Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Cyclops: Text To Film In "The Odyssey?"

What subtle or overt differences did you notice regarding the Book IX The Odyssey reading and The Odyssey film clip of the Cyclops episode?  Explain, note, argue, quote, and defend.  Anything regarding the Heroic Code, Guest/Host Relationship, or hubris?  After watching the film clip, please respond during class.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

First off, in both the video and the book both the Odysseus party and the Cyclops both broke the code. Odysseus brought wine to appease the Cyclops, the sequence in which they talk to the Cyclops, eat his food, and got eaten was different in the book than portrayed in the video. The Cyclops had 3 glasses of wine instead of one. And several men were eaten instead of one. The Cyclops promises to host Odysseus after the wine which did not happen in the video. There was no music to keep the Cyclops asleep in the book. And the men to escape used the sheep, while they did not in the video. The Video is much different than the book.

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Anonymous said...

Some overall differences i noticed was that the cyclops did not come in with a sheep. Another difference was that Odysseus said his name was nobody. In the book, he had said that his name was noman. In the book, no one was playing a flute for the cyclops, and thats what happened in the film. In the book, the stick that they used was on fire, but it wasnt in the film. In the film, no other cyclops came out and asked him why he was screaming.

Anonymous said...

What subtle or overt differences did you notice regarding the Book IX The Odyssey reading and The Odyssey film clip of the Cyclops episode? Explain, note, argue, quote, and defend. Anything regarding the Heroic Code, Guest/Host Relationship, or hubris?

The difference appears to be the fact that Odysseus seems to come up with several contrasting ideas, very quickly. In the book, Odysseus shows himself to take time and almost stay quiet for, what seems like, a longer time than in the clip. Also, in the book, Odysseus seems to contrast himself from the group he is with, to a farther extent, than what it seems to be in the clip. He also seems to have a weird turn on the title "hero", in the sense that he, in both the book and clip, takes different approaches than what a normal heroic figure would do. One more difference would be that in the book, they seem to stall as much as they can up until they come up with the idea of taking the cyclops' eye out. In the clip, they show some respect out of being mortified, but they all seem to take a different action than in the book, through that respect.

Anonymous said...

There are a few differences. Odysseus says his name is "Noman" in the book where as in the movie he says Nobody. Also the men have escaped by putting sheep fur on themselves instead of hiding underneath an actual sheep. They hot the spear that stabbed the eye of the cyclopes was not dipped in fire before the did it in the movie.Also the sequence of the way things happen is different in the film from the book.

Anonymous said...

I think there were very overt differences in the film than the actual chapter in "The Odyssey", but there were also some similarities. The differences are that the cyclops didn't eat any of the men. Also, Odysseus didn't poke him in the eye and kill him. The similarities were that Odysseus did say his name was Nobody and also he gave the cyclops wine that made him drunk. But there weren't the most important similarities.

Anonymous said...

From the very beginning, Odysseus was very quick on his feet handling the "googly eyed" monster in the video, but in the book it seemed like he was more hesitant and scared. Things also happened very quickly, and it was one event after another, when it seemed more drawn out in the book. One of a small and subtle differences I saw was the reaction of the monster with the water. In the book, he was thoroughly delighted and was very happy, when he seemed less enthusiastic in the video. One of the main differences I noticed was the plan of escape. In the book, Odysseus described that the men held on to the sheep's undersides to camouflage themselves, but in the short film, the men were able to escape under it, and only used sheep skin over themselves when people were desperate. It was fairly similar between the two, but there were very subtle differences between the two.

Anonymous said...

One subtle difference that I noticed was that instead of strapping themselves to the sheep to escape, the cloaked themselves with something like sheep wool. Another subtle difference that I noticed was that the cyclops killed one men in the film, and he killed to men in the novel. In the book he said his name was noman, but in the film he said his name was nobody

Anonymous said...

There were several noticeable differences contained in the video and in the book, for instance, in the book, Odysseus had asked the cyclops if he had known his name after had had drunk the wine when in the short video segment we watched, the cyclops had asked his name when he began to talk about all the magic in his head, another difference is that the Cyclops often left the cave while the men were stuck there while in the video he had never left.

Anonymous said...

In both the novel and the film, Odysseus does his best to be the hero and save his men and of course himself. He stands up to the Cyclops, and tries to convince him not to eat anyone else. He tells him that if he eats him then the Cyclops will have eaten all of the secrets in the world. Odysseus gives him a gift, and tries to make conversation with the Cyclops. Odysseus acts like a nobody because he doesn’t want to be known as a king. In both stories, they do what they can to kill the Cyclops. They use a long and sharp stick in poke his eye out in the novel and the film. In the book, the Cyclops yells or prays to Poseidon asking to harm Odysseus, but that does not happen in the span of the film we watched today.

Anonymous said...

Although there were many similarities between the film and the novel story, there were also some differences. In the film it states that the people were just stuck in the cave for who knows how long, it never stated that they stayed overnight or left right away. Whereas in the novel is says they were imprisoned until morning. In the novel it says that Odysseus was stalling which led them to meet the giant and be stuck there. But in the film Odysseus was trying to help everyone leave by using his magic. Another difference is in the novel the neighbors of the giant come to see what the trouble is and in the film neighbors never came to check on him.

Anonymous said...

In the film clip of the cyclops, there seems to be a bit of a difference from the book. In the book it is shown that the cyclops is a lot more violent with them and killed way more of Odysseus’s men, but in the film the cyclops only seemed to kill one of the men. Another thing that seemed to be different was the way that Odysseus said who he was. The book said No man while in the film he said No person. This was not a huge difference but it was a bit different. Another difference was the way the men escaped, a couple ended up escaping by putting rams wool on there back and pretending to be escaping animals from the cave, it did not seem to have that in the text version. In both of these versions it is seen that he is trying to protect his men and stands up to the cyclops, he then offered him a gift and this then gives the men an advantage to hit the beast and get a way out. And in both situations Poseidon was not very happy of this and a sort of karma hit Odysseus.

Anonymous said...

The video is fairly different than the book. The cyclops was appealed by the wine in the book brought by Odysseus, but he drank 3 glasses instead of one. Several men were eaten instead of one. In the book, there was no flute to keep the Cyclops asleep. All of the men used sheep to escape in the book while the did not in the video. A lot of events did not occur in the video we watched today.

Anonymous said...

The video and the book "The Odyssey" are very different from one another. In the book the cyclopes never ate one of the men vs in the video he did. Another difference to look at is Odysseus never poked the cyclopes in the eye with that giant stick. In the book Odysseus told the cyclopes his name was nobody so when the giant screamed no one would care which is a similarity. Something else that similar is the wine, "Nobody" gave the giant wine then one of the men played the flute so he would fall asleep.

Anonymous said...

In the beginning of the video I was surpised. Odysseus was a fast "hero" when it came to defeating the monster. In the book I thought he was scared and not very confident in fighting the monster. In the video Everything I thought all the different conflicts happened fast,but in the book it was a lot different the author took their time to tell the story. One of the huge differences I noticed, was the escape. In the book, Odysseus explained that the men held the sheeps undersides to hide themselves, but in the short film the men were able to run away under it, and only used the sheep skin over them. In the video I also noticed a odd thing some people normally wouldn't notice. While I was watching it I saw the reaction the monster had in the water. In the book, he was happy, in the video he seemed less happy almost scared. Comparing the book and the video they are both mostly the same, but at the same time there were the differences that they had.

Anonymous said...

The first difference between Book IX The Odyssey and the film is that the cyclops only eats one of Odysseus’s men during the film, while in the novel, Polyphemus (the cyclops) eats two of the men. Another difference is that Odysseus tells Polyphemus that his name is “Noman” in the book, and in the movie, Odysseus says his name is “Nobody”. A third difference is that in the film, Polyphemus drinks only one serving of wine and immediately falls asleep, while in the novel, Polyphemus drinks three servings of wine, and falls into a deep slumber after telling Odysseus he will be last to die. The fourth difference is that, when escaping, Odysseus and his men clung to the underside of sheep in the novel, and in the film, the men wore sheepskin on their backs and slipped through the cracks after Polyphemus removed the colossal rock. Lastly, in the film, after all the men escape the cave, one man stays behind and continues to play a flute; which doesn’t occur in the novel. Connecting to heroic code, Odysseus shows exemplary participation in his “warrior society” by coming up with all the ideas. Through his ideas, Odysseus shows his confidence and strong leadership. Not only this but, the guest-host relationship is shown well throughout the book because the guests (Odysseus and his men) provide conversation, and the host (Polyphemus) allows them to sleep. Overall, the differences between the novel and the film were pretty subtle and related well larger topics.

Anonymous said...

There were some differences from the film and the book. The real differences I saw were the following. The cyclopes drank the wine but instead of just having 1 glass the cyclopes had 3. Odysseus said his name was nobody in the movie. was no man(in the novel) but in the movie he says nobody. The way the men exited to be free was different from the book and the movie. The cyclopes only killed 1 man in the movie, but in the book the cyclopes killed many men.

Anonymous said...

The differences from the book compared to the film was that the Cyclops found the wine very appealing and instead of drinking 1 glass e drank 3. Also, instead of killing several men he only ate 1. Another difference was that Odysseus called himself "nobody" when the Cyclops asked him for his name, in the novel he said he was no man.