Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Counseling And The Use Of "The Odyssey?"

After listening to the Psychiatrist Counsels Vets With Odyssey Audio, what are you thinking about the The Odyssey?  Please specify your thoughts using a dynamic topic sentence and supporting evidence.  After listening to the audio clip, please respond during class.


Anonymous said...

In this podcast, many people are relating their pain in real life to the books of the Odyssey. One man had a stroke, and read these books while he was recovering. These books seem to help people when they are in pain. I think these might make people feel better because they can relate to Odysseus. Military personnel read these stories when they have post traumatic stress disorder. The series helps them feel better about their pain or sorrow because they feel like Odysseus relates to them. I think it is really cool how a certain series has helped so many people.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey relates very similar to real life. Everyone in The Odyssey goes through challenges and achievements, but nothing is ever perfect. Everyone has to make really hard decisions in life and maybe the end up being choices that they regret or that could have been resolved differently. Odysseus has to make hard choices to make sure he gets past his journey. And though we almost always have to make hard choices, we are almost never alone or are never far from help. Odysseus got help from several people yet he still made bad choices. Whether the choice you make is good or bad, the impact of that choice will depend on what type of person you are.

Anonymous said...

Throughout this podcast, it is explaining a way a Vet feels and what pain they have gone through relates to the text in The Odyssey. These books seem to show many people in pain in different ways, emotional, physical, just like a Vet. All of this can come back to Odysseus and how he feels like he in pain, and relating him to war Vets it somehow makes people feel better. I would feel like military elders might have a better time reading these so they can feel better and more calm about what is going on. It is pretty interesting that this can be used to help people in a way.

Anonymous said...

The stories of the Odyssey are being used by Dr. Jonathan Shay to help veterans with PTSD. Shay says that the veterans are appealed by the realism of the text, and the survivor stories of Odysseus. The text posses the question of how the rich, soft, safe civilians understand Odysseus's journey? They can honestly not, they have their own opinions about what happened. They can not understand how the war has change them and the meaning of the war to the veteran.

Anonymous said...

I think the Odyssey is kinda boring, but at the same time there are different quotes in the book here and there that keep my interest.The different stories in the book have a crucial amount of action. I think the action and the fighting with monsters really keep me interested. Odysseus, the main character, is a clear example of a real human. He thinks he knows everything and pretty full of himself. I think this book also shows and teaches all the readers a different lesson in every different little book. I personally thinks that is how the author draws reader in is the content in his book compared to normal fiction books are a lot different.

Anonymous said...

I think that the Odyssey can be therapeutic for those who are in pain. I think the reason why is because the people can relate to Odysseus. The main people who use this to recover is military soldiers recovering from PTSD. It can make them feel better because they feel Odysseus relates to them

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey would definetly be shown as a type of therapy for people who are said or are in a lot of pain. This relates to our modern world because we have people suffering from traumatic events and there is therapy related to this helping those people.