Wednesday, November 20, 2019

"The Odyssey" Background Information?

Regarding the Background film about The Odyssey, what comments can you make about what you understand about The Odyssey. Please argue, explain, criticize, etc... Blog post is due Nov. 22nd by 3:31p.m.


Anonymous said...

it is about a long journey, with twists and turns. we first see Odysseus at the trojan war. it is about the return trip and each problem is a test. the test is about achieving himself. it took him about 10 years. he is himself, I in greek is ego. he is a hero but he lies. the cyclops is a test. pride is a falt of him. gods represent parts and pieces of the world. he would rather live life than be immortal. comparisons to new things or events. he always has a choice. he made bad but right choices.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is a series of stories narrating a long voyage with many changes as this greek warrior searches for home. As the first action-adventure story, Homer writes a long trip of adventure and hardships that can be considered and compared with our own “odysseys” in life. Odyssey fought in the Trojan war and wanted to sail back to ithaca and return to his wife and restore his power in ithaca. It was a ten year trip that should have been 2 weeks: he kept taking detours, like the one to the land of the cyclops which results in Odysseus facing Poseidon's power at the sea after. Odysseus faces lots of crisis and isn’t the best character unlike his patient and loyal wife at home. The story is directed to reveal Odysseus’ personality when facing crisis and show his greed and immaturity, as well as the power squabbles between the greek gods. The book also explores the conflicts when Odysseus finally, 20 years later, returns to the kingdom and secretly disguises himself and proves that he is the king.

Anonymous said...

An Odyssey is defined as "or a long and eventual journey or experience". The epic Greek poem "The Odyssey" by Homer is about Odysseus and his journey home to Ithaca. In this poem, many different things could be learned. Some notes gained from this video include themes having to do with identity, home(where is it, have you returned?), extreme proves characters, the relationships you hold with people, and man and anger/jealousy. In addition, since this is a Greek epic, "The Odyssey" will have lots to do with Greek Mythology and the Greek Gods.

Anonymous said...

The film is talked about how Odysseus is a greek warrior that's searching for a home. Homer writes that Odysseus goes through challenges for 10 years and travels to 12 different places. People say that he is an epic hero that is trying to find a home. Odysseus has been told that he has to make hard decisions, basically, it talks about the life you have to make a choice even though it can be hard. During the video, it even talks about women and how some gods were trying to marry him, but he already had a wife named Penelope. The story talks about coming home and how it joyful.

Anonymous said...

The Odessey is composed of multiple stories that describe the homecoming of Odysseus and his men. Throughout the story, Odysseus makes very difficult decisions that ultimately expose his characteristics. He and his crew pass by challenges that force Odessyus to sacrifice his men for the sake of returning home. Odysseus' wife at home, Athena, the goddess of cleverness. She is extremely loyal and even though her husband is gone, and many other men beg to marry her, she never gives in. On the other hand, Odysseus is tempted by man things along the way that could threaten his relationship with Athena. He learns what it means to be a human being. We learn the lessons of life.
Julia Dunn

Anonymous said...

The short film spoke of how Odysseus traveled on a great voyage which should have taken two weeks but instead took 10 years, which is odd considering he had Boreus bag of wind and had the support of Athena. He did make a rather huge mistake when he let his Ego get ahold of him, and allowing Poseidon to curse him to not return home. Throughout the video, Odysseus went through several trials showing his very human choices and how it affected his voyage. He managed to get ensorcelled by Cerce and trapped by Calipso for a while making his voyage even longer and testing his faith to his ever-faithful wife Penelope.

Anonymous said...

The background film about The Odyssey is about a greek warrior who goes on a long journey in search of a home. The character Odysseus is faced with many challenges throughout that uncover his personality and characteristics. This story can connect to our own lives. It makes us think about how we react when faced with a crisis. The story talks about homecoming and facing challenges.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is a story about how Odysseus has to return trip home to Ithaca. "The Odyssey" by Homer is a very old mythological story that can have many lessons. For example, the Lotus Eaters Odysseus ties the men down he learned basically that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. It took Odysseus 10 years to return home instead of 2 weeks, but valuable lessons were learned.

Anonymous said...

The story Odyssey is about a man named Odysseus. The story tells his 10-year struggle to return home after the Trojan War. While Odysseus battles mystical creatures and faces the wrath of the gods, his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus hold off suitors fighting for Penelope's hand and Ithaca's throne long enough for Odysseus to return. The Odyssey ends as Odysseus wins a contest to prove his identity, slaughters the suitors, and retakes the throne of Ithaca.

Unknown said...

The film talked about Odysseus's journey home. Homer writes about how Odysseus has to go through challenges the gods make for 10 years while traveling to 12 different places. Some say that he is an epic hero that is trying to find a home. Odysseus makes very hard decisions since most of his options are not always good and he has to take risks. The video talks about how some gods were trying to marry him, and he would sometimes have a little thing with them, but he already had a wife named Penelope who was very loyal and turning away from all her suitors for 10 years. The video also talks about how it is very joyful to come home after a trip, and that this is how Odysseus feels when he comes home.
-Anna Walker

Anonymous said...

Based on what was shown to me in the video I think the Odyssey will be what I am expecting. With the fighting and the greek myths.How Odyssey is embarking on a long journey the find himself and what he really wants in life.Also the video tels us about his wife named Penelope wtich his wife was very loyal to him.
-Savannah Bustamante

Anonymous said...

After the 10 year Trojan war, the journey home for Odysseus was a long one. He faces many battles each as difficult as the last, but in the end, he never stopped trying to get home to his wife, Penelope. This long journey (odyssey), took 10 years to make it past all the obstacles. It might've been quicker had his heart always stayed loyal as Penelope’s had. With the help of the gods, she fended off suitors at home, even with no word of her husbands saftey. However, despite some of his faults and hubris Odysseus did manage to make it back to his kingdom as a hero, despite the losses of all his men.

Anonymous said...

The video taught me about the myth and the greek gods that will be in the book. The video introduced some of the characters that will be in the book. The video also gave me the overall idea of what the book is going to be about. I learned about the challenges that odysseus struggles or bad choices. It talks about some of the jorneys that odyssey takes, throughout the book.

Anonymous said...

The film talked about Odysseus journey back home. On the way, Odysseus had to make multiple difficult choices. This video gave me a lot of background information, such as gods were also trying to marry him,and how he lost a lot of his men.