Wednesday, May 7, 2014

RSC Meets "Romeo And Juliet?"

After viewing the RSC Versions of Romeo and Juliet, are you thinking about your scene performances differently?  If so, how?  What did you realize about transitions, narration, etc...?  Please complete your blog response during class today. 


Anonymous said...

This presentation of it is a lot more comical than I would expect because really the story is a tragedy (not because of the "love") the two share but because a lot of people died because of the two. It's really funny and it made me look at it a little differently and it makes me excited to see how they will portray death in a funny way.

Anonymous said...

They made the play seem for humorous that it truly was and their motions added more to their performance. They also brought how odd the play truly was to light. Their transitions were seamless and fluid One must move quickly to make them so fluid and the narration is not taking place during the act but rather only to introduce a new act. They also made use of everything they had to work into their act.

Anonymous said...

I truly didn't like the play that we watched simply because it is to fast and is basically making fun of the love story of Romeo and Juliet. I do like how the narrator summarizes what is going to happen next in the scene but I didn't really learn anything that I would want to add in my play performance.

Anonymous said...

Well the scene performances are different because there are only a few characters. This version is funny and the Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare is more strict. Also they improve. They make the show their own but the narration is mostly the same.

Anonymous said...

This take on Romeo and Juliet is funny, and is way more condensed. Our plays are gonna be a lot different though.

Anonymous said...

They kept a lot of the same text but instead they made it a comedy, attracting people. They are in a way mocking the play. It shows me that there are many different ways to do that play and not just make it into a tragedy, also the things they used as props even though they had nothing but clothes, and chair and a narrator, but were all used creatively.

Anonymous said...

After viewing the RSC Versions of Romeo and Juliet, I am thinking about my scene performances differently because the actors made the play seem more funny and humorous instead of a serious and tragic plot of the play. Their transitions were fast and easy and they didn't pause in-between acts or scenes. They also made it much more interesting and entertaining.

Anonymous said...

I think we can make our presentation a lot funnier than it is and we don't have to be so serious in it. There is a lot of creative things we can do.

Anonymous said...

I thought this presentation was very comical and satirical. It shortened the story and made it more entertaining rather than dragging it out and adding speeches that no one really understands. I think that my performance can change like this because it is just a skit and it should have personality like this RSC version.

Anonymous said...

I think that we can make our seane preformances funnier and shorter than the real play.

Anonymous said...

The play that we watched wasn't very enjoyable to me which is why I wouldn't want to add any of their strategics into my performance. i didn't find much of it comical, probably because they speak so fast. It was hard to understand what was going on.

Anonymous said...

After watching this version of the play, I realized that while we do our scene performances we need to be prepared and make the scene flow seamlessly. I don't think we necessarily need to make our scenes that brief or funny, but I think this version did a good job with grabbing the audiences attention but they also told the story and got the point across. I think we can use those skills when we preform our scenes.

Anonymous said...

After this presentation I am thinking about our scene differently I think now our group should make it more of a summary than reading of every line. Also act it out more that just standing. I noticed that they made the play more humorous and more bearable to watch. I also liked the narration.

Anonymous said...

After watching this version of the play, I realized that while we do our scene performances we need to be prepared and make the scene flow seamlessly. I don't think we necessarily need to make our scenes that brief or funny, but I think this version did a good job with grabbing the audiences attention but they also told the story and got the point across. I think we can use those skills when we preform our scenes.

Anonymous said...

This comical parody of the play is much more entertaining and funny, in my opinion. The characters in this modern version make the story more interesting and take less time to get the point across.

Anonymous said...

The play that we watched of Romeo and Juliet went way to fast. They did not clearly show and tell us the story of them. They should of had slowed it down and they should of had have props.

Anonymous said...

I think this version of the play was entertaining but it moved too fast and I think it could give us ideas for our transitions so that is moves smoothly. I also liked how the narrator summarized what was going to happen in the next scene.

Anonymous said...

Most of the characters in Romeo and Juliet are not mentioned and that is why it is necessary to know the original version of it. On the other hand the play was very entertaining and the narrator also summarized it very well and in between he also added some funny comment,exactly as the actors. But actually they made more fun of the play.

Anonymous said...

I loved the RSC version of Romeo and Juliet, because I thought the presentation was really innovative and funny. I really respected that they were able to make it entertaining and use Shakespearian language without making it tacky.

JemmaBarfoot said...

The presentation makes me think about how much you can change a play, but still get the message out. It reveals how making a tragic event comical attracts more people.

Anonymous said...

This presentation takes the basic romeo and Juliet story that we all know and have heard 1000000 times and gives it comedy something that it is lacking very much so. It also keeps you interested because its not just one long dragged out story they change scenes, faces, and emotions so quickly that if you blink you might just miss it, this quickness and liveliness is what keeps people interested..

Unknown said...

I thought that this version of Romeo and Juliet was very comical and cute but it did not follow the book well. I think for the most part, it was a quality production. It changed the way I view Romeo and Juliet, and it made mt more lighthearted towards the original play.

Anonymous said...

I feel like it was easier to understand the play of the original play after seeing this performance. I got what they were saying and the showed it in a way that was comical at the same time. I thought about the scenes we have been doing and I wish we could read the whole book with a guide like that one.

Anonymous said...

The play that we watched wasn't very enjoyable to me which is why I wouldn't want to add any of their strategics into my performance. i didn't find much of it comical, probably because they speak so fast. It was hard to understand what was going on.

Anonymous said...

They changed what Shakespeare wanted the play to be which was a romantic tragedy into a satirical comedy. That made light heart of the young love and death of Romeo and Juliet. They nailed they play to a tee.

Anonymous said...

After viewing the RSC Versions of Romeo and Juliet, I realize that there are many ways you can tell the story of Romeo and Juliet. You can play it as it was written to be, a tragedy. In the RSC Versions they displayed it as a rushed, simple comedy. Really you can tell Romeo and Juliet's story under any genera. In Gnoemo and Juliet they present it as a family movie with a happy ending. I already preformed my scene, but I really wished that instead of reading the dialogue as Shakespeare wrote it, that we changed it into our own versions of the play. I could tell that the classed seemed very bored when we went on. So I wished we changed things, I know I only said less then ten words, but I still wish we approached things differently.