Thursday, May 15, 2014

"Romeo, Gnomeo, and Juliet?"

After reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, what connections or satirized elements do you see employed within the brief clips we viewed in Gnomeo and Juliet?  Please be specific regarding play's characters and plot elements: Capulets, Montagues, balcony scene, Nurse, etc...  This blog response is due during class today.


Unknown said...

The red gnomes are obviously the capulets and the blue gnomes are the montegues. The nurse is the frog, lord capulet is Juliet's father and the leader of the red gnomes, lady montegue is gnomes mother and the leader of the blue gnomes. Tybalt is the gnome with the wagon.

Anonymous said...

It shows that the Montagues and the Capulets are neighbors but everything they have is the exact opposite but the exact same in some ways. The beginning shows lots of symbolism like the blue caps vs. the red caps and the blue car and the red car almost crashing into eachother because they don't like eachother. And the family is shown as gnomes instead of people.

Anonymous said...

I feel like the family feud is the same thing in both play and in the cartoon- the frog portrays the nurse that helps Juliet go and see Nomeo and there are many characters that have the same name. Also, the mailboxes say Montague and Capulet.

Anonymous said...

After reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the connections or satirized elements that I see employed within the brief clips we viewed in Gnomeo and Juliet are that the characters names are the same, such as Capulet's, Montague's, the Nurse, Tybalt, Romeo and Juliet. The movie makes the story more interesting and kid-friendly. It's much more entertaining.

Anonymous said...

I notice similarity with the capulet family and the montague family not being fond of each other. It symbolizes them by making one family red and the other blue. It has all of the family members involved. Instead of people they are gnomes. There are many connections in what happens with the real book and the cartoon movie

Anonymous said...

Capulets: Red;
Montagues: Blue;
Nurse: A frog who covered for Juliet when it was needed and was very excitable and a bit crude and not for the Blue love.
Romeo: Bit rough and secretive.
Juliet: Not wanting to go by what her dad says, wants to live her own life.
Tybalt: Bit, jerky guy, cheating in ways and not careful about death.
Mercutio: Still best friend to Romeo, still rude and crude.

Anonymous said...

The connection that I notice in the Gnomeo and Juliet is that the two families are still in a feud. I see that Tybalt was choking. Also the names of the character match up. Another similarity that I notice is that the nurse is always trying to know everything that is going on with Juliet.

Anonymous said...

the red gnomes are capulets and the blue are the montagues. All the characters in the movie translate to real things that happened in the play.. every one are gnomes instead of people

JemmaBarfoot said...

The Capulets and the Montagues are identified within 30 seconds of this movie, along with the feud between them. The lawn mower race signifies the fights that went on through out the play. Romeo and Juliet are also identified within a couple of minutes. The frog signifies the nurse because she is the mother-like figure in Juliet's life. The difficulty of the relationship is signified when Romeo and Juliet have to sneak around.

Anonymous said...

After reading Romeo and Juliet and viewing clips from Gnomeo and Juliet, I see a lot of similarities between the two. For example, the mailboxes of the two houses say Capulet and Montague, and the Montague gnomes wear blue hats and the Capulet gnomes wear red hats. Also, the characters portrayed have the same names and roles, like the frog resembles the nurse. The movie makes the play more kid friendly and entertaining.

Anonymous said...

There are many similarities between the book Romeo and Juliet and the movie Gnomeo and Juliet. The blue house belongs to the Montague's and the red one to the Capulet's. There is also this moment when a blue car and a red car almost crashed into each other which symbolized the Montague's and Capulet's dislike towards each other. Most of the characters names remain the same but Romeo, whose name is Gnomeo in the movie because the people are shown as gnomes instead of people. This makes it more interesting for children and also very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

It has almost the same story except
that they don't die at the end. In the begining it shows them on Verona drive and the mailboxes say Montague and Capulet. Romeo is named Nomeo and Juliet has the same name as in the play. Also, when I watched the movie before, I didn't realize that their was a character named tybalt. there are many many similarities.

Unknown said...

I thought that this version of Romeo and Juliet was very comical and cute but it did not follow the book well. I think for the most part, it was a quality production. It changed the way I view Romeo and Juliet, and it made mt more lighthearted towards the original play. It really portrays the differences between the Capulet house and the Montague house well.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a very kid friendly and fun way of portraying such a tragic story, and because it was a kid's movie, there could be no horrible deaths, apart from Tybalt's death. It was a nice and creative spin on a timeless tale of two lovers, and I really liked how they tied it all in at the end.

Secret said...
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Anonymous said...

- In Gnoemo and Juliet the Capulets and Montagues hate each other as much as they do in the play. Only, in the movie they displayed that more than the play did. Gnoemo and Juliet expressed everything clearly, making it easy for the viewers to understand. Like on the balcony scene it showed how Gnomeo really shouldn’t of been there visiting Juliet. That he could’ve been killed. Gnomeo and Juliet also did a break job as displaying the ‘Nurse’ and changing it to Juliet’s ‘best friend’ (if you can’t tell I love Gnoemo and Juliet.)

Anonymous said...

After reading Romeo and Juliet and viewing clips from Gnomeo and Juliet, I see a lot of similarities between the two. For example, the mailboxes of the two houses say Capulet and Montague, and the Montague gnomes wear blue hats and the Capulet gnomes wear red hats.

Anonymous said...

The play and the movie where very similar in the plot and characters but not in the way or attitude that the play was told in. In the play it is meant to be a tragedy but in Gnomeo and Juliet it was a love/comedy. Juliet is very innocent and sweet in both and was in my opinion had the most similar traits as a character. The way the two houses where divided was very accurate also, the gnomes even lived on Verona street.

Anonymous said...

Gnomeo and Juliet was a very creative way to bring the original Romeo + Juliet, not only to theaters, but also to families. Since the Shakespearean version is too intense for younger kids. I liked that they kept the theme of the reds (being the Capulets) and the blues (being the Montagues) against each other, especially because that was a theme in the original as well. It was full of life and funny! A+!

Anonymous said...

The blue caps against the red caps symbolizes Romeo and Juliet difference between separation with the families of the two lovers. The story has a light hearted outlook of the play. This could be a lead in to trying to get kids to like Shakespeare.