Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nextel And "Romeo And Juliet?"

How does the Nextel Romeo And Juliet commercial satirically update the "classic" Romeo and Juliet? What does it make you contemplate and consider? Please reference, quote, and analyze the drama and commercial. Please complete this blog response today.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It shows the more modern day Romeo and Juliet and it shows how long the real story is and how it can just be mashed together into 20 min.

Anonymous said...

It displays how over-dramatized the play is, and presents it in a comedic, entertaining way.

Anonymous said...

It shows how overly dramatic and unrealistic the story of Romeo and Juliet is. It also presents it in a funny, entertaining and modern way.

Anonymous said...

The commercial satirically update the "classic" Romeo and Juliet is not that different but different from the real Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It shows how over dramatic the play really was and how much happened throughout the play and fit it all in in the matter of 30 seconds. It makes it more comedic and appealing to some.

Anonymous said...

They fit the entire play into 30 seconds in a humorous and entertaining way. The screams of 'no' added more entertainment and showed how quickly the play could be summarized with all that happens in it.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel Romeo And Juliet commercial satirically updates the "classic" Romeo and Juliet by being comical and very quick pace while also displaying the advertisement of the Nextel product. It shows a play that everyone knows about and can relate to to show in a funny and more modern way.

Anonymous said...

It shows how much we depend on communication and technology today and in Romeo & Juliet, they lack good communication. This commercial displays it in a funny way and how the story is very unreasonable and difficult for a mature person to understand.

Anonymous said...

The commercial makes the play seem more funny than it actually is, and it also puts a modern twist on it in about 30 seconds. It was very well done.

Anonymous said...

It seems to be a more modern version of Romeo and Juliet and it kind of makes fun of it a little because when Romeo and Juliet are both dead the man says "kids!" in a condescending tone and it shows how dumb the while story really was.

Anonymous said...

It shows how the play was very dramatic and it is kind of making fun of the play. It is a funny was and short way to sum up the original play.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel commercial literally tells the whole story in 30 seconds. The biggest difference is the update on communication. They had phones and were able to communicate much faster than letters and such.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel version of Romeo and Juliet updates the classic version of Romeo and Juliet by making the idea of the play comical and sets it at a very fast pace. The commercial manages to show basically the whole play in 30 seconds, which highlights the fact that the text itself is very long and overdramatic.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel version of Romeo and Juliet updates the classic version of Romeo and Juliet by making the idea of the play comical and sets it at a very fast pace. The commercial manages to show basically the whole play in 30 seconds, which highlights the fact that the text itself is very long and overdramatic.

JemmaBarfoot said...

This commercial tells how technology interferes with us. It is saying that technology is such a big part of our life, that we need to include it in everything we do. I believe this commercial was made to make people think about taking one minute to comprehend the important things in life rather than checking Instagram.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel commercial accomplished so much in the span of 30 seconds. It gave you a pretty good overview of what happens in Romeo and Juliet without making it boring. They were really creative in the humor that they used and were careful in where they placed it.

Anonymous said...

In the commercial Nextel, the whole play of Romeo and Juliet is represented in 30 seconds by making it dramatic and putting in the key facts of the play. I think it was very entertaining and funny.

Anonymous said...

Even though this is a short add and it not trying to show much of a message other than to be funny, it shows how technology gets in the way. They were all so busy that they couldn't even take the time to look up and talk face to face it was kind of sad but that is a good example of how our world looks today.

Unknown said...

I thought that this version of Romeo and Juliet was very comical and cute but it did not follow the book at all. Overall, it was a good commercial for a business, but was not a good interpretation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Anonymous said...

In the commercial Nextel, it showed an honest view of what the reader thought compared to the writer (AKA Shakespeare and how stupid the characters decision.

Anonymous said...

In the commercial Nextel, the whole play of Romeo and Juliet is represented in 30 seconds by making it dramatic and putting in the key facts of the play. I think it was very entertaining and funny.

Anonymous said...

It's a modern day view of the old time of Romeo and Juliet. It has a satirical add into it making fun of teen texting today and Romeo and Juliet.

Anonymous said...

The Nextel Romeo and Juliet commercial is trying to tell us why we need technology and why you should like get there phone ha they show how Romeo and Juliet lacked communication. That things would've turned out differently if only they had stable communication with each other.