Friday, May 12, 2017

Nextel And "Romeo And Juliet?"

How does the Nextel Romeo And Juliet commercial satirically update the "classic" Romeo and Juliet? What does it make you contemplate and consider? Please reference, quote, and analyze the drama and commercial. Please complete this blog response today.


Anonymous said...

The commercial basically took the main plot of Romeo and Juliet and condensed it into thirty seconds which makes it comical since they meet and die all within the minute. Also it uses cell phones to talk which makes their romance seem less genuine and very dumb that they end up dying for their love. Also since their speech is very short and sort of modern they sound like teens in this century which is funny since teenage relationships (now especially but also in the 14th century) are dramatic and not real and deep as they might think.

Anonymous said...

It updates the play by using newer technology and languages. It makes me think that even thought they had made it the same as the play, if they had different technology like today then the play probably would have been dramatically different end and plot.

Anonymous said...

The commercial makes it funny and satirical because they speed the whole story up and simplify it, along with throwing in the technology aspect of it which makes it funny as it is an old story with new technology. They shorten the story by making the lines short in sweet like when Juliet falls asleep and Romeo dies, but then Juliet wakes up and just says, "Better now", so then we know that Juliet woke up, but then she just says, "No" and stabs herself. Nobody is reacting to whats happening either, like how Romeo and Juliet die, and everyone just stands there and smiles as the curtain goes down.

Anonymous said...

In the commercial that is based off of Romeo and Juliet, they add phones to make the plot quicker. It shows that the phone gets things done fast. The commercial obviously missed a couple of things, but it covered the main plots of the story. I thought it was clever. I also thought it was hilarious, it seemed way over dramatised. Overall, it was well done and got the point across int he commercial.

Anonymous said...

The commercial definitely follows the story of "Romeo and Juliet" very well. It gets it very accurate in the main points in the play. They made the scene much more modern with the use of common words or the phones. I liked how the phones symbolized their relationship, they "loved" each other. But they really didn't know much about each other, they had a distant relationship - it wasn't all that true.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel Romeo and Juliet commercial satirically updates the “classic” Romeo and Juliet by using phones to help them communicate. It also uses humor of going quickly and using abbreviations to seem less serious and more humorous. The commercial makes me consider what the story would have been like if they had used phones. Would they have gotten the information to each other faster and more efficiently if they had the technology that we have today?

Anonymous said...

The commercial satirically updated “Romeo and Juliet” because they were using cell phones to talk to each other. The commercial pretty much summed up the whole play of Romeo and Juliet saying that they love each other and Romeo quickly responds, “Ditto.” Then Romeo killed Tybalt and then killed Paris. Then Juliet drank the potion and “died”. After that Romeo actually killed himself and as Juliet awoke she saw he died and killed herself. It was pretty satirical because it was so quick and they only said one word responses as for the actual play they’d go into depth about how much they loved each other.

Anonymous said...

The video satirically plays on Romeo and Juliet in the modern day. They use more up to date language and phones to communicate. It speeds up the action of the play which I think makes sense considering the play only took place over a few days. The commercial is very dramatic to illustrate the play.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel Romeo and Juliet commercial updated the classic Romeo and Juliet story by Shakespeare by adding the cell phones and spending it up quite a lot. Nextel is a communications company and they are not only advertising there company but putting light into this depressing story. It makes me think about how different Romeo and Juliet would be if they had phones, or lived in our time, or even if that kind of story would happen now.

Anonymous said...

The commercial of Romeo and Juliet is very different and satire from the play of Romeo and Juliet. First, the commercial shows them recording on their cellphones while they talk and referring it to today how we talk and communicate to people. Also, slang is used in the commercial as in "ditto" as Juliet says she loved Romeo he replies saying "ditto". The commercial shows all the characters very briefly and that Romeo and Juliet love each other but only shows deaths. The commercial was very satire from the real play as it took just the deaths and true love for a brief second. Also, made the play much less dramatic and have less meaning. It seems that the commercial was making fun of the dramatic storyline of Romeo and Juliet and narrowing it down to the main parts of what happened. The commercial was very different from the play summoning up the idea of making fun of the dramatic story and what were the main parts of the story.

Anonymous said...

Nextel "Romeo and Juliet" satirically updates the classic "Romeo and Juliet" by emphasizing the deaths of the people in the original "Romeo and Juliet". It made me think about the plot of the play and I realized that there actually was a significant amount of deaths and duels in the play. The cell phones also made the play more satirical.

Anonymous said...

The commercial is related to the classic Romeo and Juliet, where they re act the balcony scene. However there was a plot twist with using phones. Also Juliet already drank her potion and they skipped all the other parts of the classic romeo and Juliet, and Romeo decides to fight Paris again. Pretty much in the commercial they added the most important aspects that happened in the story and made it seem hilarious by it all happening at once. In the classic romeo and juliet is serious.

Anonymous said...

This commercial showed a shortened version of Romeo and Juliet in texting form to advertise for their cell service. For example, the guy who played Romeo stated, “Ditto” after Juliet said “I love you, Romeo.” Normally people only use that line when texting or sending an email. The commercial also used a few characters, like Romeo, Juliet, Paris and Capulet. The ad also went by really quickly to show that when you’re texting, you can respond really quickly with fast cell service. Unfortunally, in both stories, Romeo, Juliet, and Paris all die.

Anonymous said...

This Nextel comercial updates the classic Romeo and Juliet because it adds the technolgy aspect. As years have gone on technolgy has increased and gotten more effctive. This comerical is the same premise as the play but it adds newer generation aspects. These include cell phones and the word choice. This comerical makes me consider this play and how they were able to get all of the main points of the play across in a span of 30 seconds.

Anonymous said...

The commercial ridicules the speed of Romeo and Juliets love by using cell phone miscommunication to advertise their product. This makes me think about how fast the cell phones speed may be that it could be like things are happening right then in front of your eyes. In the drama, Romeo and Juliet communicate very infrequently but when they do, they communicate immensely in confessing their love. The ad is trying to portray that their speed and reliability is very good.

Anonymous said...

I think that the commercial of Romeo and Juliet was very ironic on purpose because it wanted to show that Romeo and Juliet’s death was selfish and they should’ve considered. They showed it in a way that is was funny when really when you read the book it is not meant to be funny.

Anonymous said...

It shows how the miscommunication between the two families killed many people. Also how the two were separated by their families over a fight. This makes me consider and contemplate that that we really don't know what was going through their heads at this time or how great their love was for each other.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel Romeo and Juliet commercial shows the basic plot of Romeo and Juliet (in 30 seconds) with a more updated version that has flip phones involved. The commercial makes me think more and more about the fate that was reoccurring in the play, and also how the play was based in a very short time period of about 3-5 days.