Friday, May 2, 2014

Fate And Love?

So far through Act III.v in Romeo And Juliet, what is your assessment of fate and love regarding the characters Romeo and Juliet? Please respond during class today.


Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet seem to be meant for each other until death, therefore they both must die. I think that they were meant for each other and are indeed star crossed lovers and are now inseparable. A decision has to be made.

Anonymous said...

Well Romeo and Juliet both fell in love with each other at first site. But before any of this Romeo went to the party because he was looking for his other love. Though fate made his look at Juliet.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet seem to be like soul mates, so when one dies the other one has to die too. I think they were destined to be together, but a terrible change in fate had them both killed.

Anonymous said...

Fate doesn't seem to be playing any part in the actions going on as all of these things happened by chance and fate seems irrelevant as Romeo just changed his lust for Rosaline to Juliet.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet believe they are meant to be together but problems keep getting in the way because of her father and mother who want her to marry Paris and the fact that Romeo is banished.

Anonymous said...

I think that Romeo and Juliet did not know each other long enough or know anything about each other to be in true love, but rather infatuated with one another. Death should not have come from their love if it were so strong, they would live and fight for it rather than kill themselves. They should have spoken up and had their own voice instead of having somebody else choose everything for them.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet are so in love with each other that they are blind to everyone and everything else. The only thing they are worried about is each other. I think this undying love shows that they were meant to be with each other, and it was more than fate that brought them together at the party, it was that they were meant for each other, despite the fact that they are from rival households.

Anonymous said...

My assessment of fate and love regarding the characters Romeo and Juliet is that they are so in love that they cannot live without each other. They have both gone against their family values and families in general so that they can see each other. It was fate that they met at the dance and it was love at first sight.

Anonymous said...

I dont think fate really takes a role in this story because they knew eachother for like 5 days and caused a lot of deaths including their own. I just think they were being stupid teenagers who thought they knew about "love"

Anonymous said...

It is apparent that Romeo and Juliet firmly believed their love was written in the stars, and they would be willing to sacrifice anything to be together, even if that means their lives.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet have a connection that is going to keep them together until death. They want to stay together no matter what anyone else says about their love. There parents need to come to one decision so they are not stuck being away from each other for a long time.

Anonymous said...

I think that Romeo and Juliet are star crossed lovers that fall in love because things in their own life aren't working out (Romeo and Rosaline, and Juliet and Paris) and they both have that in common. I also think that is was very serendipitous that they met up when they really needed someone to save them from themselves and everyone else. I think that fate plays a huge role because they meet at such a significant time and all.

Anonymous said...

I feel like Romeo and Juliet are taking their love for each other a little bit too seriously- considering they just met and they are already married in less than twenty four hours, I wouldn't see that as a good reason to kill myself if things are working out.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet fell in love first sight, not knowing that they were from opposing families, they didn't know what their fate would be. Now that both know they cannot be together, their only fate is to run away together. However, the fate turns out different than what they expected.

Anonymous said...

I think scene 3 is all about fate, but also about love. It was fate for Tybalt to die because that proved how much Juliet loves Romeo. Even though Romeo killed Juliet's cousin Tybalt, she still loves him. She would rather die then not to be with Romeo. This situation with Tybalt dieing was meant to happen simply to show how much love there is between Juliet and Romeo.

Anonymous said...

I think that Romeo and Juliet are not really in love but fate plays a very large roll in the play. If Romeo had never crashed the party he would have never met Juliet and that was fate.

Anonymous said...

i don't think fate is taking any play in Romeo and Juliet's relationship. they are planning and making all these decisions there's no fate that seems to be involved.

Anonymous said...

I don't think fate brought Romeo and Juliet together. They are very young and if their love drove them to both of them killing themselves how is that love or fate? If they hadn't met each other they would've both most likely living normal lives.

Anonymous said...

Romeo an juliet fell in love and it seemed like fate. They know that they are supposed to be together so they will do what ever it takes to be together no matter how extreme.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet's love is not just a fate because they were made for each other, especially when they shared the same love right away at the mask party. After that their love grew stronger and stronger.

Anonymous said...

Romeo an juliet fell in love and it seemed like fate. They know that they are supposed to be together so they will do what ever it takes to be together no matter how extreme.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet think they know what is best for them and feel that they can't live without eachother which causes death. It seems like fate.

Anonymous said...

I think that fate does play a role in this because it all depends on timing. If timing was based off of fate.

Anonymous said...

I think that fate does play a role in this because it all depends on timing. If timing was based off of fate.

Anonymous said...

One thing I can add about their love in this act is that even though they are both too young to be this head-over-heels about each other, their love for one another is continually growing stronger and more intense. Even despite the fact that they really know nothing about each other or their lives.

Anonymous said...

I think that fate played an important role in Romeo's and Juliet's love because without their love, even if they had to die, the Capulets and Montagues realized that it doesn't make any sense to be enemies.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet seem to be made for each other. Seem to both be in so much love. I mean they both end up dying for each others love. So they both must be meant for each other.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet don't listen to fate. They listen to their hearts and that completely tells them something different then what their mind is telling them to do. They are making abad decision.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet don't listen to fate. They listen to their hearts and that completely tells them something different then what their mind is telling them to do. They are making abad decision.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet don't listen to fate. They listen to their hearts and that completely tells them something different then what their mind is telling them to do. They are making abad decision.

Anonymous said...

In a way I guess it was fate that the Capulet's inviter person couldn't read so Romeo was able to find out about the party. Maybe it was fate that Romeo and Juliet saw each other. As far as love goes, I do believe they were in love. Kinda like love at first sight for them. I do believe they loved each other. All they could think about was each other and how much they just wanted to be together. It seemed as if they could've been perfect together. They had everything going for them.