Thursday, October 26, 2017

"The Martian Chronicles" In Film?

In The Martian Chronicles Film Excerpt, did you notice text alignment? Text differences? Other? Please comment by 2:30p.m. on Thurs., Oct. 26th.


Anonymous said...

In the movie they had the same starting date. They had a different order in the expeditions, Spender is on the first expedition. He was not introduced in a positive way. Captain York was on the first expedition. They also showed Ylla and her husband for the first expedition which was correct.

Anonymous said...

In The Martian Chronicles Film Excerpt, did you notice text alignment? Text differences? Other?

Text alignment is shown when they first introduce the movie, because they include the date of when everything started. The movie is also asking the first question the book did, is there life on Mars? It is also very strange because during the time this book was written, technology was different than it is today. We now have more knowledge on today´s technology, and on Mars itself. In the movie, they keep asking about what will happen and why the captain is choosing to keep exploring Mars, even when they all think that there is no life on Mars.This is the same in the book.The only thing that is different is the imagery that I was thinking, for instance, the aliens are way different than I how I thought they would be, visually. There are a few differences, such as when they are introducing the characters, it is different than in the book.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that they make Mars seem a lot less modern then as presented in the book. It looks almost desert like and old. Yes, the film excerpt was made a while ago so they didnt have the best resources to make things look modern, but they could have made Mars seem modern at the least. Right now it just looks like a desert. The scene where they are talking about the first expedition is almost the exact same, and I think it was executed well and they showed it well. The Martians are not at all what I pictured. They look almost like bugs. The way I pictured them, they looked more like humans, but in the film, they look way more like Martians. I only thought the Martians looked like humans because the way Bradbury described everything, I forgot that they were Martians and that the story takes place on Mars.

Anonymous said...

From watching the film of the Martian Chronicles ive noticed both similarities and differences. One similarity is the names of the astronauts and the order of the expeditions to mars. A difference I noticed is how Spender was introduced. He was introduced as just a normal person not like how he was in the book when he was in trouble for some violent crimes.

Anonymous said...

In the text, the first expedition meets alien life and is killed by them, but in the movie, they do not see anyone, and send another expedition. The movie also highlights the disbelief of actual life being on mars, when the book really doesn’t mention it. The book focuses a lot on the humans that landed on mars, and not the politics and everything happening on earth and the complications on Earth instead of the humans on mars like in the movie. The movie has a first expedition where they do not meet any life, and send another one that meets martians, but the book only has the first expedition that meets the martians. Spender, the lead of the expeditions on Earth, was very highlighted in the movie, while the book never mentions it. There are not very many ties between the book and the movie, but still have the same concept.

Anonymous said...

The movie and the book had a few similarities, but also some major differences. In the movie, mars looked totally empty, with nothing or nobody to be seen in miles. In the book, the first expedition was nearby some houses, because one of the people from those houses was able to find their spaceship and kill them all. Both the movie and the book have the storyline of Ylla and her husband. We did not watch a lot of the film, but it looks pretty similar to the descriptions of the book. I pictured it looking a lot different in my head, but that is just my personal opinion of what Mars would look like.

Anonymous said...

There are some alignments with the text, but in the beginning the first expedition doesn't appear to be shown, while Spender isn't permitted to go on the expedition to Mars like he does in the novel. The original expeditions seem to be merged together instead of being separate as they are in the book.

Anonymous said...

Spender was not introduced like he was in the movie in the text. They had also merged expeditions to make the film shorter. In the text, they the first martians we met in the very beginning of the text. In the film, they were introduced later on.

Anonymous said...

In the book we know what is the first expedition and in the movie it is sorta blended together. The film shows whats happening more on Earth. Spender was not introduced into the book the way he was in the movie and he was also black in movie when black people did not and (probably were not allowed) to go to Mars until a later story in the books.

Anonymous said...

One difference between the film and the novel is that the film added different scenes that were not included in the novel. One of these scenes is the rocket taking off to go to mars, which was not said in the novel. As well as later they have all of the people included to have a successful lift off talking about the mission, which as well was not included in the book. One similarity between them is very beginning starting on mars with the lonesome spacecraft just sitting there. Nobody knew if someone was in it or if there were certain materials in it, there was no information about it.

Anonymous said...

The movie is the same as the book because it shows the first mission, but it´s different because it shows that lift off and such. The movie starts in 1976, and the book starts in 1999

Anonymous said...

In the film of Bradbury's Martian Chronicles there were some discrepancies with the text. For instance, there was never a conference in the beginning of the book. Spender was never mentioned before “And the Moon Be Still as Bright.” In the book there was never a space probe sent up before the first mission. And this fictional probe never denied life on Mars. The Look of the Martians was much different than portrayed in the film. Instead of being white with bald heads, they had golden yellow eyes, tan skin, and platinum blonde hair. The House of Crystal Pillars, owned by Mr. K, was not made of crystal, but red rock and some cheap plastic. Over all, what little I have seen of the film, has not lined up with the text.

Anonymous said...

In Ray Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles there was some differences with the film along with similarities. They showed the same times along with how the text makes it clear on what expeditions went, and in the film I was a little confused about it. It has a little bit of jumbled expeditions and in the book it did not have the rocket taking off. Another would be that they at least shows Mr. Kay and Mrs. Ylla around the same time. In the beginning of the film it goes straight to a craft landing on Mars and there was not much of an explanation on anything, just a short part and then moved on. It seemed like the film wanted to move it along fast and still include the book at the same time.

Anonymous said...

There was an alignment between The Martian Chronicles Excerpt and Bradbury’s novel, because they illustrated the same plot. The excerpt mainly showed the first chapter of the book, where the setting was described and the overall feel for Mars was portrayed. The humans on Earth were preparing for departure, and everyone was psyched for the first venture to Mars because they had been preparing for ages. On the other hand, unsuspecting Martians were gracefully inhabiting their home planet Mars; going about their schedule as per usual. Mr. K was reading a book in the excerpt, whereas in the novel, he was playing a book. Additionally Colonel Wilder’s introduction as well as a few other introductions in the excerpt were different than in the novel. Throughout the excerpt, the image of Mars matched the descriptions that were given by Bradbury. Overall, the theme of the two was similar.

Anonymous said...

I think there are some differences, but after reading the story they are almost the same. In the book spender wasn't introduced like the way he was in the movie. In the book, they introduced him as a bad guy, who has done some pretty harsh things. Meanwhile in the movie they introduced him quite differently, not as harsh, just a normal guy sitting in his room and reading. The person showed the first chapter of the book, the setting was described and what was happening overall on mars was told. The humans were getting ready to leave earth and go to mars everyone was psyched for going to mars for the first time, that they had been waiting for and preparing for. While unsuspecting martians were gracefully inhabiting their home planet Mars; going about their schedule like always. Mr. K was reading his book. Like i said the begining when Mr. K was introduced he was introduced very differntly, but everything else was simmilar.

Anonymous said...

In the film it was kind of confusing concerning the expeditions. The date at the beginning of the film also correlated to the date in the book. The film also shows Mr. Kay (same in the book).

Anonymous said...

In the films and they book the first date that was shown was the same between the book and the film. In the film the martians look much more like martians than described in the book. I also noticed that there were different people on different expeditions then in the book. Spender was also introduced in a very different manner in the film. The book showed mars as a more advanced civilization than the film showed us.

Anonymous said...

In the film it starts on the same date as the book, but martians in the film look more realistic and in the book it doesn't really describe them enough. Also, everything was different, the people, expeditions, etc. Mars was also made differently.

Anonymous said...

The martians in he book are more realistic in the book then in the cartoon, and the book is way more advanced.