Thursday, August 14, 2014

What Are You Thinking?

Do the Did You Know 2.0? and Did You Know 4.0? and Did You Know 5.0? and Did You Know 2014? presentations make you think? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 2:30p.m. Friday, August 22nd, 2014.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

After viewing these presentations, I realize that there are so many people out there and so many ways to compare days to seconds. I never knew that humans have access to 1,000,000,000,000 websites or that there were 65,000 Iphone apps. This might impact my academics and view of the world because I now realize the amounts of people on the internet or ideas that people have. I can use the internet in so many different ways. Things like newspaper and radios are declining on population of news and things like phones and computers are increasing for people to find news. There are so many jobs out there for so many different types of people.

Anonymous said...

These presentations make me think of how much our world. When I think about the future it’s amazing to imagine what could exist in my lifetime. Everything ive ever learned could be outdated any second. I also know that the jobs im preparing for probably have not been invented yet.

Anonymous said...

These presentations certainly made me rethink how different the world Im growing up in, is from when my parents and grandparents grew up in. My view on academics is now much more focused because the videos showed me how much more advances I personally need to be in order to succeed in the time when I will need to be making my own money and getting a job. There are so many predictions of the state the world will be in five,10 years from now and I need to be prepared for it.

Unknown said...

After viewing these presentations, I began to think a lot about our world and how many advancements in technology we have had. This will impact me and the way that I look at my academics because it shows how much we have grown as a country. This makes me realize that because we use the internet every day, that is going to effect the way that we do school work. Every piece of paper that we used to receive is now online and can be accessed from anywhere. The internet has changed the way that we do many things inside and outside of class. With so many technological advancements I believe that we are moving forward and in the right direction for our education.

Anonymous said...

The Did You Know presentations did make me think about how our country, even though we are improving a lot, is not the smartest country. There are more people who watch the difference in technology than the ones that are smart enough to get involved and make ideas or do make a difference. Are smart phones are making us look dumb. This impacts my academics because I am realizing it is better to be smarter and to go through and make a difference on how I am appointed towards being smart. I may not be smart in technology but being smart is the first step. The presentation impact my view on the world because I always thought America was the best country and the smartest. I have been proved wrong. China has and is still developing to be a smart and great country. Our world is also increasing population dramatically. Soon, I feel, out world will be so populated and so smart were gonna start taking steps back because the technology is too smart for us. We will end up taking out technology and starting over.

Anonymous said...

These presentations really made me think, I thought how ever in the different videos some things did not change. Things in the videos about how many jobs you will have. But the things that did change were like the about of googles humans do and how many couples met online. The presentation also made me think about what will our world be like in 2 years or 10. The thing that shocked me most was that most of the numbers that were mentioned and how they all went up. I think the reasoning for this is because it is easier to do these small tasks, like google something on our phone. Connecting back to the topic above about what will happen in 10 years, I think the numbers will go up even more then they already have.

Anonymous said...

After watching those presentations I really noticed how much the world has. Through electronics to babies and everything like that. I really noticed how I could make a possible impact on people and help them. It was really hard to imagine what the babies that are just born will have in their life. It will be really hard to think about and how much the world will change by the time in 40. The videos really helped me think about all of those things and help me understand.

Anonymous said...

After watching these presentations I had one main reaction which is, technology is taking over our world. The amount of people that have access to the internet and cell phones is mind blowing! Modern technology such as the internet, cell phones, etc. is used on a daily basis and has come to the point of no return meaning, that if technology were to somehow disappear our world would not know how to function. I feel that technology can impact academics in a positive way but it can also impact it negatively. Most students will become or already have become reliant on technology. This can be bad because it can lower the intellectual ability of a human being. People can begin to think and probably already have thought "why should I study this if i can just look it up on Google later?"

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

These videos really make me think how many possiblitys there are in the world and made me think about how many different people there are in this world and I have met such a small fraction of them. I also realized how much we have grown as a world in technology and how different the technology is from today to 100 years ago. This affects my academic view on the world because it really makes me realize how lucky I am to be taught the things I am taught today and how I am so lucky to have the resources that I have today to help with my studying.

Anonymous said...

After watching all three of the "Did You Know" videos, they really leave me thinking. I used to think that the United States alone was the most advanced country in academics but after watching these videos I know that was not correct. Out of three countries, the U.S., India, and China we have the lowest number of people who graduated in 2006 than either of them. This might impact my academics in a good way because I will now strive for greater things and strive to be the best I can and do the best I can do.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

After viewing all of these presentations it shows that social media and networking will soon take over. It has become so popular in the last year and apps and new phones are trying to be created everyday at this rate soon we will have so much technology students at school will not be able focus because they want to check their phones. Social media is already starting to take over our lives but image what our children will be growing up in. Will we let them have their lives revolve around their phones? In one of the videos is showed how 4 year olds are starting to be able to use phones and iPads at that rate they will know way more than us about phones when they reach about highchool. This made me realize, are we gonna try and not let social media take over the planet or just sit there on our phones?

Anonymous said...

During the three videos that I watched it made me think about many things. Such as how many people use social media and or how far technology has come. Many people know how to use technology, even at the age of four some kids will be playing games on their parents phone. This makes you think though if from a young age they are already on a computer or phone, what will their brain development be like. Will we do even more things through technology and lose the skill of talking and having a face to face conversation? Also that it is possible that we might major in something that hasn’t even become a major yet, but could in the next ten years. Another fact is that the United States is behind in education compared to other country’s. For instance all India’s graduates know how to speak English, but here in the United States not all graduates will know how to speak a different language. From hearing all of this information it makes me want to learn new things and embrace my education and take as much out of it as I can.

Anonymous said...

After seeing these videos I realize that technology is growing so fast and that some states can't even keep up with it. Its crazy to see how much we are on the internet all together. Also how much 4 year old are on the internet. What really got me interested was the one of the videos said that our first year of college could be outdated by the time we would graduate.

Anonymous said...

This impacted my school learning in a way that is hard to explain. I now look at things from a new perspective and look forward to the things that I am learning now to help others when I am older. I also think that we should spend more time on who we want to be instead of how we will use technology to help us get there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, all three made me think. Especially the one that said by your third year of college everything you learned will be out dated. And the facts about technology made a huge compact on how I thought.

Anonymous said...

Each of these presentations were slightly different, but they all left the same impression on me. The impression was that we are too involved in technology to realize that the life we are living could be better if everyone would just calm down and "take a breather". The world, and United States, are so full of stress and competition. There is no prize, the world is just competing with everyone to be "on top". When in reality there is no top. If a country is number one in math, what is the point? Just to be able to say, "Our country is better at math than everyone else is". Jobs are continuously increasing, because that is what the human mind revolves around, money. Schooling has become an expensive privilege,in which it shouldn't be. What is the point in schooling if your information will be outdated nearly three years later? It is not worth sacrificing, love, compassion, family, happiness, and friends in order to make money and have a good education. In general, technology is not worth it; it is slowing down the human race's social skills and the way they treat others.

Anonymous said...

After viewing these presentations, they made me think of how the world is so big but yet so small at the same time. America seems like such a high rated and top wanted country, but when you really look at the details you see that our jobs are decreasing and our social media is taking over. Academics could be affected by this because of all the job lose there most likely will not be the same jobs there are today when it’s time for all of us to get jobs. In order to
prepare for our future jobs we have to change what we learn in school. This impacts my views on the world because I think that our future is going to be very scary if we don’t do something to fix our present.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The mass of effected time has on the world is scary yet amazing. The amount of time it takes me to write a sentence more than thirty one babies will be born. It is amazing how so little time will effect a persons life. The world is changing so fast that the education I'm getting now could not matter by the time I get to college. Its also scary that there are more people that can use the internet then a clean bathroom. The world has change a lot in the past years and its scary to think about what the world will be like when I finish college. The place I want to go into in the job market could not be there when I finish my education for that job. The world is changing for the good and the bad.

Anonymous said...

Realizing how big the world is, is inspiring. It shows people that there are more opportunities in life the staying in state or even country. I believe that these videos make people want to learn and be better then what they use to be because they believe it's a competition. Countries will never stop competing. Americans go on and on about how we are the best country, but really, we are not. China has more honors student then we do, people and Russia is better then us at ice skating. If people are going to say that our country is the best, then why are we not trying harder? That is why videos like this are created, to inspire and make people want to be better.

Anonymous said...

The presentations make me think how much our world has changes over the past years. for example i never knew that people have access to 1,000,000,000,000 websites. I think this impacts the world and how students learn because before if you didn't know the answer to something you would have had to go to school and ask the teacher or carefully read a textbook, now all you have to do is look it up on Google and you will have the answer in seconds.

Anonymous said...

After viewing these presentations i also realized that over the years our technology has become so advanced. for example YouTube and Facebook didn't exist 6 years ago and now 35 hours of footage are being posted on youtube everyday. Also its amazing how are technology will continue to advance over the next 10 years because the computer that is inside our phone will be able to fit inside a blood cell in 25 years!

Anonymous said...

After watching these presentations I realized how much technology there is around the world and in the United States. Every year that goes by technology gets more and more advanced; however it's just another thing for people around the world and in the United States to use. The people who created the technology is honestly knows the most about what will be happening in the next years to come because they built it and they know what's going to be coming as years go by. These videos also changed the perspective that I have on the world, and not every country around the world have the capability to access the technology that we have today.

Anonymous said...

These presentations made me open my eyes and see how much our world is changing. Every minute that goes by, babies are being born, incredible new things are being discovered, and history is being made. Nothing in this world is getting smaller. Everything is expanding. Even though people say its for the better and it will only benefit our world, I sometimes wonder if it really will. The world getting bigger and creating more social media sites can only increase cyber bullying. Discovering one new thing makes people think, well there must be another puzzle piece to this crazy world. Getting bigger and better technology each year will only prevent the younger generation to be addicted, unsocial, and locked away. Will everything thats growing always make the world better?

Anonymous said...

These presentations made me open my eyes and see how much our world is changing. Every minute that goes by, babies are being born, incredible new things are being discovered, and history is being made. Nothing in this world is getting smaller. Everything is expanding. Even though people say its for the better and it will only benefit our world, I sometimes wonder if it really will. The world getting bigger and creating more social media sites can only increase cyber bullying. Discovering one new thing makes people think, well there must be another puzzle piece to this crazy world. Getting bigger and better technology each year will only prevent the younger generation to be addicted, unsocial, and locked away. Will everything thats growing always make the world better?

Anonymous said...

The presentations made me realize how fast the world is changing day by day. I think its crazy that in a couple of years a lot of college students won't have the newest and most accurate knowledge and I think that everyday technology is getting more and more advanced. People are so revolved around technology that because of that, it makes me wonder what the future will be like for everyone that didn't grow up with all the electronics and for the people who play on them all day.

Anonymous said...

These “Did You Know?” presentations did make me think . The presentations might impact my academics in a positive way. They might make me know more facts and statistics about the world around me. The presentations lots of useful information that can be applied to my academics. For example, I just learned that China has three times the population of the U.S. The presentations might change my view of the world by making me realize how lucky I am to live where I do. It also makes me see that there is still room for improvement in the U.S as far as education and economy.

Anonymous said...

After watching those presentations it makes me think, how do we prepare are youth for problems that we cannot even fathom; This puts pressure on the generations before ours, as they still have problems of there own they now have the pressure of keeping a future in tack for the people. This also makes me realize that I might want a curtain job now and already have my future planned out, but the future is a whole other universe in a few years there will be new jobs better jobs and jobs that will be in more demand than the jobs in demand right now.

Anonymous said...

What would you think if I told you that in the amount of time it takes you to search that new viral video everyone is talking about, thirty-four babies are born, it’s highly likely you'd think I'm insane and I don’t blame you, I would too. However, it is true, every eight seconds 34 babies are born and ninety-five percent of the children that were born, by age two, will have already been introduced to the world of social medias. To me, this is strange, it’s the reality of this society, but it’s still strange. Our world is changing and wether or not you like it, the internet is booming, it’s exploding in our faces and we can't really change that. It may be strange, but I don’t really mind it, in fact, I think it could actually be a good thing so long as you keep everything in moderation, computerizing our jobs could give working parents more time with their families and less time dreading the fact that they have to go spend the office running around papers or operating machinery. This seems great to me, but obviously it’s not that perfect. The biggest downside to this is probably the loss of jobs because unfortunately not everyone has access to the luxury of computers and cellphones, national poverty rates would surely go upward due to the loss of jobs. Overall, in the end, the thought may scare you but we’re on our way to a computerized world so I suggest you begin to embrace the change and just think of it this way, its not scary, just different.

Anonymous said...

As the world changes with advancement in technology we all adapt to our new world. Like google what did we do before google search? Also we change and adapt to online tech books and online learning. We don't notice the changes until we end up looking back. Our population growth us being able to live until we are 100 in some cases when we used to only be able to live to 50. We have only been able to use part if our mind what will happen to the world will be remarkable if we ever get to 100 percent of our brain. We live in a world that changes but we must learn to live with it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I find this all amazing, everything we are learning now could mean nothing when we are adults, we could be teaching students new ways to solve problems. Like for math, we learn one way to solve a problem but our parents learned how to solve it a different way. The world is always evolving.

Anonymous said...

The "did You Know" presentation make me really think about how big the world really is. It also made me think about how the things I learn know do and do not matter. I was in shock by the end and I believe it was a nice add on to the class and much needed to show.