Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Summary/Response Revision (Optional)

Concerning your Fish Eyes Summary/Response Revisions, please review your paper rubric and summary/response to answer the following revision questions. Please answer specifically. (You could earn up to 1.00 point for these responses).

1. What did you do well regarding the process and writing of your summary/response?

2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your summary/response?

3. What writing strategy will you try to use when you write for any class?

4. When you write next, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?

5. What differences do you see between your Response Writing Revision from Googleclassroom last week and your Fish Eyes Summary/Response?


Anonymous said...

1. I honestly don't think I did that well on this summary/ response.

2. I think I could have made the response longer and added more information. I also think I could have made my topic sentence a bit more interesting and just better.

3. I will try to you claim, evidence, and reasoning if I was answering a question like how I did for this one, but I didn't have a strategy when I wrote this.

4. The steps I'll take next time is first I'll have a plan (rough draft) and I look over it and when I write the final I'll make sure it applies to my strategy and that it will be much better than my rough draft.

5. I don't really see that big of a difference because I just do not do well when it comes to essays or responses, but I guess I see somewhat of a difference.

Anonymous said...

1. What did you do well regarding the process and writing of your summary/response?
I did a lot of re-telling for the summary and made it fairly long. I honestly did not do that well on the response.

2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your summary/response?
I could improve by not "telling" as much in the summary and stick to the main idea. I could use a lot more detail and information in the response to make it more interesting. Having a detailed topic sentence would help too.

3. What writing strategy will you try to use when you write for any class?
I think having a really thought out plan will help me the most. I do not do my best when I start writing when I have a million ideas in my head and then I try to write them all down with no organization. I think just really breaking my writing down to make the outcome smooth and less choppy will make my writing successful.

4. When you write next, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?
I will have a thought out plan and really use my rough draft. I also can use more editing techniques to help the final result like proof reading.

5. What differences do you see between your Response Writing Revision from Googleclassroom last week and your Fish Eyes Summary/Response?
The length difference is huge. I had a lot more evidence and claims in the more recent one which made the response a lot more interesting and knowledgeable. My topic sentence was well thought out and really made the other one look bad. There is a huge improvement in just a couple of weeks.