Thursday, May 14, 2015

"Romeo, Gnomeo, And Juliet?"

After reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, what connections or satirized elements do you see employed within the brief clips we viewed in Gnomeo and Juliet?  Please be specific regarding play's characters and plot elements: Capulets, Montagues, balcony scene, Nurse, etc...  This blog response is due during class today.


Anonymous said...

The connections and satirized elements I saw employed within the brief clips I viewed in Gnomeo and Juliet are the Montegue and and Capulet households that are clearly separated. Also characters like Tybalt and Lady Capulet and ever present. Also, just like in the book the Red team or the capulets are very prim and proper compared to the blue team.

Anonymous said...

comparing Gnomeo and Juliet to the play i noticed that through out both stories there is tension with both houses. Some differences are, for one, the movie is placed in a garden and it is much more modern. In the play, there is more of a back story to the characters, where the movie kind of jumps into the story without a smooth transition.

Anonymous said...

After reading "Romeo and Juliet", then watching scenes from Gnomeo and Juliet, I noticed the names on the mailboxes of Capulet and Montague. Both Capulet and Montague are divided by colors which are blue and red. Gnomeo and Tybalt race in the lawnmower races just like how they fought in the book.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet had many things that were connected to Romeo and Juliet. Juliet's dad and her do not get along very well and they are not on the best conditions. Instead of sword fighting they fide on lawnmowers and whoever wins is like the champion. They have a very large fight that assures that Romeo doesn't win because Tybalt doesn't want him to be with Juliet even though they don't know what they are fighting about.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet still have the factors of Romeo and Tybalt hating each other. There's also the character Benny who plays as Benvolio in the actual play.

Anonymous said...

The main ideas are the same. The characters are also very similar for example the nurse is the frog.

Unknown said...

The Connections between Romeo and Juliet and Gnomeo and Juliet is the owners of the houses are named Capulet and Montague and they live on Verona in Gnomeo and Juliet. Tybalt and gnomeo fight as in Shakespeare version.

Anonymous said...

After reading Romeo and Juliet I noticed a lot of things in the movie that I had never seen before. At the opening of the movie the house is on Verona drive. This is where Romeo and Juliet are from. The characters in the book and movie have the same characteristics. Red and blue are how they demonstrate the Montegues and the Capulets in the book. Lastly, the battle; instead of a sword fight, they race their lawnmowers.

Anonymous said...

Some connections between Romeo and Juliet and Gnomeo and Juliet are they have some of the same characters. They don’t have Romeos dad, Montague, Tybalt doesn’t die when they fight, they are blues against reds, but they all hate each other. Juliet is still viewed as delicate and a women. Juliet is different in Gnomeo and Juliet because she doesn’t want to be a girl on display, she wants to be a strong women.

Anonymous said...

The original play of Romeo and Juliet written by shakespeare it is a story of forbidden lovers, who try to find there way back to each other. The love story can be complicated and at times hard to understand, but with the Gnomeo and Juliet it is easier to understand with a deeper meaning. Gnomeo and Juliet shares the struggles that Romeo and Juliet go through as well. The charters act the same, each of them getting the way of the love in both Gnomeo and Juliet. Gnomes and Juliet is no different then Romeo and Juliet then a bit easier in understanding. Simply Genomeo and Juliet is childish version of Romeo and Juliet.- L.Whittemore

Anonymous said...

After reading Romeo and Juliet and comparing it Gnomeo and Juliet the connections you saw were the split between the two. Also with the lawn mower races Romeo went against Tybalt and you saw Tybalt cheating to the front. The tension between the house were present and Gnomeo wanted to sneak into the red house just like he sneaked into the feast into the book. Also the red house is much more proper then the blue house but the red house cheats. You also see Juliet seeing a cupids arrow in the movie. Differences are how originally the dad is so controlling to Juliet and wants to keep in her inside. Also the nurse is a frog and and you see how there will be climbing between the walls.

Anonymous said...

After reading "Gnomeo and Juliet" there were many things connected to "Romeo and Juliet" for example both the households were competing with each other.
Both the households are clearly separated and both of the households are competing with each other by seeing who has the best garden. In the movie, Romeo, Juliet, Lady Montague, Tybalt, and lord Capulet are clearly represented.

Anonymous said...

After seeing the scene from Gnomeo and Juliet and then also reading the book Romeo and Juliet, you could make a lot of connections between them. In the book Romeo and Juliet there was a scene where it explained the two houses that were separated and had a very big feud and in the movie, the beginning opened with two houses that were separated and had a feud. This connection between the two forms of entertainment shows how Gnomeo and Juliet was based off of the novel Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Another connection that I found was the Nurse in the book was the right side maid for Juliet and in the video the Nurse was a frog that was always by Juliet and kept on giving her advice.

Anonymous said...

After reading the book Romeo and Juliet then watching the movie of Gnomeo and Juliet, I have noticed that there is a lot of things that are the same. For example, each household has the same last name of Montagues and the Capulets. The owners of the homes also don't like each other. Most of the important gnomes have the same names as the characters in the book too.

Anonymous said...

It was really cool to get to watch Gnomeo and Juliet because I have seen it before but I hadn't read the book before that. so I saw all the similarities. Like the feud between the 2 families! The names on the mail boxes had Capulet and Montague, and the nurse was the frog! There hats were blue and red for the different families. They even had a lawnmower fight which was funny! It really was cool to get to compare the 2!

Anonymous said...

After reading Romeo and Juliet and watching a brief moment of Gnomeo and Juliet, I see so many connections. In Gnomeo and Juliet they live on Verona Drive, and one house is Montague and one house is Capulet. I see now how the Nurse in the movie is the frog and how there is a Tybalt and Romeo and Tybalt get in a fight in the movie and in the text. In Gnomeo and Juliet, Gnomeo has a friend names Benny, like Benvolio in the book.

Anonymous said...

After viewing Gnomeo and Juliet and reading Romeo and Juliet, I noticed a connection between them. There is a separation of Monetgues and Capulets. In the short clip, they are separated by color. The characters are also included in the short clip. Lady Capulet, Romeo (gnomeo), Juliet, and Tybalt were a few that were present.

Anonymous said...

In both stories, the characters that play the Capulets and the Montagues feud and even in the movie the families try and compete with each other in different ways. In Gnomeo and Juliet, the men in the families try and compete and win against each other in a lawn mower race. Since the families live next to each other in the movie, the gnomes also fight over who has a better yard which is funny.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet had some thingsd similar to Romeo and Juliet. There was one house and it was split into two, with different colors such as red and blue and on their mail boxes there was the names of Capulet's or Montague's. The Gnomes also had the same names as the characters in Romeo and Juliet, such as Tybalt or Juliet. In the movie you could tell that the gnomes from the other side did not like each other.