people want to get rid of semi-automatic and automatic guns is because of all the shootings going on around the globe and country. I also had to be logical, and give good solid information to introduce, describe, and inform people on semi-automatic and automatic guns. With my next writing I will definitely use quotes and good sources like I did with this one, and I will definitely use a good amount of paragraphs to support the cause or subject I am writing about. Overall I was very proud of my paper and hope my next one turns out just as good, if not better.

Anonymous said...

1. In the Problem/Solution Paper I payed more attention to my thesis statement to make sure that it was good. I also payed attention to my quotes and tried not to quote drop.
2. I tried to incorporate ethos, pathos, and logos by trying to connect with the reader.
3.I would apply the planning to my next writing because the planning makes it so much easier to write a paper if you get a good outline.

Anonymous said...

1. I made sure my problem/solution paper had voice by my word choice. I also took out the is, be, beens, etc, and replaced them with stronger sentences.

2. I put emotion in by personal experience that my sister went through and how I went through it with her. Because the topic is a lot stronger when you have experienced it in some way.

3. I will be more positive about my next writing piece because I noticed that since I wasn't into the paper, it was a lot harder to get through it. The more positive attitude I have to the paper the easier and more into the paper I will be.

Anonymous said...

1. In my Problem/ Solution paper I mostly worked on my quotes and grammar. I revised where I should put my quotes so that the paragraph and paper would work the best. I also worked on the grammar in the paper because it would sound good the first time but when I read through again it didn't sound as good but I spent a lot of time fixing my grammar.
2. I incorporated pathos into my paper by trying to convince the reader that there are way to fix the problem. I also used ethos, because I choose a topic that most everyone can relate to so the reader can connect to the problem and the solution.
3. Next time I write a paper I will use a similar approach as I did this time. But next time I plan to have more peer editing as I write the paper, so that I can have a good start then improve the start before moving onto the next section of the writing. I would like to do this so that the paper will start off great then I could build upon that so that it will continue to improve.

Anonymous said...

While editing and revising my paper, I specifically addressed the usage of linking verbs. Especially in my thesis, I made sure that there were no linking verbs whatsoever. Another thing I addressed was my transitions into quotes. I made sure that the quotes were not just free standing.

In my opinion, I definitely incorporated pathos and logos more than ethos. I used pathos by "putting the reader in the shoes" of a victim of bullying by telling what it's like to be bullied. I used logos by using suicide statistics, such as suicide rates among teens.

During the next writing I complete, I think that I will make sure my entire paper is interesting so the reader does not get bored while reading. I will also make sure both my introduction and conclusion are very strong.

Anonymous said...

To complete this paper well and to get a good grade on it, I really focused on my thesis statement and the argument I gave. This is because if I don't have a strong argument, then my paper isn't going to be strong in my solution and my arguing points. I also focused on my thesis because it just shows what the paper was going to be about and I really felt that if it wasn't up to Mr. Trotter's standards, then there was no point in writing a paper about something I feel so strongly about.

In my paper, I used ethos and pathos in my paper. The ethos was used because I wrote about something that was and is immorally unjust. It is so wrong to just have a an abortion without thinking of another life. And many other people can agree with that point. Pathos was used in my paper because I felt so passionately about something and if you don't put emotion in it, then the paper was going to be dull and boring. I also used a little bit of logos because I stated some statics.

With the next writing that I have, I am going to make sure that I argue my point and have a strong introduction and conclusion, so then the reader is interested in it all.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1. To complete my paper and the thing that I revised the most was my thesis because it was something that really had to connect and really bring my paper together to make sure it really connected. Making sure all my body paragraphs really went together and didn't over lap on each other.

2. To incorporate ethos, pathos, and logos within my paper I had to do a lot of research on things and really get to get the right kind of information for the paper and look at the emotions it caused people and make sure people got a feel for those emotions in my paper. Getting numbers to find out the number of people that are needed to add into my paper to get the point across.

3. Next writing experience I will remember to make sure I have a thesis that is really hooking to people and gets my point straight across and will tie together my whole paper. Making sure my paper is as good as it can be and have my paragraphs not over lapping, have it be as long as I possibly can. Writing a paper is something that should be taken seriously and can't just take it as something easy it takes hard work and time to write a good paper.

Anonymous said...

1) For the final paper, I addressed that school work can be the leading cause of stress, and really, I found that it is.
2) I used logos and pathos because I used reasoning and connecting to student's thoughts on stress
3) I liked being able to plan first, because I usually will just try getting right into the paper, but taking my time definitely helped me a lot in sorting out how it will be and trying to make sense.

Anonymous said...

1. When editing my final draft of my Problem/Solution Paper, I really tried to focus most of my time and revisions towards quotations and supporting details. It is easy to find problems to write about, but the challenging part about a problem solution paper is finding supporting details and quotations to support or not support your problem. One also needs details to find a solution towards the problem. So for me I spent most of my revising towards finding supporting details.
2. Using sources from websites and statistics from articles was a very easy way to incorporate ethos, pathos, and logos, into my paper. When using quotations and information from articles and websites, certain articles or website used a different method towards the audience whether it was ethos, pathos or logos. Some may use more of an emotional feeling, using sad or happy stories that interest the audience and makes one feel sympathy for the subject and content. Other articles and or websites may use more factual information including statistics, facts and studies. And lastly, one might use a more moral standpoint, with ethics and beliefs. All are very effective and it was very easy to incorporate each one in my paper.
3. Easy bib was a very helpful and resourceful website that I am going to continue to use when writing my other papers. It is a trustworthy site that allows one to provide specific information and details to their paper. When specific details and information are added to ones paper, the paper is easier to read, follow and understand.

Anonymous said...

I mostly worked on revising my outline and getting rid of linking verbs. I had a hard time with quotes because I just didn't think about using them. Also I had a hard time staying on track during the paper I would go off on unrelated topics.
I think I mostly used pathos because I was trying to use people's emotions. I also used logos because I was trying to use facts and base some of it off of that.
In the next paper I think I will plan my outline better.I, also, need to use more transition and don't repeat words as much as I did.

Anonymous said...

When editing my Problem Solution Paper, the paragraph that took me the longest was the middle paragraphs. I wanted to build a lot of detail in so that my reader would be interested and not go into boredom. My research focused on both driver and cyclist sharing the road. I came to an argument that they should have their own separate roads because there are too many haphazards. I found out when I researched this topic that there wasn't much information out there talking about this subject. It was kind of complicated at first but in the end it was good.
Incorporating ethos, pathos, and logos into the paper was not very hard. You just have to make your paper persuasive so that it brings the reader into your paper. You had to create a picture in here mind. I used statistics the most in my paragraph. This shows logos. You use numbers to draw in your reader.
If there is another writing,I would probably spend a lot of time on my thesis statements for each paragraph. The thesis statement is probably the biggest part of the paper. Without a good thesis statement, I wouldn't be able to have a good paper.

Anonymous said...

In my problem/solution paper the thing I revised most would probably be quotes. I couldn't find good areas in my paper where they would fit. It was definitively a struggle. Most of the time I would have to retype an entire paragraph. In the end I learned how to move things around and make it work.
In my paper I applied pathos because I used arguments and theories to argue my topic.

Anonymous said...

1) For the final paper, I addressed that longer school days can lead to bad grades and stress in kids.
2) For pathos I talked like it was the readers kids spending that time at school and being overwhelmed with work so they would know maybe how their kids feel about the issue.
3)In my other writings I will take with me the way I learned to outline my writing before I started writing because it made writing easier and smoother. It also made everything more organized than just starting to write with no direction.

Anonymous said...

I addressed in my paper the problem of equal payment for women. I told how it affected the working women today and how it will affect them in the future. I stated how the “Equal Payment Act” and “Paycheck Fairness Act” can help the situation but needs to be enforced to make a difference.

In my paper I used Pathos by expressing how hard it is for women to provide for their families when they get payed less than their male counterpart. Women struggle to form a healthy, happy life. Logos, I tell the political ideas made to improve this situation. Also I put in views from the President and Government officials.

In my next paper I will probably spend more time on my outline. Forming a good topic sentence was a big part in forming a good paper.

Anonymous said...

The two things I feel like I most needed to work on were my thesis and conclusion. Having a strong thesis was vital to the success of my paper because it was the structure that led the way for my paper. Also, not regurgitating my whole paper in the conclusion was important for me to focus on.

My Problem/Solution paper was on the topic of factory farming/CAFO. The main point I talked about was ethos. I was able to convey to the reader the ethical problems regarding meat, dairy and eggs along with the importance of boycotting and completely eliminating the use of meat, dairy and eggs. I hope that the evidence I provided was able to tap into the emotion of the reader.

Next time I write a Problem/Solution paper, need to be a tad more organized when it comes to digital sources. Not only did I have my 10 sources (that I annotated) along with 6-8 other sources that I added in my paper. Also, having a better writing structure and using the 1-2 Rule will be able to help me in the future.

Anonymous said...

1- I mostly worked on my final paper because it was the main piece of the assignment and most important.

2- I incorporated pathos by explaining the negative emotional effects of teens after they undergo cosmetic surgery. I also incorporated logos by explaining the unrealistic display media projects on beauty and perfection.

3- A writing approach I will apply to my next writing project is to create a very organized and helpful outline so that writing the final paper will be more orderly and effective.

Anonymous said...

On my solution paper, I specifically addressed my word choice, variation of sentences, and if my work made any sense. Additionally, I incorporated ethos, pathos, and logos into my work by describing my thoughts, information I found, and the morals of why. So I used ethos by shedding some light on how a fetus is born and is alive. I go on to tell how when the sperm touches the egg, life has began, meaning abortion is like murder. Showing us that everyday, millions of people are dying which plays with people’s morals. Pathos is illustrated when I go into detail about how having abortion is murdering your own child in front of you. Furthermore, logos was all the information and quotes I found on the subject to support my idea. Last of all, when I do my next paper I will make sure that it has good word choice and I will work more on how to not put linking verbs in my writing.

Anonymous said...

1. For the problem solution paper i addressed that school start times are too early in the morning.
2. I used pathos because i asked the parents and teacher to imagine themselves as the student position, having to wake up early.
3. For the next paper i plan to think through it better and have a better outline.