Monday, November 27, 2017

"The Odyssey" Background Information?

Regarding the Background film about The Odyssey, what comments can you make about what you understand about The Odyssey. Please argue, explain, criticize, etc... Blog post is due Nov. 29th by 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

From the background film some of the things I could understand from The Odyssey is that the story will be about the voyage and search for home. I think that could be an actual place or just a mindset of home. Its a long story of tests and adventures that Odysseus has to overcome. It seems to be a heroism story. I could see how our lives and humanity that is similar to The Odyssey. As humans, we desire going home somewhere and having an end destination and to have unforgettable adventures Humans can also be heroes and The Odyssey can show that. Its about the journey to getting what you want and all humans go through that.

Anonymous said...

As I watched The Odyssey it gives hints on what it really is. It is an interesting way in showing the Greeks religion and what occurred with these people and societies. The film likes to show what people really did for their Gods, and what the Gods would do in some kind of karma. Throughout this journey of Odysseus,it is shown that this hero is struggling 10 years after the trojan war, and battles mythical monsters and creatures. This says a lot about this man, it shows that he is able to keep on going and not be able to stop. It shows that this Odyssey is a way of life.

Anonymous said...

Odyssey means a long challenging voyage with many changes in fortune. The Odyssey is an original type of literature, it was the first of it’s kind. It is the first Adventure Action Novel. It is about Odysseus returning home to his wife. The people in the video argue that this book links back to us because under pressure our true characters are shown. Only the ones who stay strong and do not wilt will thrive, to the victor goes the spoils. Today we are under constant pressure: learn about evolution, write an essay, finish the geometry proof, study the new spanish words, & complete the chores at home. Some people have a mental breakdown and get thrown into the asylum. While others stay strong and therefore bettering themselves, and living a better than those who could not live through the pressure. Odysseus is the only man, after his long journey, who makes it home. He managed to fight, and not to crack under the pressure and so he lives and goes home to be king.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The background information from the video we watched on The Odyssey, I gathered that the story will be about the journey/voyage on his search for home. It could be a place or just a mindset of home. The Odyssey is a story about an adventure with many obstacles that Odysseus has to overcome. I can see some relations between our modern lives and our modern society is similar to The Odyssey. The human race has homes designed for them, we can go home to everyday but in The Odyssey they have to search for their homes.. The Odyssey is about the adventure to getting what you want and all people go through that at some point in their lives.

Anonymous said...

One thing that I understood about the Odyssey is that it is about a voyage. It tests Odysseus and throws many challenges at him so that he proves that he really wants to come home. Odysseus has to battle and overcome many monsters and other obstacles, and he is persistent. I think that Odysseus is the only one who made it home because he was the only truly persistent one. He fought and really wanted to come home so he was rewarded with it. As people say, it is not about the destination, but the journey itself.

Anonymous said...

The main name came from a man that was named Odysseus and his search for home on a ship at sea. Many people know about him because he was in the Trojan War. This war was a semi- important war in history. This man became known as a hero. Although he was a hero, he wasn’t your regular thought as a hero because he was different. He was brave, bold, human, and surprisingly a liar. A mythical story that happened was when the ship finally found land after ten years, they were looking for food. In the end they ended up invading a giant’s area and through much fighting, they ended up blinding him. When Odysseus realized they were out of the giant’s reach, he yelled his name and confessed to blinding him. One of the main definitions of Odyssey is to live life. Many can argue that Odysseus was very much so living his life trying to an idol for others. His wife was very genuine and wanted to wait for her husband to come home after 20 years.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is one of the first action adventures seen in literature. Odysseus was just human, and he was a great warrior. In this film they are stating how the struggles that Odysseus stumbles upon connects towards our own problems today. This hero shows he is human by making a very big mistake and learning how to cope with consequences that will follow. This poem creates a legacy for many common h=things we see in today's life.

Anonymous said...

I learned a lot in the video that we watched today in class. I got an introduction into The Odyssey. It seems to be a lot about greek mythology. It also seems to have something to do with religions that occurred back in greek mythology.  The video did some explaining about certain gods and sacrifices or ways of living for the gods. I think this book will be very adventurous. The characters involved will be going on many different trips or adventures. Odysseus (spelling I am not sure of) is known as a hero. They said that a journey for him that should have lasted two weeks took ten years, so that says a lot about him. This book seems very interesting, and I am anxious to see how it plays out.

Anonymous said...

As I watched the video it gave me some background information about what an odyssey really is and gave hints about what the book is about. A man named Odysseus goes is forced to go on a journey to war and meets a brutal fate, being the only man to survive, the book is about his journey home to return to his wife and all the obstacles he has to face in order to do so. With many tests from the gods and other things we get to view how he acts when he faces difficult decisions and cruel punishments on his voyage home and when most men would have given up, he didn't.

Anonymous said...

I understand most of the God's names. I have read Percy Jackson so that is a useful background to have. I understand there is a lot of morals, or irony through out the poem. I also know that this is a male dominate text, they don't talk about the women as much. Each God is very different in their own way, except they cannot suffer like humans, such as Odysseus. He has to go through many trials through out the book and has to make many choices. Over all it s a very good example of a heroic story.

Anonymous said...

I think the odyssey was interesting. They explained who odysseus was and his personality, a brave man, lied a lot and said he was very human. They explained that women are important in the story they interpreted that they are important, because women give us birth. They showed odysseus facing a number of challenges and he was told to forget about home and never go home. Odysseus is described as a huge hero in the odyssey. They try to make the readers that read the story that life without adventures and struggles is not life. Odysseus had been away from ithaca for 20 years. Penelope a girl he was dating/ his fiance, got over odysseus and told people whoever could string the bow that was odysseus's could have her hand in marriage and odysseus the beggar was the one who won her hand. Throughout the odyssey they explained that there is conflict between fate and free will. In the story odysseus had bad decisions and he was told to choose and I think that connects to real life because we all have encountered that before or will if we have not. The odyssey really connects to different situations to keep the reader interested. Overall I think the odyssey really helps you understand more about Ancient Greek mythology.

Anonymous said...

Odyssey is a long voyage with many changes. Its an adventure. It was a poem of 12,000 lines. The Odyssey is about changes and war and growing in life. The main character, who was a liar, and mean, was seen and known as a hero. The Odyssey is about the main character trying to get back to his love. Women are very important in the poem. Calypso offers the main character immortality to stay with her. Odysseus is supposedly a hero, but he really doesn't act like one. Rising above what others think is mere weakness. He always has to make hard and bad decisions. His wife is very smart by staling the suitors. The book is mostly about being smart and making hard decisions.

Anonymous said...

“The Odyssey” is a completely original masterpiece, based off of Greek mythology. The main focus of “The Odyssey” is the return of Odysseus to Ithaca, his homeland, following the Greek-Trojan War. The Greeks finally destroyed the Trojans after tricking them into opening their gates to a large wooden horse. Hiding inside the walls of the horse were Greeks soldiers, ready to attack at any moment. Odysseus was the “commander” in charge of the “trojan horse attack” and is widely known as the “thinker”. Originally, his voyage back home was supposed to take at most three months, but instead it took ten years, therefore earning the title “The Odyssey”. The journey was so prolonged because of the actions of Odysseus at the island of cyclops. After being captured by a massive cyclops, Polyphemus, Odysseus and his comrades are trapped in a colossal cave, and decide that the cruel giant holding them captive must die. Following several hours of planning, all the men unite in order to blind the cyclops, using a hot, sharp object. Barely escaping death, Odysseus returns to his ship with two fewer men. Upon returning, Odysseus proclaims his true identity, loud enough so that Polyphemus finds out who his blinder was. Odysseus made sure to rub it in Polyphemus’s face that he outsmarted him, and about his new disability. As a result, Poseidon, Polyphemus’s father, punishes Odysseus by rattling the waters, and therefore making the voyage home impossible. Hence the “odyssey” begins, with only Odysseus making it back home; finally being able to reunite with his wife, Penelope.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Background film about The Odyssey, what comments can you make about what you understand about The Odyssey. Please argue, explain, criticize, etc...

What I understand about The Odyssey is that it is the type of story that is strongly connected to a specific genre. In this case, The Odyssey connects mainly to Greek Mythology. The definition of Odyssey literally means ¨a figurative one¨. It can also be considered a road of twists and turns, which can be connected to a story in general, and even life itself. Odyssey is first shown in the Trojan battle. The hero in this story is shown to be more human than other known characters. Odysseus has to take a trip back to his home, and on this trip is where the story takes place, for there are tasks and battles that this character needs to complete in order to make a story. This book takes a various amounts of different beliefs, connecting them all through a story. In this time, many believed that there were multiple Gods, who controlled and made certain things a particular way. In other words, a lot of this story is based upon the idea of Greek Mythology, and religion. However, this story differs from the rest because Odysseus is shown to be a hero, yet of human nature. He embraces the fact that he is, in fact, human, and he wants to remain so, while returning back to his wife, and home. Even when faced with the challenges, and offered the option to become a God, Odysseus refuses, and wants to be at home with his wife, and in a place he is comfortable being himself. Because a lot of Odysseus´ story connects to the mythological world, it seems like a story until you begin to realize his choice in being human versus, a God. This man´s story can very much connect to a few other mythological stories, but is unique in the sense that it shows more of the Odyssey of life.

Anonymous said...

I was absent for most of the film

- He's always comes to a problem with two solutions but he has to choose between which one.
- Wife is pretty crafty and smart (loyal in a very clever way - Odysseus Bow)

Anonymous said...

It started with a voyage and all of the trials that they face on that trip, started the odyssey “trend” and all of the different stories were made. The first masterpiece of the Odyssey was a 12,000 line poem that became very big in the area. It is some of the farthest past literature that we have and provides so many different uses and with what we use in our literature today. The different versions of these stories had one common person and main character, Odysseus. He carried in between each new story. Odysseus became a big hero in these books, and people let his pride take him places in their books. People in these times often used myths to describe things that they did not know, which led to the abstract ideas in the stories. The Odyssey is a combination of different stories with him as the protagonist all together in one book, so the stories are full of all different forms and types of writing. The main point of the stories is highlighting his ego and how him being a hero gets to his head conflicting many problems to him and his men. This created a problem, but throughout the story, Odysseus stays alive, and is seen as a hero once again creating more confidence and pride. The stories go the same throughout and created the sole pattern that we see today in superhero stories. He is often spared in the eye of an antagonist and cannot die due to different circumstances throughout the stories. This brings him excessive pride and gives him the confidence to keep going on others and “missions” at the cost of other humans lives. Throughout the stories, he is often challenged with decisions which he has to make and it is often dependent on his men’s lives, which shows the carelessness of his actions in some circumstances regarding lives. He has to choose the lesser evil, and the better option but men are always left. To end, there is always a homecoming with cheers and celebration over Odysseus but never the remembrance of the men who died.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey shows the tale of Odysseus' trip back home after fighting a long battle. Odysseus thought the trip would be really short but it turned out being really long. He was the guy who seemed really selfish and only cared about himself yet no one could beat him. Odysseus followed the heroic code to be recognized. In the Odyssey, there are many different stories that all show him as the main person. Odysseus lost most of the men that traveled with him, and he was the only one that returned back home to his wife.

Anonymous said...

The Odessy is a book about a series of tests that Oddysius has to face in order to get back home to his homeland. Throughout the book and in every test, Oddysius has to save his people and continue to ride the Iliad continuously until he faces his next trial. Oddysius cannot return home to Troy until he passes a test. Once he does he can return home and be with his wife.

Anonymous said...

The Odyessy is a a book full of tests that Oddysseus had to face in order to survive. There were multiple trials he had to go through to save his people, once he's finshed all these trials then he can finally go see his wife.