Sunday, May 19, 2019

(Optional) "CTW" Paper Revisions

Concerning your Change The World Paper, please review your paper rubric and paper to answer the following revision questions. Please answer specifically. (You could earn up to 25 points for these responses).

1. What did you did you do well regarding the process and final writing of your CTW paper?

2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your CTW paper?

3. What writing strategy will you try to use next year when you write for any class?

4. When you write next year, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?

5. What word of writing advice would you give to your future self for next year?


Anonymous said...

The CTW paper was a paper that I actually enjoyed writing. I love to write about things that are my passions. Such as horses. I think one thing that I did well on my paper was getting my points across and getting issues about the horse world across. I think a big area of things I could improve on is revisions, I did not do enough revisions on this paper and I really wish I did. I also need to figure out how to open my paper with a better introduction and thesis. I think the paper would be so much better if I worked on that. I also think I need to work on my evidence, I did not put enough in the paper and I needed to state more evidence. I think some of the strategies I will use next year is, use all the planning tools, and use other online revision tools such as grammarly and get better feedback from peers and ask for more help when I need it. I think next year when I am turning in more papers I will use things like turnitin to gt more feedback and more help on better ways to say things. Advice for next year would be to make sure you use all tools, don't just halfway use them, use all of them and don't use the tools badly. Teachers know what will help the most and I should do what is best and maybe if I used all of them I would do better on papers and not have to go back and revise it so much and have to redo it so often. That is what I would do for next year and that is what I think needs to be done to make my papers better.

Anonymous said...

In my paper I had a couple things that I did really well on such as the organization, evidence, documentation, and the presentation. I could definitely improve on the conclusion that I wrote as well as the style of my paper. I could also work in the introduction more specifically my thesis. Next year for when I am writing for my classes I will use the technique I used this time. It is easier for me to write the paper with having a specific plan to follow from. It allows me to use what I know more and I don't get as stuck in how to incorporate certain things into my paper. Next year I will have my paper more thought through and I will take more time to make sure that everything I am writing is good enough. I will gain more knowledge about what I need to improve. I will then use it to make my papers better. I think for some advice to my future self I would suggest reading through everything multiple times till it sounds just like I want it to sound. Get help from someone to help you figure out what you can change to make it better.