Friday, May 8, 2015

Nextel And "Romeo And Juliet?"

How does the Nextel Romeo And Juliet commercial satirically update the "classic" Romeo and Juliet? What does it make you contemplate and consider? Please reference, quote, and analyze the drama and commercial. Please complete this blog response today.


Anonymous said...

The video showed me that even with a short amount of time you can find different ways to get the point across. It made me think about more ways that I could do my scene. This also made me think about all the little things can make or brake the performance.

Anonymous said...

This updated version of Romeo and Juliet was recreated by a group using cellphones. I think that they were showing that many people died. At the very end, the Friar at the end says "Kids." I think that with this, he was showing that Romeo and Juliet were being stupid and they didn't know any better when they did the actions that they did. This makes me consider how reckless they were and how they didn't consider any of their actions before they did them.

Anonymous said...

This commercial satirically updates the "classic" Romeo and Juliet because it is based around our teen society. Everyone is obsessed with phones, texting, and blogging every moment that happens in their life. It makes me consider and realize how much we rely on our phones or iPod's or anything.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It was very silly compared to the real deal, this goes through the play without giving off every detail. It only shows the big things that everyone knows happens in the play. It does modernize it in a way, having them talk through their phones not in person.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel Romeo And Juliet commercial satirically updates the "classic" Romeo and Juliet story by incorporating cell phones to put in a modern twist. This makes me consider how much things have changed as far as relationships in todays world compared to the time of Romeo and Juliet. Now everything is filtered through texting and when Romeo and Juliet had there relationship everything they said was by word of mouth making there relationship much more intimate.

Anonymous said...

The commercial represented Romeo and Juliet because of the tragedy that took place. Many people died in the story and in the commercial it showed that being fast and mostly the point of the book. This makes me consider different ways of showing a scene. I think the main part of the story was the end when Romeo and Juliet kill themselves over love.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel commercial makes fun of the classic "Romeo and Juliet" because of them being involved with technology. When the commercial shows Romeo and Juliet meeting for the first time they have their phones out and they are not truly talking to each other and then all goes downhill from there when they start killing people. When Juliet drinks the potion to make her sleep she then pops right back up and is fine and then sees Romeo kill himself and she quickly and without thought kills herself. This video makes me think about how much we take each other for granted now with technology and how little we actually talk face to face with each other anymore.

Anonymous said...

This shows all the important things that have happened in the whole story and instead of having something that takes very long to send messages but in the commercial they had cell phones and made everything so dramatic but happened so quick. This also shows that people couldn't rely on their phones and timing didn't work well with them

Anonymous said...

In the commercial by Nextel what they update is by using phones in the commercial. They do not go into detail they just use short little words as one of their conversations went " Rome, Juliet, I love you , ditto." The text is different with using ditto instead of saying "I love you" back. This makes you think what technology does with our conversations and how much we do not say if we are talking over text.

Anonymous said...

They had there phones that they were talking on and they did a pretty good job of making it in only 30 seconds and still keeping they plot line. That you can make it fast and still get the story in there. There was not very much talking and no quotes but it was very funny and did a good job.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel shows you how Romeo and Juliet is portrayed though miscommunications, they could see each other each the entire time but it looked as if Juliet had taken poison so Romeo slayed Paris and took poison himself. It showed how Juliet was elevated because Romeo always thought she was with the angels and her nurse was always by her side. It was a love though technology that was also ruined by technology. It all crumpled slowly but quickly and showed how time was just split seconds away.

Tehyah Adams said...

The video gets the point across. They cover the main points and use cellphones as communication. Maybe its a symbol. It made me think that we can really stretch our presentation.

Anonymous said...

The "updated" version of Romeo and Juliet made fun of the classic play. This commercial incorporated cell phones to make it silly. And in the end the guy says "kids" implying how they went through all the trouble for nothing and hoe they are reckless.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel commercial makes fun the classic of Romeo and Juliet by showing the death of the characters in an disrespectful way. They also use phones which are inappropriate to the story because of the time period.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel video/commercial is a sarcastic version of Romeo and Juliet showing the stupidity that took place in Romeo and Juliet. In the video it shows a quick story line of the problems that were faced in Romeo and Juliet. But instead of facing the problems in a positive way, it showed the problems in a negative way. With the problems that were faced it came out comical because of how the actors reacted to them. They turned something very sad and romantic into something funny and stupid. - Lauren Whittemore

Anonymous said...

Nextel Romeo and Juliet commercial shows the main key scenes of the play. Such as when Romeo drinks the poison and Juliet stabs herself. This shows that that Romeo and Juliet were too young to realize what they were actually doing at the time.

Anonymous said...

It was kind of funny because there is always the argument that phones make everything faster so I thought it was funny and smart to use phones to help speed up the story.

Anonymous said...

The video is more up to date ad we are able to see how it would be without being in the oldenties and it does the whole 5 act lay in about 20 seconds.

Unknown said...

The Nextels Romeo And Juliet is much more dramatic then the original. It shows how they used technology to talk to each other it also shows how dramatic a chose killing themselves were.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel Romeo and Juliet commercial satirically update the “classic” Romeo and Juliet by using cell phone. It makes it more modern because a lot of people talk more on the phone than they do in person. It makes me contemplate how awful we are living our life. We are always on the phone and it doesn’t seem like it needs to be that way. It makes me consider to only use my phone to make plans with people in person. They called each other every time they wanted or needed to talk and it yet it was funny it made you think about how much we are on our phones.