Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Nextel And "Romeo & Juliet?"

How does the Nextel Romeo And Juliet commercial satirically update the "classic" Romeo and Juliet? What does it make you contemplate and consider? Please reference, quote, and analyze the drama and commercial. Please complete this blog response by Fri., May 17th.


Anonymous said...

It shows them using phones and the original Romeo and Juliet were really old and it's just saying what it would be like with someone of the stuff we have today. Juliet takes something and Romeo thinks she's dead so he takes something and dies. Then Juliet is actually ok but then she saw that he was actually dead she stabbed herself.

Anonymous said...

In Nextel of "Romeo and Juliet", they have cell phones instead of not having them. And it shows what probably would happen in reality. It's so cool how they made this is 30 seconds. It makes me think about how the story would have happened if it was in a modern day and if it was it probably would have a different ending. They probably would run away happily ever after instead of killing themselves. "Romeo" "Juliet" "I love you." This short quote shows how quickly they fell in love without even getting to know each other. I think this commercial was very well written and was funny!

Anonymous said...

The commercial shortened the play down by like a whole two hours. They made sure to add the part where they say they love each other. They show Juliet not wanting to marry Paris and drinking the poison and Romeo sad and dying her waking up and seeing he is dead then dying

Unknown said...

The phones are the biggest change in the updated commercial. Because the pay has phones th ending would be different because they could be in touch with that big miscommunication. -Ayan

Anonymous said...

In the commercial clip, it shows how old it was because they didn't have cellphones back then, and in the clip, they did to show what would probably happen in real life today. It's crazy how they show the main scenes in 30 seconds. At the beginning when Juliet said I love you on the phone to Romeo that part shows how fast they fell in love just like that.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel commercial uses advanced technology to make fun of the lack of communication that occured in Romeo and Juliet. When all of the characters answered their phones, it was always too late, similar to in the play. At one point in the commercial, Juliet wakes up from her sleep and calls Romeo. She says into the phone "better now" and then sees that Romeo had killed himself, resulting in Juliet killing herself immediately. This made me think differently about the communication that occurs in the actual play. If phones had been invented at the time, would many of the deaths have been prevented?