Tuesday, April 23, 2019

"Romeo & Juliet" Background Information? Thoughts?

After viewing the Romeo And Juliet background video, what do you believe is important to consider as you read the play? Why? This blog response is due by Wed., April 24th at 3:31p.m.


Anonymous said...

The plot of the story had two different families that are the main characters in the story. The most important thing to pay attention to while people read the book is the main scene or plot of the story and how it affects the rest of the story. The different aspects of how Romeo and Juliet fall in love at the end of the story are also very important because that is the whole reason for this story. If these two people get married and continue their love forever, then it can solve a lot of issues that need to be solved from their families and all of the other problems they have during this story. The characteristics of the characters are also very important to pay attention to in this story because of their family feud and how their parents don't know what is happening with the "secret marriage" that Romeo and Juliet are taking part in.

Anonymous said...

After watching the Romeo and Juliet clip, it is important to consider the feuds that go on between the characters and how many feuds there are. It is also important o remember where the characters stand and which side they are on.

-Ella McDonald

Anonymous said...

I think it's important to consider just how forbidden Romeo and Juliet's love is. Their families are total enemies and hate each other. It's also important to consider how quickly things move between Romeo and Juliet. They want to get married the day after they meet, which is ridiculous. They also have a lot of other people putting pressure on their relationship. Romeo's friend the Friar thinks that if Romeo and Juliet get married, it will end the feud between their families. I think they shouldn't have kept their relationship secret from their parents, and told them they want to get married to end the feud. If they would've done this they probably wouldn't have both died, and their deaths wouldn't have been what ended their families' feud.

Anonymous said...

It is important to consider that their love is forbidden and that each other's families are sworn enemies. It's important because they are going behind their family's backs to get married whilst there is a family feud.

Anonymous said...

After watching the background video the main characters and who they are will be important. Also, there are certain people that only show up once in a while but they are still important. Romeo sneaks into a party because it is a mask party and that is where Romeo and Juliet meet. This is important because it is how and where they met. They get married right away after meeting each other. They two families do not get along and so they get married secretly. Romeo has to step into a fight and killed another person. He then is banished bt sneaks into Juliet's room and stays the night with her. Romeo dies then Juliet finds out and stabs herself.

Anonymous said...

It is important to consider that Romeo and Juliet come from different family's that are in a ongoing fued. Romeo is in love with a girl named Rosalind, but she rejects him. Romeo meets Juliet by crashing their sworn enemies party. They fall in love, but Juliet doesn't realize he is from a rival family until later. She finds out, and at first isn't happy. They make plans to get married secretly the next day. After they get married, Tybalt, Juliet's relative, kills Romeo's friend and Romeo kills Tybalt. Juliet's father decides that she will be married to Paris, a family friend, in a few days. The friar has an idea that Juliet should take a sleep portion and then Romeo will come and save her, while everyone else thinks she dead. Romeo doesn't realize she is not actually dead, so he poisons himself and dies. When Juliet awakes, she realizes Romeo is dead and kills herself. Then the two family's decide to end their fued. This information is important to understand for the rest of the story.

Unknown said...

I think while reading the play its important to remember the time period the story is set it. While ready this you have to remember the language used shows a lot about the plot and the story.There is lots stacked against them from the beginning as well. -Ayan Ismail

Unknown said...

It's important to see how in love Romeo was with Juliet and that their love is forbidden and that their families are enemies. Romeo and Juliet go behind their families back and get married to hopefully end the family feud.

Anonymous said...

Somethings to keep in mind when reading the book is that they got married in a span of 24 hours. It's also important to remember that there are others who are trying to stop or keep peace with the feud. The two got married to stop the feud but did it secretly. The death of the two which was misinformation that causes the deaths, caused the two families to make an immense and end the feud. Another thing to keep in mind while we read the book "Romeo and Juliet" is to know that Romeo when he meets Juliet he is hopeless. Then falls deeply in love with Juliet.

Anonymous said...

I think it is important to recognize the motivations between the family feud and the individual characters on both sides. Not only in the eyes of Romeo and Juliet, but what Tybalt, each set of parents, Prince of Verona, the Friar, the Nurse, Mercutio, Paris, and others. Each of these people could influence others and their decision or cause conflict. The story does not revolve only around Romeo and Juliet, but how other individuals steer the plot. Also, the wording (especially of Romeo) used has more meaning.

Anonymous said...

I think it's very important to remember the time period the play as written and what was custom at that time. Things that we find weird or not normal could be normal for that time period. It is also important to remember that Romeo and Juliet's families hate each other because that is the main source of the conflict through the play.

Anonymous said...

After seeing the background of Romeo and Juliet I should pay attention to all the characters and personalities of each character and what provoked them to fall madly in love. And since Shakespeare is a very intellect writer I should pay close attention to what is happening and what he is trying to say. Overall this video helped me realize how confusing Shakespeare can be and how you need to pay close attention to what is exactly happening so you do not become lost.

Anonymous said...

A thing that is important to pay attention to while reading the play, is the dramatic tendencies of the rival families motivations to keep arguing between who should and shouldn't be together. Something that I have already noticed is that the relationships in the play are passion filled either with love or hate. Since the nature of the story is complex it is important to follow plotline and relationships.

Anonymous said...

Each character has their own motivations which are what drive the story. For example, the friur's motivation is to end the feud between the two families, which is why ha marries the two. Other motivators of the story are the fact that there is a major family feud between the two families and that the parents of both Romeo and Juliet will have a strong disapproval of the two being together.

Anonymous said...

There are many details that are important, like the feud between the two families, and how Romeo and Juliet meet, at the party, without knowing each other. The fact that there is a secret plan to get married, and talk more together is very important. The arranged marriage to Paris causes a new plan, with sleeping potion and poison, which does not go well. The deaths of the two bring the families together. I think it is important to consider how the background affected the decisions made, and what could be different if family aspects were changed.

Anonymous said...

After watching the information video, this play is mostly all about love and a family feud. Romeo and Juliet both fall in love with each other. But sadly they find out that they are both from the other family. But they still decide love is stronger than a family feud. So they get married. In my opinion, they made a quick decision and they did not think about how they were ever going to see each other because of their families. But as soon as they figure out a way to sneak around, it goes downhill and they both die. But when they both die their families finally got over the feud and become friends. But it is sad that their kids dying is what made them come close together and like each other.

Anonymous said...

While reading the play, I think it is important to consider that there were people who supported Romeo and Juliet's love, such as Juliet's nurse and the friar. I think these people are important to consider because without the two people who had allowed the two to love each other, the feud between the two families would never had ended. These two characters, the nurse and the friar, seem to be very important in the shaping of the plot and the ending of the play.

Anonymous said...

After watching the Romeo & Juliet background video, I think there are a few things to consider before reading the book. One thing is the way that Romeo and Juliet met when Romeo and his friend crashed the Capulet party. Romeo and Juliet met not knowing who each other were and that their families are sworn enemies. After they found out what each others last names were they were bummed because their families forbid it, but they still were in love. Soon Romeo and Juliet get married, but their families did not know it. After Romeo and Juliet both die, the Capulets and the Montagues vow to end their feud. I think these things are important to know before reading because maybe the story will make more sense after knowing this background information.

Anonymous said...

I think what is important to consider is that the two Romeo and Juliet cannot date legally. So they secretly get married and they get married in a short amount of time. The parents will not be amused by there wedding. Romeo kills someone and gets banished. And Juliet, is suppose to marry someone else so she took fake poison to make her sleep. Romeo was suppose to run away with her when he got there but he thought that she was dead so he spills out his love intakes his life with real poison. When Juliet woke up she saw him dead and took her own life and stabbed herself in the heart.

Anonymous said...

One thing I would consider when reading is that their families are totally different. Their families are enemies and want nothing to do with each other. Another thing to know is that they got married really fast. It was also a sercret marriage. Romeo is searching for love nothing else just love. That they both killed themselves because Romeo thought Juliet was dead so he made himself die and then when Juliet woke up she killed herself because Romeo died. The way that light is used to describe different things.

Cate V. said...

It's important to remember the characters' motivations while reading the play because their motivations explain their actions and why they do the things they do. It's also important to remember what Shakespeare was writing at the time, and what he wrote previously because it shows why he wrote in that genre and with those themes. It also explains all of the poetic monologues and dialogue.

Caitlin Wilcox said...

It thinks it is important to make sure to pay attention to the characters because it might be hard to keep them strait especially there friends. Also, it might be good to try to see past the regular story and look for the little deeper into the details. Maybe also begin to pay attention to the family because they play a big role in the book.

Anonymous said...

After watching, something to remember about Romeo and Juliet is how strong the feuds were between the families and how forbidden their love was. This is important because it shows how strong their love for each other was and how much they meant to eachother because with all the pressure, their love is constantly being tested but they are strong enough to stay together.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is important to recognize the motivations between the family feud and the characters alone on both sides. Not only Romeo and Juliet, but tybalt, the parents, The prince of Verona, Friar, Nurce, Paris, and Mercutio. Everyone had an influence on the decision or the cause of conflict. The story is about everyone not just Romeo and Juliet, the others kind of make a path for the plot to follow.

Anonymous said...

The video shows that it is important to consider how the two family's feud effects Romeo and Juliet.Because of the feud, Romeo and Juliet had to keep their marriage secret and caused Juliet to set up her plan so she won't be forced to get married to the other boy. It is also important to consider how Romeo and Juliet's romance can bring the two families together. After both Romeo and Juliet died, the feud between the two families was over.