Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shall This Pass In "Anthem?"

How does This To Shall Pass by Okay Go ehibit the antithesis of what is valued in Anthem?  Please include one quotation from Anthem within your response.  This blog response should be completed in class by October 20th.


maryL said...
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mckenna said...
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ClaudiaG said...

"Anthem" and "This to shall Pass" by Ok Go are complete opposites because the video portrays individuality and colors while "Anthem" portrays a society that forces everyone to be one person and be alike. "We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One indivisible and forever." This quote explains that this society created by Ayn Rand is against standing out, while the video is made of things meant to stand out.

Zellie said...

Well since we are looking at this video the society in Anthem is the complete opposite.Through out this story we are finding out that the people there are not to have any thoughts what so ever and that they are to kinda be mindless Zombies. On page 19 it shows this. "'We are one in all and all in one. There are no men butonly the great WE,One, indivisableand forever.'" and it shows that they only believe in the "we" part of life and that they have to agree so there for in this video it shows that it takes ideas to make it but in the book they can't voice their opinion.

reneeY said...

"it is forbidden, not to be happy." in Anthem everybody must be happy and you can never be upset or you will be breaking the law. In this video I dont think that these people were always happy. Im sure at times the got stressed and angry and upset because something wasnt working. its impossible to be happy all the time.

AnnikaC said...

This kind of work would NOT pass in Anthem. The people in charge in the book would not like it because it is different than probably anything they had ever seen. Equality said "...We could ask questions of these, for they do not forbid questions." People in Anthem people are not different and there is no individuality.

Kat said...

This video showed that all the students gave their ideas to build this course and that in Anthem, when Equality found the tunnel, he used his own ideas and reinvented things like the light-bulb. What is different was that all the students were different and were allowed to do what they want while in Anthem, they all had to be the same and they can't give their own ideas so they don't have very many advancements even though they are in the future.

sportybridget said...

This video is opposite from Anthem because Equality would love to do that and have fun with it but in Anthem they would not be allowed to do that. Equality would like figuring out how to put it all together; "We love the science of things. We wished to know about all the things that work around us." Equality said and this shows he loves to use his mind but the Councils wouldn't let him do this, so this would be great for him, but he can't do that in their world.

maryL said...

The "This to Shall Pass" video is very different from the storyline of "Anthem". This video talks about how important individuality is, and how people can work hard to accomplish what they want to. While in Anthem people are being taught that the individual is nothing, mankind is everything, and that everyone must be treated with absolute equality. " We are one in all and all in one. there are no men but only the great WE, one individual and forever." This quote proves that the Society in Anthem squashes the believe in individuality, and that no one should ever feel greater than anyone else. This prevents the people in this society to choose what they want to be in life.

Tiffany said...

A quote from Anthem is "Since the Council does not know of this hole, there can be no law permitting to enter. And everything which is not permitted by law is forbidden." Thats the complete opposite of the music video because nothing is forbidden or permitted from them. They use all different type of things and nothing is not allowed or permitted for them. Unlike in Anthem where the have to hide that hole that they found because it is forbidden for them to know.

CorinneB508 said...

To me the book Anthem and the little movie clip both do have some things that are the same, but not all. When i was reading the book not to long ago and i saw a quote that reminds me of this movie clip. The quote that got my attention "Forbidden to be happy" This quote made me think of the movie clip because they scientist in the movie clip they look like they are tired because they put their work in the experiment play. Also they might of been happy at the end when they got done but they were tired. Also meaning they are stressed out on making it happen, but always at the end of the day there has to be some happiness to feel. Thats what i think in the movie clip and the book Anthem.

FaithV said...

In Anthem differences and creativity are not valued. The society wants everyone to be the same. If you are unique and special then they do their job to bring you back down to the "average" level. But in This To Shall Pass, it is very creative and it shows the differences between the people. It takes a lot of different people, ideas, and creativity to create something like that. In Anthem, Equality 7-2521 talks about the transgressions he commits, such as "It is a sin to write this." and "We are different from our brothers." He has to hide what he is doing, because individualism and creativity is frowned upon in his society. But in the video,they created something unique and special. If someone created that in Anthem's society, they would be punished severely, and maybe even cast out.

megans said...

This To Shall Pass by Okay is opposite from what we see in Anthem in a few ways. In This to Shall Pass they have fun and they are acting as individuals, but come together as a group to pull off an amazing task. There not assigned to do this video, but they do it for fun. It's not perfect, I'm sure they had to film this more than a few times. In Anthem there newest invention, "we found only a hundred years ago, of how to make candles from wax and string". In this video we have so much more technology. There's TVs, Cars and much more. This is how This To Shall Pass by Okay is opposite from Anthem.

ericad said...

In Anthem, and This to shall pass by okay go are different from each other because the video shows differences in color, but the book shows that you wanna bealike each other.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Equality would have loved to do something like this; to be creative and skyrocket past the limits that were set on him through the society. Even secretly experimenting with things from the Unmentionable Times give him a new feeling of exoneration; "And in our heart-strange are the ways of evil!-in our heart there is the first peace we have known in twenty years."
I can imagine him-almost like a real, live person-yearning to learn the mysteries of the Earth; especially science. This very thought rebels against the way of life in the day and age of this novel.

brianna:) said...

"they must face it,then decide weather this is what they want or not." this quote is basically saying that keep trying till you think its good enough which relates to the song This To Shall Pass by Okay Go because they have to make it all work out and keep retrying till it all works out well.

beccab said...

This two shall pass by okay is opposite from anthem in some ways. One way is the freedom we have now compared to the future where they are forbidden not to be happy or have that freedom. A quote from anthem that says "Now if the council has said "carpenter" or "cook" the students so assigned go to work and they do not study any further." Compare this to our day in age now people can choose whatever they want to be when there older and the have a choice to go to college and study whatever the wish. In the book anthem they have there counselors decide what they are going to be for there rest of there life. They don't go to school and study a broad they are forced to learn something they may not want too.

Kenziem said...

In the video the course of which lead up to the explosion of paint had ideas of individuals.This would not pass in Anthem's society because the men and woman of the city aren't allowed to think for themselves. For example "Dare not choose in your own minds..., better than you can know in your unworthy little minds."(pg.22) these state that the leaders of this society do not want them to think for themselves.

Lizzie said...

In the video This To Shall Pass by Okay Go shows how having the right to show creativity in this extravagant video they can show how creative they can be and they know that they will not be thrown into jail for breaking a law of creativity. The quote that I think goes with this is, "There is evil in your bones, Equality 7-2521, for your body has grown beyond your 'brothers'" on page 18. This quote has a very powerful meaning because in Equality's society it is considered evil to be an individual.

meganl said...

There is a difference between "Anthem" and "Shall this Pass" in many ways. One of the major ways is that in the video everyone is different but in "Anthem" everyone should be the same. As it said in the book "For all must agree with all, and they cannot known if their thoughts are the thoughts of all, and so they fear to speak." That is why they are different from each other because in the video the people can speak their mind no matter what they have to say and if someone is thinking the same thing.

NicoleM said...

To me the same thing the book and the video have in common is that they show individuality in both buy creating something that they thought of on there own without people telling them what to do, or even by following what other people do. I the book it says "For those who want some idea of how in their own work to achieve precision, clarity, brevity and i might add beauty the beauty of a perfect marriage between sound and meaning". That shows that they both believe the same thing that you need to show you own meaning and you should be proud of what you want to show.

Anonymous said...

Anthem is completely different from anthem because the entirety of anthem is all about man and his ego and being independent. this too shall pass shows how everyone should give their skills to work together and make something great. on pg.22 in anthem it says:and if you are not needed by your brother men, there is no reason to burden the earth with your bodies. this is saying its wrong to be independent and this too shall pass says it is good, but everyone should work together for the good. what i think is that anthem is wrong within itself. its trying to say be your self and independent appealing to mans ego, but thats what started the entire council world. appealing to mankind. they are lost and (i read the whole thing) you should be selfless, following God, but following mankind leads to destruction. i think if the book continued, equality would have gone mad and made an only slightly different, if not the same government and the book repeats itself

antoinettew said...

"It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see. It is base and evil." This quote is from Anthem by Ayn Rand. In Anthem no one is actually their own person and they're taught to be the same as everyone else which is the the total opposite of the video This To Shall Pass by Okay Go.

ChristianaJ said...

'This To Shall Pass' by Okay exhibits the antitheses of what is valued in 'Anthem' because every item in that mechanism had it's own important role, and without if one of those items was removed the whole mechanism could fall apart or not finish the task it was meant to do. The book 'Anthem' states "we strive to be like all our brother men, for all men must be alike" this is the opposite of what is shown in the video because every item put into the mechanism being different keeps the device running smoothly but in 'Anthem' differences are majorly frowned upon

Greg T said...

In this video i think it shows that you can do anything in our the book Anthem equality would not agree with this video. In the book it saids "we are one in all in one There are no men grater WE, One, indivisible and forever." i think this shows that equality would not agree. in the book everything is different from in the movie.kendraw

Laura said...

In the book Anthem everyone is suppose to be the same. In "This To Shall Pass" by Okay Go describes everyones individuality and expressing themselves, "The sleeping halls and white and clean and bare of all things save one hundred beds." This quote is antithesis to the video is because the video is crazy and creative and the book Anthem is so plain and boring.

Lindsey said...

The book Anthem is based on conformity, altruism, and obedience; its based on no one person being any better than any other in anything , even if its natural. In the beginning of the book Equality 7-2521 narrates and describes his society and their rules. In the first paragraph it says, "It is as if we were speaking alone to no ears but our own. And we know well that there is no transgression blacker to do or think alone." (Rand pg. 17) This shows that in this society individualism is punished not encouraged. In the OK Go video every little piece is an individual component which when put together to make a whole. This could never happen and would never be allowed in Anthem because they are simply opposite ideas.

Yael said...

In Anthem, each person is supposed to be the homogeneous. In the music video, This to Shall Pass by Okay Go, each person is allowed to express there each unique qualities without it being a generalized curse. "We are six feet tall and this is a burden. For there not many men who are six feet tall." This expresses the curse that is brought upon all of man kind. In the world today, you can be yourself, without feeling guilty!!! -:.