Thursday, April 25, 2019

Significant Other? Perfection? "Romeo & Juliet?" Really?

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the "Perfect Match " handout? How does your experience relate to what you know about Romeo and Juliet's situation? What does this make you think? Reflect? Contemplate? Don't forget to include references to our class discussion. This blog response should be completed in class on 4-25-19.


Anonymous said...

It is important to know that my parents have higher expectations, or different expectations, than I do for my "Perfect Match." This is similar to Romeo and Juliet because their parents are setting up arranged marriages, but they don't agree with them. They have a different idea of their perfect match than their parents. Although, there really is no perfect match, because nothing is perfect. Romeo and Juliet believe they are each other's perfect match, but their parents would disagree.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet's parents don't approve of their relationship, and I've had relationships that my parents haven't approved of or liked. I think when parents don't support a relationship it can either end quickly or last for a long time. Relationships where people disapprove have more pressure put on them and the pressure can cause issues between the people in the relationship. A lot of people's criteria for their "perfect match" is different from what their parents want, and most of the time our parents' criteria is more reasonable, but we just don't see it at the time. For Romeo and Juliet, I think their parents were wrong for disapproving of their relationship, because their marriage could finally end the family feud.

Anonymous said...

My experience does not really relate to Juliet's situation because my mom and I pretty much agreed on the same traits of someone that would be a perfect match. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's parents did not approve of who Juliet loved and forced her to marry someone else. My parents do not really have higher expectations than I do, we pretty much have the same expectations, which is much different than Juliet and her parents.

Anonymous said...

My experience relates to Romeo and Juliet because it shows how some people are looking for someone perfect with the right characteristics and can find then right away. I think it was very weird how close my parent's answers were to me. How close it was to see how my personality was kind of compared to someone I could be good with. This shows how Romeo and Juliet because like I said they were looking for someone that was perfect and they found the one by finding each other.

Anonymous said...

In regards to Romeo and Juliet, both people should have an idea of what they want in their significant other. Juliet's family wants her to marry someone she does not love (Paris), and Romeo is heartbroken over Rosalind. Both situations are tragic because the people they want or don't want to be with are not right for them.

Anonymous said...

My experience relates to Romeo and Juliet because I have certain traits of people that are necessities for me to think they are the perfect match for me. Romeo wants the perfect match for him and he finds Juliet and he takes her as the perfect match for himself and he finds that having traits for people make it easy to find the perfect match. This makes me think of how people meet and how people are alike and they find each other to make a perfect couple for life.

Anonymous said...

perfect for eachother, but they were different. It is important to like someone for who they are. It makes me think that true love is a real thing, because seeing couples last for so long. Also romeo and juliet died for each other over their love for one another.

Unknown said...

I don't know if there is a perfect match like shown in romeo and juliet. They show it as only one choice for your whole life. My parents opinion was that you don't know if you have found your perfect match because there's so many people you haven't met yet. -Ayan Ismail

Anonymous said...

When doing this survey it was interesting to see some of the differences between me and my parent's answers. We had a lot of the same answers though they had more personality factors then I did. I think this relates to Romeo and Juliet because they love each other and think that they are the perfect matches but their parents disagree which can relate to the differences in the survey.

Anonymous said...

It is essential to connect more with Romeo and Juliet's situation. Since they were "perfect" for each other, we want to see what person is "perfect" for us and imagine if we were torn apart from that person. I don't really have any experiences that would relate to Romeo and Juliet's. It doesn't make me think anything much or reflect on something in my life.

Anonymous said...

After the perfect match survey, it is important for me to know how different my parents' expectations are compared to mine. It shows me how high their expectations are and what they think is good for me even if I disagree and want something else. Romeo and Juliet also deals with this because Juliet loves Romeo and wants to be with him, while their families hate each other and don't think they should be together.

Anonymous said...

The survey was informative for me and my parents, I found out things I did not know about y parents and they figured out things they did not know about me. Such as my parents found out what I look in a guy and what I think is attractive. But I also found out some facts that I did not know about my parents. But in the end, it was very interesting for everyone involved.

Anonymous said...

In my survey, most of my answers matched up with my parents. Both of us said stuff about personality. None of their answers surprised me really. My experience is completely different from Romeo and Juliet's situation because of the time period difference. For that time period, arranged marriage was normal. Today, in America at least, it's not. People now are more independent when it comes to a significant other.

Anonymous said...

With Romeo and Juliet, they were the perfect match. They loved each other so much that they were willing to die for eachother, but they had only known each other for a couple days which is a bit severe. What isn't perfect in their relationship is how easily Romeo fell in love with women. Regardless they were the perfect match because of how much they loved each other.

Anonymous said...

I think that a perfect match (boy) would be he is funny, loving, caring and loyal. I don't exactly relate to Juliet because my parents and I both agree and would have the same traits as what a "perfect match" would be. I am a little different but the same as what my parent's expectations are. They have the same trait ideas as I would most likely but different at the same time. But it's also the same because I find someone with the characteristics I want in a boy.

Anonymous said...

With Romeo and Juliet they should know going in what they are looking for in a significant other. Juliet is being set up with someone who she doesnt love and Romeo loves someone who doesn't love him. They don't exactly know what they want.

Cate V. said...

My experience relates to what I know about Juliet's arranged marriage because I know that I share similar values with my parents when it comes to a significant other. My parents probably wouldn't arrange a marriage for me, but that's probably influenced by society. If my parents were to arrange my marriage, I would trust them to find a suitable suitor for me. I also know that they would prefer if I made the decisions and experienced the ups and downs of relationships. Of course, Juliet lived in a different time period, and she lived in a different social class. Based on what I know about the time period, it wasn't common for the parents to accept their child's input on the arrangement of a marriage. So Juliet could be seen as lucky because her parents did care about her opinions.

Anonymous said...

My parents and my information were similar. We both put down a lot of the same qualities. My parents focused on the values and emotional aspect of the perfect match and I included more general appearances. My parents including some things that I didn't could relate to Romeo and Juliet's situation. In Romeo's and Juliet's minds, they were perfect for each other but their parents did not agree. Having Juliet marry another person could be her father's view of the perfect match for her, similar to parent's views in the perfect match survey.

Anonymous said...

I can not relate as much to Juliet because my mom and I mostly agree on the perfect match. It's good to know what your parents expect of you and who you are with. In Romeo and Juliet, her parents didn't approve of Romeo and I feel like that kind of set up a tough relationship for her and her mom in the future. My parents don't have strict expectations as long as they treat me nice and are a good person. Every parent wants the best for their child and my parents just want me to be happy and safe but Juliet's parents don't approve and don't want her with Romeo.

Anonymous said...

I have many things I want my husband to be like. But there are way too many to list. And I know how it feels like to like a guy but you know he will never like you. Or worse he doesn't even know who you are and you're a ghost to him. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo finds the one or he thinks he has found but she doesn't like him. But the second he finds Juliet he forgets about his lover and moves on so quickly. He is such a man blind and I don't know how Juliet could love him when he moved on so quickly to her. How could she trust him if he already moved on so quickly? He is such a terrible person for only loving one for their body and not their personality. Even though Romeo and Juliet seemed like a fairytale when you really read the book you figure out it never was.