Friday, November 10, 2017

Shall This Pass In "Anthem?"

How would This Too Shall Pass and White Knuckles by Okay Go violate the societal norms set forth by the councils in Anthem?  Looking beyond the obvious, how do the videos exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society?  Would Equality be pleased with Okay Go's performances, designs, and visions for their music and art?  Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response to prove your view(s). This blog response should be completed in class after we view the videos.


Anonymous said...

How would This Too Shall Pass and White Knuckles by Okay Go, violate the societal norms set forth by the councils in Anthem? Looking beyond the obvious, how do the videos exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society? Would Equality be pleased with Okay Go's performances, designs, and visions for their music and art? Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response to prove your view(s).

These videos violate the societal norms that are set by the councils in Anthem, because they appear to be more tact and order in the sense that everything falls if just one thing ends up going down. In the video, they appear to work together whereas in Anthem there is more of the idea that there is a higher power, and in this case, a higher council. I feel that Equality would be all for this video, except he would want to lead it, in the sense that there is a need in this book to be a leader. I think that Equality would want to guard this stuff, such as he did when he was guarding the light. In the book it states," What is done collectively cannot be good." (Rand, 73). This quote is basically stating that the people of the council disagree with the idea of independence and figuring things out with one's self. That is shown to be the exact opposite in these videos, showing that Equality would be more for the idea, just as he was with the light.

Anonymous said...

The videos were hard to relate to Anthem, but I can sort of see a small connection. In Anthem, there are a lot of obstacles for Equality. He has to go through a lot of upset and disappointment. In the video, there are a lot of obstacles to get to the end paint bomb, but no matter what, they got there. Also, he creates an invention that the house of scholars does not like. This whole video was about complicated invention.

Anonymous said...

The first video is completely opposite of the novel Anthem. In the video the people had to be very creative to come up with the different causes to effect one thing from going off. In the novel the society has to be very straight forward and only do their regular job. They can not go off and try building one of their own things that is not their job. At the same time they are similar because in both the novel and the video, they both have to be very creative. Also in order to get the final experiment, they have to make mistakes and try again. In the second video, the people had to plan out how the whole thing went. This is similar to the novel because Equality had to plan out his ideas in order to get the final thing. I think Equality would be very pleased with them because they were both creative and stand out. “Ours alone and only.” This quote relates to the videos because with no help they came up with it on their own, out of their own mind. Equality does not have any support in what he is trying to do.

Anonymous said...

This band was not only creating music, but they have invented many things, to help create this music. This band also wore white, and pretty much ruined the white with different colored paint. This shows a different type of creativity. Not only that but in the second video it showed how a one point a guy was trying to walk the dog, but the dog was really waling him. This connects to the quote " How dared you think that your mind held greater wisdom than the minds of your brothers?" These two things connect because no matter how equal the council says they are, the truth is they are not.

Anonymous said...

The first video would have violated the scholars because it says on page 73 in Anthem, “What is not done collectively cannot be good.” These inventions were probably not considered through a bunch of scholars, and in the book, everyone needs to approve of the item before it can be presented to all of the other brothers. The second video was very big on training and following directions, so I feel like it might have been alright in Anthem because of the following of directions and doing things all together. In Anthem they follow the Council's directions and do what they say so it would be very effective and good in the book. Overall I think that both have an individuality aspect to them, and being different from all the other music videos, but they do have different messages throughout the videos and how they relate to Anthem.

Anonymous said...

When Equality presented the glass box to the house of scholars and asked Equality if he did it on his own. Since he's is different than everyone in the society. In the video that everyone can be different, creative, etc.. The book and the videos showed many difference but bit of similarities.

Anonymous said...

I think that these two videos would be violating the societal norms set forth by the council because it was individually creative, and the council was all about equality and especially in "this too shall pass" the machine that Okay Go has built is very innovative and out of the box thinking, which the society in Anthem was completely against. I think Equality would approve of their music and visions and performances because it's "thinking out of the box" and doing something new and thinking in a different way than everyone else, just as he had in the book. "I understood that centuries of chains and lashes will not kill the spirit of a man nor the sense of truth within him", I think this quote helps show that Equality realizes that there is much more to life than what the council had claimed there was and that no matter what they do, they can't surpress the spirit he holds within.

Anonymous said...

Looking beyond the obvious, how do the videos exhibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem's society?
Anthem’s invention getting turned down by the scholars because individual created things aren’t accepted. And how the band had to invent the obstacles and redo it over and over to get the right take. “What is no thought by all men cannot be true.” (page 73 Rand)
Would Equality be pleased with Okay Go's performances, designs, and visions for their music and art?
Equality would be pleased because these videos aren’t ones you normally see. They have a different concept and style for their music videos than others have.

Anonymous said...

Equality, from “Anthem,” is creative & makes extraordinary devices. The band makes an extraordinary device that creates a chain reactions of one thing leading to another. Both are very creative and make device that are controversial and leave them open to their peers. Equality got rebuked by his peers, while the band has established a reputation for themselves. Both were due to their crazy inventions which were both mind blowing considering the circumstances. In the end Equality breaks free and stops trying to be like his brothers, the band uses their inventions to stand out from other bands. Both trying not to be like anyone else and wants to be recognized as an individual.

Anonymous said...

I think that okay go would violate the social norms of the council. The council promotes sameness, no colors, people working separate but doing the same thing. They do not like music or dancing either. I think that white knuckles could pass because they are all wearing the same things, working together but doing the same thing and not doing anything extreme or doing anything completely different from each other. I think when the men were directing the dogs and telling them what to do it was like the council giving people their jobs and telling them what to do each day. " this was the only thing that moved, for the lips of the oldest did not move as they said: street sweeper". I think that equality would like Okay Go because it has colors and working together and not everything falls into perfect order, it can be a little messy.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Equality will approve of the videos visions and music. The machine was very creative and almost random. But it also was connected to the music and how they are changing as people and as a band. Like they showed how the were smashing tvs with their past video on it. Its like they got more creative than how they were. In Anthem its the same way. Equality changed and became more of an individual. In chapter 11 he states, " I guard my treasures: my thought, my will, my freedom..." This is him breaking out and realizing his thoughts and his mind is freedom and is no longer controlled by the council. He broke out of the bubble he was created in. Its like the video with creativity and individualism because theres not many bands that do what OK GO does.

Anonymous said...

In the music videos made by Okay Go, it relates to the text Anthem a little. In the society everything is planned and everything is organized and goes right. In the music videos it is obvious that they messed up and that they had to try and try again, if this happened in the Anthem society the Council would find some way to eliminate the “problem”. It was a little hard to find something that connects to such and odd text, but one way it does connect is that in this very dystopian society Equality is struggling to hop over obstacles and problems, just like in the videos there were obstacles set for the group and obviously there were problems but with both these cases they did not give in. “Where have you been?” We thought of our glass box and of our light, and we forgot all else. And we answered: “We will not tell you.” (Rand 63)

Anonymous said...

The music videos by Okay Go don't have many relations to the novel Anthem. The main character in Anthem had many challenges to overcome and many difficulties along the way, much like the videos. In the videos there was a Rube Goldberg invention which is a chain reactions something sets off this then that goes off etc. Equality has many, many obstacles in his way and so do the videos. These videos also violate the societal norms set by the council in Anthem by working with each other in the video, in the book there are higher stages/powers that don't allow for team work.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the music videos by Okay Go have a lot of relations to the anthem,but there are some. In society most things are planned and organized and it goes right as planned. In the music video it was obvious they had messed up a little bit, they were struggling to get it to work, but after they tried it worked. If that had happened in the Anthem the council would find some way to eliminate the issue. Equality is struggling to get over challenges and different issues, just like the video there were challenges the group had to face in order to accomplish what they did.

Anonymous said...

i think that this relates to anthem because in the book, the society seems perfect. But the video is one whole big mess. Equality 7-2521 had many challenges to go through, and the machine was a great example of a challenge. It is showing that though something may take a lot of work and may be a little messy, it ends with something that was worth it the whole time.

Anonymous said...

This kind of relates to Anthem because in the video so many things are happening at once and Equality 7-2521 goes through many challenges throughout the book and the machines and things put together were a perfect example of that. You have to go through abunch of challenges and obstacles to get to where/what you want.

Anonymous said...

I think that the band's ideas where very creative just like Equality-72521. The bands ideas were very original and different than everybody else. I think that Equality-72521 would love these ideas and take them to the next level. How dared you think that your mind held greater wisdom than the minds of your brothers?" This quote in Anthem represents the councils opinion of Equality-72521 having an idea that not everyone else had. In their society that is not okay because everyone is equal, so Okay Go would have a very rough time in Equality's society.