Friday, November 22, 2019

"The Simpsons," Satire, And "The Odyssey?"

Compare The Odyssey video excerpt from the Simpsons (Simpson's Video Clip) with Homer's epic poem The Odyssey Books 9,10,12,21,22,23. What does the Simpson's version satirize? What does it make you think about regarding the poem's characters, theme, relationships, and episodes? Please respond with specific support (i.e.-quotations) for your argument. Complete this blog response by 3:31p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 12th.


Anonymous said...

The Simpson's clip makes it seem a little bit less serious and makes it more of a joke. The book includes many lessons and talks about how they thought the God's were actually their heros. The Simpsons clip pokes fun at the fact that they worshipped these gods by making a joke about sacrificing a lamb and that the cloud actually turned into Poseidon. In addition, the book makes the journey seem much longer and much harder than the clip does. For example, the mermaids are ugly and the sailors don't like them, but in Homer's version, they are more of a problem.

Anonymous said...

This episode displays the Odysseus' plan with the Trojan horse, him going to Ithaca once it is done. The gods look down upon Odysseus and what he does. The gods send Odysseus on his ship far away. Circe turns his friends into pigs.

Anonymous said...

This makes me think that the Odyssey is a jokey thing. It shows him thinking that the Odyssey is about a mini van. It also shows the acceptance of the Trojan Hoarse as a joke and talks about how they want to collect their mail but they couldn't because of the war. One thing that was really prevalent was that he ate his soldiers when they were pigs, which wasn't okay.

Anonymous said...

The simpsons version exaggerates the journey that they take. One thing that was different was that in the book, a monster kills odysseus cure, but in the clip, odysseus gets eaten. Although the characters are somewhat the same, all of there emotions are exaggerated.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons make fun of the way the War of Troy was won. It shows the story with a tone of satire and takes the seriousness completely out of the ancient story. It also makes Odysseus and his crew seem obvivious, stupid, and easily suawed. It also makes the way the gods keep the crew just out of reach. They also make the siren's less enticing and ugly, which is the reason in the movie that the men left. It puts a spin on the original story, stretching key ideas out of context to make them funny.

Unknown said...

The simpsons is retelling the story of Odysseys and making it a funny version. They covered most of the important pieces of the story really fast, while adding modern day humor into the film

-Anna W

Anonymous said...

so far throughout the journey, no men have died. They have shown up to cerces island and the men drank from her goblet. They also never encountered the cyclops. They made Odysseus seem very dumb and sort of an alcoholic.

-Julia Dunn

Anonymous said...

The Simpson's clip uses satire to make The Odyssey less serious. It displays the plot of the book by using jokes and exaggerations.

Anonymous said...

It managed to make the characters in the Odyssey absolutely ridiculous and funny, poking fun at how the sirens are and how homer ate his friends after they got turned into pigs. So it was Homer who ate his men instead of the cyclops. Basically making fun of how Odysseus massacres Troy and all of his tricks.

Anonymous said...

The simpsons film that we watched was retelling the the story Odysseus with the War of Troy, but it shared the most important parts of the story.

Anonymous said...

The Simpsons video clip exaggerates the journey Odysseus went on. The video is more modern than the book. It makes it seem funny and not serious, such as when the pigs are eaten. In the book, Penelope doesn’t believe that Odysseus is home, but in the clip she does, which shows that Penelope doesn’t take it very seriously in the clip.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the Simpson's Video Clip, it makes parodies of the actual events during the Odyssey from flying, decapitated heads during the battle of Troy, to crossing the river sticks with weird rock music playing in the background. The scenes over represent the flaws in the characters and completely overlook some of the more important ideas. Obviously it was done for fun but I think it got a bit over the top when “Odysseus” takes a bite from the pig and exclaims “that pig looks like Lenny!”.

Anonymous said...

In The Simpsons version of The Odyssey shows the different gods and Poseidon is assigned to punish Oddyseus just like in the book. The journey took twenty years in both, however the The Simpsons portray the story as more of a joke than the book does.

Anonymous said...

the simpsons version definitely made fun of the book. also, the events happen are very different, and they didnt add every part of the book. it also showed that they were mad becuase they didnt give a sacrifice not because of the cyclops.