Sunday, May 14, 2017

"Romeo? Gnomeo? And Juliet?"

After reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, what connections or satirized elements do you see employed within the brief clips we viewed in Gnomeo and Juliet?  Please be specific regarding play's characters and plot elements: Capulets, Montagues, balcony scene, Nurse, etc...  This blog response is due by Wed., May 17th at 2:30p.m.


Anonymous said...

These two plays are very similar but are also very different. Some of the similarities include the location both plays take place in Verona. Another very similar aspect of the play is the rivalry between the Montagues and the Capulets. Both are primarly based of of this rivalry and the movie reffers to it as the blues vs. the reds. Some different aspects of this movie are that Montague is dead and there is a garden honoring him. This movie also uses a lawnmower race instead of an actual sword fught between Tybalt and Romeo. Another similarity that I notice is that the nurse in play is very similar to the frog in the movie ocnsidering both of them are always helping Juliet out. The balcony scene is also very similar considering the way Romeo enters the garden and when Romeo and Juliet first see eachother they are immediately in love.

Anonymous said...

At the beginning, it gave the actual opening to the show. The households have Montague and Capulet printed on them, and the people came out arguing. I also like how they had the 2B and Not 2B, that was funny. They also have Tybalt! Something that is different is that Romeo has no dad and Juliet has no mom. I also like how Romeo and Tybalt are lawn mow racing, I think it really shows the feud and it foreshadows when Romeo kills him. They also have a different version of the masquerade, which is creative for the movie. Another difference is when they found out Romeo was on their property, they didn't let him go, they chased him out. I also found it funny how Romeo and Juliet met in the balcony scene, which was in a greenhouse. There was also no Rosaline.

Anonymous said...

After reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, what connections or satirized elements do you see employed within the brief clips we viewed in Gnomeo and Juliet? Please be specific regarding play's characters and plot elements: Capulets, Montagues, balcony scene, Nurse, etc.

well the families were both on different sides but its the same story like just more modern day and based for kids. they have all the same characters and plot elements and instead of the balcony seen they met in a garden they were both looking for a flower they were fighting at first but then they kinda were joking around with eachother

Anonymous said...

After reading Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and then watching clips from the movie Gnomeo and Juliet, there were many similarities and satirized elements I noticed. At the beginning of both the works, it is told that the stories take place in Verona, or in the movie’s case, Verona Drive. A satirized element that I noticed was that there were still feuds, but they took place in the movie as races. More similarities that I noticed were that the nurse, and frog in the movie, were very chatty and a comedy relief, Romeo and Juliet quickly fall in love, despite not knowing each other very well, Tybalt and Romeo duel, and Romeo and his friends sneak into the Capulet home. A symbol that I noticed in the movie that connected to the play was Romeo’s face paint. I had thought that, much like in the play, the face paint represented the mask Romeo wore to the Capulet’s party. However, there were some differences that I noticed that included, one of Romeo and Juliet’s parents were dead and that Romeo was not in love with another girl before he had met Juliet.

Anonymous said...

I notice how Gnomeo and Juliet incorporates small references to Romeo and Juliet such as on the mailboxes of the two houses it reads the names “Montague” and “Capulet”. Also characters such as Tybalt, Romeo (Gnomeo), Juliet, Lady Capulet, Montague, and Paris are all in the movie as gnomes. Another similar element is that the balcony scene happens where Romeo climbs up to see Juliet. In the beginning there is a lawn mower race that mimics the fight at the beginning of the play between people of the two houses. Gnomeo and his friends sneak into the red (Capulet) garden, much like how in the play they snuck into the Capulet party, and that is where he meets Juliet.  

Anonymous said...

One very satirized element I saw was how drastically different the houses were, the vibrant red contrasting the bright blue right next to it. They also used lawnmower racing instead of sword fighting duels. They also use Gnomeo going into the Reds garden for lawnmower revenge as Romeo going into the Capulet's feast, because in both of them Romeo (Gnomeo in this case) go into the scene with altered intentions then end up falling in love with Juliet. The Frog is the only one who knows of Juliet's plans with the flower and Gnomeo just like the Nurse is the only one is the one that knows about Juliet's and her romance with Romeo.

Anonymous said...

In the movie, Juliet's father plays as a very controlling figure in her life and makes decisions for her just like in the book. The race on lawn mowers is supposed to satire the duels in a more light and comical way. Romeo sneaking into the Capulet garden symbolizes the masquerade ball. Romeo and Juliet meeting at the greenhouse is meant to be the balcony scene. The frog and they way she is pretty funny is meant to symbolize to the nurse's character.

Anonymous said...

Something that was the same regarding Gnomeo and Juliet and Romeo and Juliet is that the two families were feuding. In Romeo and Juliet, they were feuding because they were both very wealthy families and they just didn’t like the other. In Gnomeo and Juliet, they feud because they both want the “best garden.” Both of these things have to do with wanting to be the best or most wealthy. Another similarity was that in Romeo and Juliet they would feud/fight in the townsquare. In Gnomeo and Juliet, they would have lawn mowers races instead of fighting. One last similarity is in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s has a Nurse. The person helping Juliet in Gnomeo and Juliet is a frog.

Anonymous said...

What I noticed between Shakespeare's actual play and the movie “Gnomeo and Juliet” was that they really showed the segregation of the two families. The Montagues were blue and the Capulets were red and they both were having a battle in whose garden is the best (since they’re gnomes). As the movie went on Romeo and Juliet met outside of their properties, at night, and Romeo was in a disguise which could also mean he was wearing his “mask”. However, Juliet was in a disguise too and they didn’t know who was who until they fell into a small pond. In a way, the movie is very different but then again it’s the same because it originated from the story “Romeo and Juliet”.

Anonymous said...

After reading “Romeo and Juliet”, I can connect the fact that the red gnomes don’t get along with the blue gnomes. The blue gnomes represent the Montagues while the red gnomes represent the Capulets. The lawn mower race between the red and blue gnomes represents a duel. The way all of the gnomes cheer for their side is similar to how the community is involved with the duels in “Romeo and Juliet”. Gnomeo is wearing a mask when he meets Juliet, although the reasons are different. They also meet at night in the movie. The frog is the nurse. After Gnomeo and Juliet meet, it is considered to be the balcony scene. They immediately fell in love and didn't know that the other was a Montague/Capulet.

Anonymous said...

After watching a few glimpses of the "Gnomeo and Juliet" I noticed it tied into the story of "Romeo and Juliet" as well. In the book the family feud is very clear and also is represented through the movie. The Montague and Capulet house are right next to each other. Juliet in the film is with the gnomes in red and Gnomes on the blue side. The clips of the movie show both sides trying to make their gardens more impressive and completing in a lawn mower race to symbolize the fighting between the Capulets and Montages. The movie was very unique in how it showed the feud of the families and also the meeting of Gnomeo and Juliet and how the balcony scene is shown. Gnomeo main goal is to be better than the Capulets and Juliet wants to show her dad that she can stand up fro herself and she is strong. They both are disguised but both are trying to cross sides. This relates to the story as at first Romeo and Juliet don't realize they are in a feud with each other's family. The balcony scene in the movie is different as they are fighting over a flower but the movie shows the relations with the family similarity but with unique twists and factors incorporated in the movie.

Anonymous said...

I see that Tybalt is still on the Capulets side and that gnomeo and Juliet are separate due to family issues. The two families still hate each other. The only couple of differences are that Juliet wants to be tough and go get a flower for her garden and Gnomeo is daring and only has a mother. He wants to challenge the Capulets except his friend starting all the fights!

Anonymous said...

In comparison Romeo in the play never talked to his mom
Instead of fighting between romeo and tybalt they used lawn mores
instead of going to the Capulet side to meet Juliet gnomeo wanted to invade and destroy the Capulet side due to tybalts cheating when they raced each other. The families still have a rivalry over one other, but in the movie some characters are different. The nurse is a frog in Gnomeo and Juliet which is funny.

Anonymous said...

From reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and viewing Gnomeo and Juliet there were many connections. The first connection I made was in the very beginning of the movie when the mailboxes said Capulet and Montague and the street sign was Verona Street. Another thing was in the real Romeo and Juliet movie the Capulet's were red and Montague's were blue. The other connections I had was of Gnomeo and Juliet having their own sort of disguises along with meeting at night.

Anonymous said...

In the movie, the two houses both think they have a better garden than the other. In the play, one family thinks they are better than the other. In both stories, Juliet doesn’t feel like she is taken seriously by her family. To prove that she should be, he seeks out on a mission to retrieve a special flower from the other house’s garden. In the play, it’s Paris they don’t take her seriously with. To prove that she should be taken more seriously in the play, she fakes her death. In the movie, Gnomeo meets Juliet on his mission, when in the play, Romeo meets her at the party. I think meeting at the greenhouse and fighting over the flower is their version of the balcony scene. The nurse in the movie, would probably be the frog that Juliet talks to because the frog is who helps Juliet and acts like her servant, like in the play.

Anonymous said...

In the Movie Gnomeo and Juliet, there are many similarities. The frog in the movie is like Juliet's nurse, she is always with her and she is the one to take care of her. Gnomeo and JUliet also meet in the dark which is like the book. One of the red gnomes is named Tybalt, which in the book is a family relative of Juliet's. When they meet they don’t know that they are the other colors and fall in love based on appearance.

Anonymous said...

Although similar in plot, Gnomeo and Juliet has many differences from the novel Romeo and Juliet. The first difference would be the fight between Tybalt and Romeo, which in the movie is actually a race on lawnmowers. Another difference is the difference between the balcony scene in the book and the same scene in the movie. The movie scene shows Romeo and Juliet to meet in a greenhouse while looking for the same flower. In the book this flower represents the love that both of them were reaching for. Similarities include the house rivalries, the nurse, and the relationship that Juliet has with her parents.