Monday, April 21, 2014

Masque? Fate? Love?

Based upon our interactive masque and the text of Romeo and Juliet to date, what is your assessment of the play's dramatization of a young relationship?  Time?  Fate?  Infatuation?  Love?  Argue and explain.  This blog response is due during class today.


Anonymous said...

I think that their, Romeo & Juliet's, relationship is very dramatic and rushed. I think that they have been overwhelmed with the idea of having someone so I don't actually think they are in true love. I believe that Romeo & Juliet think they are in love but don't actually realize they literally just met that night.

Anonymous said...

The plays dramatisation of a very young relationship is filled with lust and inexperience, much like high school relationships today. Although they think they are mature enough and want to be together, sometimes it can take a turn for the worse.

Anonymous said...

I think Romeo and Juliet is trying to convey that young people don't really know what true love is, especially when you want to marry each other a few hours after meeting up. They are so infatuated with just their looks that they aren't really taking the time to learn about each other and build a strong relationship. Love is always blind.

Anonymous said...

It fantasizes these relationships and makes it seem so easy to fall in love.. It showed that anyone could fall in love no matter who their families were the masks concealed their true identities.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to Romeo and Juliet I don't really think that they were in love. I think that they were definitely infatuated with the idea of eachother but I don't think they were exactly in true love with eachother and were older and realized how foolish they were being none of them would have died.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to Romeo and Juliet I don't really think that they were in love. I think that they were definitely infatuated with the idea of eachother but I don't think they were exactly in true love with eachother and were older and realized how foolish they were being none of them would have died.

Anonymous said...

The play takes a strange take on young relationships and seems to make it purely about love at first sight without much interaction beforehand wherein they decide their love for each other. It is a bit strange and unnecessary to describe some of the things that went on and in general it seems to be pushing to fast and masking the rashness of young "love" as Romeo is un-polite about kissing and such when speaking with Juliet and overall makes a strange man coming into a place of sanctuary a romantic gesture even though it could heavily compromise Juliet's reputation.

Anonymous said...

AS Romeo and Juliet do over-exaggerate- their relationship that if you truly love someone, Nothing else will matter. Love can overpower all the bad and hate and rules and tension (i.e.) a family feud. Their love shown in this play, will forever be loved and nothing will stop Romeo or Juliet from being with each other forever.

Anonymous said...

I think the play is dramatizing the elements of fate and infatuation throughout the text. Romeo and Juliet meet by chance, even though their families are involved in an eternal feud. After they meet, seemingly by fate, they hate to leave each others' side and they can't bear to be apart. I think these two elements, fate and infatuation, are the main themes displayed throughout the text.

Anonymous said...

Based upon our interactive masque and the text of Romeo and Juliet to date, my assessment of the play's dramatization of a young relationship is that love has no age and age doesn't matter. Even their family feuds and fightings can't stop them from being in love with each other. Although it is very dramatic and is filled with the fantasy of being in love, even though they are very young and just met that night.

Anonymous said...

Both Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight. I feel that fate did bring them together and there love is happening really fast throughout the scene.

Anonymous said...

I think that the way their relationship is so cliche and their rash decisions make the story much less enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

I think that Romeo & Juliet are trying to demonstrate that young people really don't know what love is even though they believe they are in love. Romeo is upset about Rosaline and vulnerable so when he sees Juliet's beauty he thinks he is in love. On the other hand Juliet is to young to know what love is and is very nieve.

Anonymous said...

I think that Romeo and Juliets love was very rushed. They fell in love in seconds and Romeo got over Rosaline way too fast. I think that their love was kind of fake. Both desperate for love and in love with the idea of love.

Anonymous said...

The relationship between Romeo and Juliet is being taken to fast. I think it is a young age for someone to get married. Since they both are at young ages they don't really have any experience. Juliet seems like she is more mature than Romeo.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet's young love story is senseless and confusing. The time frame of this story is unreasonable. I do not believe fate has brought Romeo and Juliet together because if it was fate, then that same fate was what tore them apart. The couple may have believed in love but I do no think they felt it. I believe Romeo was in love with the idea of being in love, and he craved it so much that he was willing to convince himself that he was feeling it.

Anonymous said...

I think that romeo and juliet's love story is a little bit selfish because they dont understand that there are other fish in the sea and that they weren't "meant" for each other because you could basically say that about anyone. "i was ment for" (two months later) "what happened to so and so It hought you were meant for each other?" "oh ya we broke up hes a meanie butthead" its causing a lot of trouble between everyone and they are only thinking about themselves.they dont have to be causing chaos all over the stupid place and givin people heart attacks.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet is a timeless love story. Dates back to times that are unknown to us. We don't fully know what it was like living back in those times. All we know is the story. I know when you first begin to like someone or fall for them you are trapped in this feeling where you never want to be without that person. Maybe that's why they call the "honeymoon stage" the best part of a relationship. Because you are so caught in that feeling. When your in the best mood and everything is going right you just want to scream to the whole world, "I love you!" and then as soon as things begin to go wrong you do anything you can to get that amazing feeling back. Anything. I don't know what the characters Romeo and Juliet were written to be feeling. But somehow I can find a way to maybe relate. Not feeling accepted by their families, wanting to rebel, wanting to change and make something of themselves. Being so in love that with that other person who gets the rivalry of the family can make them feel safe,and loved. Bringing a connection. I don't know why they would take there own life. But with kids it happens everyday and goes unnoticed. And the ones that are noticed are forgotten. With Romeo and Juliet we call them over-dramatic and rushed. But theater is drama. That's the title for Mr. Aherns class here at Arapahoe. Drama. So of course the play is going to be dramatic, and with taking there own life, the story had to have an ending. This one is unforgettable. It does not go unnoticed. It opens our eyes so maybe we can learn a lesson from the Montague's and Capulet's.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet is a timeless love story. Dates back to times that are unknown to us. We don't fully know what it was like living back in those times. All we know is the story. I know when you first begin to like someone or fall for them you are trapped in this feeling where you never want to be without that person. Maybe that's why they call the "honeymoon stage" the best part of a relationship. Because you are so caught in that feeling. When your in the best mood and everything is going right you just want to scream to the whole world, "I love you!" and then as soon as things begin to go wrong you do anything you can to get that amazing feeling back. Anything. I don't know what the characters Romeo and Juliet were written to be feeling. But somehow I can find a way to maybe relate. Not feeling accepted by their families, wanting to rebel, wanting to change and make something of themselves. Being so in love that with that other person who gets the rivalry of the family can make them feel safe,and loved. Bringing a connection. I don't know why they would take there own life. But with kids it happens everyday and goes unnoticed. And the ones that are noticed are forgotten. With Romeo and Juliet we call them over-dramatic and rushed. But theater is drama. That's the title for Mr. Aherns class here at Arapahoe. Drama. So of course the play is going to be dramatic, and with taking there own life, the story had to have an ending. This one is unforgettable. It does not go unnoticed. It opens our eyes so maybe we can learn a lesson from the Montague's and Capulet's.

Anonymous said...

I do not think that Romeo and Juliet were in love, but infatuated with each other. I believe being in love with someone takes time and you should know everything about that person, not just their looks and their last name. They 'fell in love' with each other after looking at each other once, but there is more to love than that.

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Anonymous said...

I think Romeo and Juliet is trying to show how powerful "love" can be. But I also believe Romeo and Juliet are not truly in love with each other they are Infatuated with one another. They are very young and aren't quite sure what they want in a mate. They don't know what the world has to offer them and jumping into marriage this quickly is outrageous. But on the other hand they are grown into marriage and are usually chosen there mater from there parents.

Anonymous said...

When it comes down to Romeo and Juliet I don't believe they are truly in love more each other is seems more like infatuation or maybe they're in love with the idea of being in love so they rush things. They are young and I don't believe they truly know what love is how how love "works". I feel like also they fact that they usually get set up with someone adds on to why they would rush marriage to such an extend.

Anonymous said...

When it comes down to Romeo and Juliet I don't believe they are truly in love more each other is seems more like infatuation or maybe they're in love with the idea of being in love so they rush things. They are young and I don't believe they truly know what love is how how love "works". I feel like also they fact that they usually get set up with someone adds on to why they would rush marriage to such an extend.

Anonymous said...

I think that it was not necessarily fate that brought them together it was more due to the fact of the parents hatred towards each other. I say this because of the fact that if the two families never hated each other then Romeo would want to go to Juliet's party unless there was a hatred between the two families. But I also believe that fate also does take part in this story because it was good that the announcer guy couldn't read because otherwise Romeo wouldn't have even known about the party.

Anonymous said...

I think Romeo and Juliet's relationship is young and inexperienced and rushed. They believe they are in love but they don't even know each other very well. But, in the time period of when this was written, it is probably love at first sight. Our generation has gone far away from the concept of love at first sight because we don't believe in this such thing.

Anonymous said...

I think that Romeo and Juliet is a very dramatic story. I think that the drama is not needed. It is actually kinda cheesy. This young relationship is crazy.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet are quickly falling in love, and they are determined to be together. Some may argue that they aren't in love, but I think that nobody would put so much at stake if they were not.

Anonymous said...

I feel that fate is real and exposed in everyday of our lives. It is God's plan, something that most people will call fate. I know there is someone out there that is written into God's plan to be with me until death. I do not know whether or not I have met this person yet, but when it is time, I ill know that we are meant for each other and that is is God's plan for us.

Unknown said...

Romeo nd julet fall in love very quickly and they think that they Are meant to be together.even though it was "love at first sight" some people don't think that it is true love.

Anonymous said...

I think that in the book they are wanting so much to have someone there and in love with them but they aren't really in love they just want to be in love so they say they are. I think they are too young to be in love and really know they want to be with each other. I think that is was all really rushed and that they just are high with the idea of love and need to slow down and really figure out there felling for each other

Anonymous said...

When it comes to Romeo and Juliet I don't think that they were in love. I think that they were definitely infatuated with each other, but I don't think they were exactly in true love. Had they been older and more mature they would have realized how foolish they were being. I think it is conveying that young people don't really know what true love is, especially when you think you want to marry someone in such a short period of time after meeting. Also, they don't even take the time to learn about each other and build a strong relationship.

Anonymous said...

If Romeo and Juliet were in true love they would not rush it and instead would take time to get to know each other. I am sure that both were infatuated in each other but this is not the same thing and it probably not last very long as they already thought about marring at the first time they met. If they would be mature enough, they would notice that and begin it slowly with the first step and thousands at once.