Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Technology And " A Primitive Futuristic Society?"

What does Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make you think? How might this video connect with Anthem?  Explain and use one quotation from Anthem to connect.  Reflect, dissect, challenge, etc... Please complete this prompt in class.


NicoleM said...

The video to me shows a lot of creativity and thought, hes showing how the world is creating things before there own eyes and may not even know it. Same as in Anthem its a author creating something diffrent and showing people there thought on what they believe, book related or maybe anything else. This is what the video clip and anthem have in common, its how they show there thinking and what it means.

Zellie said...

I think that this is saying that we have the choice and the option to change the world. In Anthem it is saying the opposite and Equality is doing what it takes to change the world on page 67, "We shall put before them the greatest gift ever offered to men" They are showing light to the world causing them to move forward in technology just like we are now.

reneeY said...

I think this puts our lifes in perspective. In Anthem equality discovers electricity, "This discovery haunted us." When he found it, it scared him. I think that people are scared of technological advancments as well. The world is moving fast and there is no time to question if it is moving in the right direction.

megans said...

Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" makes me think of the past and the future. It connects to Anthem because they didn't have this type of technology and they live in the future, but they act like they live in the past! "which we found only a hundred years ago, of how to make candles from wax and string". They don't know anything. From this video thousands of us are using the Internet and it's teaching us. Just imagine what the future will be like if we continue to use and discover technology like we do today.

maryL said...

The short video we watched was very interesting. It showed me how much we can do on the web. It's almost like there is another world in the web, and we all control it. "We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One invisible and forever." This quote in Anthem is saying that in their society no individuality exists, and they are just one mankind. The video we watched completely disagreed with this quote. In the video it showed how anyone can do anything, and it will all connect someway. If we all work on different things but together there will be nothing that we can not accomplish

Tiffany said...

Wesch's video made me think that we are the machine and how much we use the computer and how much we've developed and new terms we have. This video connects with Anthem because when Equality invented electricity it started everything. It started all the lights, ipods, computers, tv's, playstation all this is needed with electricity. Electricity charges them, turns them on to work, and so you can see the brightness of it. "they called it Electricity. It was the power that moved their greatest inventions." This is true it was the greatest invention and it helped create other inventions with that.

Anonymous said...

the movie said we are the machine.its true. Anthems brotherhood almost became afraid of the machine and therefore stopped and collapsed it. we want to go farther in technology, but we must be careful so that we don't create something that will destroy creativity, individuality, and mankind. we must always remain in control. of course we are going to want to have more control over more advanced things. we cannot be afraid to create more with technology, but to create and become more creative with more technology. we cant drown in it and lose all common sense of thinking for ourselves.

sportybridget said...
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ClaudiaG said...

This video starts out with pencil and paper, and leads to where we are now, which is a world almost run by technology or more specifically the web. In Anthem, their highest form of technology is a candle, and when Equality wants to offer a new idea, it is rejected and punished, where in today's world we feed off of new ideas. When Equality goes to show is "light" he says "Fear nothing, our brothers. There is a great power in these wires, but this power is tamed..." does that mean today's people have no fear? Or have we created something that is not tamed?

antoinettew said...

Wesch's video shows how huge of a role technology plays in our life and how much we can do now that we could have never done before. All of this technology was created by someone who wanted to make a difference in the world, they wanted to make something that would help people in their everyday lives. Equality was one of those people in Anthem, all he wanted to do was to make something that would make life easier for the rest of the society and help do things that they could never do before.

FaithV said...

The Internet and technology ate growing constantly, evolving and updating. Who knows? Eventually technology could take over, especially if it learns every time we use it, by clicking on something or posting something or creating something. Or perhaps the world will change dramatically, if one day we become too dependent on technology, and it fails. In Anthem, there are not very many inventions, and if there are they only come about rarely. Perhaps the society is afraid of the past, there afraid to be challenged by creation and technology, or that it will destroy there world.Also in 1984, they use their technology to change the past, and control the present. IF there is something in the past that needs to be changed so those in the present don't challenge it, the society of Oceania changes it. What will become of us with technology?

CorinneB508 said...

From this video i saw it did make me think about Anthem. Some people think that the "web' will take over and control the world, thats not going to happen. When i was watching it the words came to me "we no i" that is what is wrong with that quote taken out of the book and so when i was watching it the people were talking about the web and how long it has been in the world. There are may reason to hate the web but when you think about it people are the ones that make up the web and give it new things. Also the world individuality comes to mind as well and that is what we dont need everyone needs to be together in the world and WE the people of the whole world are in it and make it for others not just yourself instead US and WE.

Yael said...

Technology in America is huge. Without it, we would not be America. In Anthem, the technology is poor, and weak. The video, reminded me of how fragile it all is. How every time we get on a computer, we teach it, we influence it. Even now I'm giving it the power to write this Blog. It is almost kind of scary how we are exposed to the world in the click of a button, or how we expose something to the world with the click of a button. The even scarier part is that the computer adapts to how we use it, making the modern computer even smarter then us. Someday, hopefully never, the computer will be able to see things that no one sees, and will evolve giving us a panic attack. The truth is, in Anthem, I would almost prefer that against what we have here. Although it is at both extremes, we have to much technology and Anthem has to little, I am scared of the future..But that is just anxiety. Technology is at its zenith.-:.

brianna:) said...

Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" makes me think that we are using technology to much, since all were doing is teaching it more with every time were on it and back then they found other ways to stay active but now i think we rely to much on technology in the book anthem one quote that I think is"As the chains were wound over there body at the stake."I think this relaters to the text because we are like chained or addicted to technology which in the end can be something really bad.

Anonymous said...

Anthem and this video have the connection of teaching. We teach computers new ideas everyday; what we want them to know and what we want to know for ourselves and our society. Equality and his brothers were all taught what others wanted them to know: to never be an individual, but to simply be a part of "we."

ChristianaJ said...

Wesch's shot video about 'us in the machine' made me think about how each individual person contributes to creating the web and basically anything social. It also made me think about how our generation would cope without all the technology. This connects with 'Anthem' because in their society not one single person is allowed to do anything is has to be agreeable with everyone in the society. "I think. I am. I will." (p.94) I think this relates to the video because it was all how each individual person has their own part in society.

ericad said...

The video made me think of like all the inspiration and thoughts that are shown in the book. about having stuff in front of you.. but not actually knowing it is there. The author of anthem is creating a different perspective of things...

Anonymous said...

my generation is all about progressing with technology everything now invented is outdated within 6 months maybe even less. But in anthem people aren't supposed to explore and create only a very few number of men invent the future and they are controlled by others who don't wish for any future that involves progression. This video showed how we use the Internet everyday and the complex way it works and how we work it. But it also shows how its connecting everyone and how anyone can control it which is an unimaginable luxury for the people in Anthemse

Kat said...

The men are like cogs in a machine. The machine needs men to make it work. Just like in Anthem, without the men, they can't make the society work correctly. They don't live for themselves but they live for the machine and their brothers. There is no 'I' in their world. Only 'we'. On the internet, they use we because all of them organize the web for us and they are the machine, the brain behind everything on the web. '" We are nothing. Mankind is all. By the grave of our brothers are allowed our lives. We exist through, by and for out brothers who are the State. Amen."'

Lizzie said...

This video makes me think that the world is being turned into a technological place and our generation is experiencing how writing on paper has somewhat disappeared and everything or close to everything is now computer generated. The quote from Anthem I think is connected to this is found on page 70," Fear nothing, our brothers. There is a great power in these wires, but this power is tamed. It is yours we give it to you." This is a very descriptive quote because Equality is offering the Council the lightbulb and the Council has refused to acknowledge the invention he made.

Laura said...

Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" made me think that without all this new technology there wouldn't be a today and how many people use the web per day changes our lives everyday. This video connects to Anthem because in Anthem they are trying to create new technology like we are still trying to do now. "We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever."I chose this quote because WE are todays generation and WE create the world.

sportybridget said...

The video is showing how much the computer and new technology has changed the world and how anyone like Equality could change the world with just one invention. In "Anthem" Equality can change the world with the invention of electricity but for multiple reasons they denied it. "He brought the light from the Gods down to the people," Equality was talking about A God thats name he would adapt because thats what Equality is doing he's bringing the light of the world to the people which is technology.

Lindsey said...

The video discusses how our world keeps evolving and creating more and more things with out thinking about the consequences they might bring. All we want is more more more never slowing dow and while I do believe it is important to keep moving forward I also think that some times we do need to slow down and full asses things. In the book Anthem, by Ayn Rand, a young man,Equality, lives in a society where improvement and progress only come around every century or so. But then Equality decides to break that barrier ,like many people today, and learn some thing on his own and create some thing. But the difference between these two Ideas is that in the book Equality questions what he is doing and is constantly considering both his consequences and his options. "The evil of our crime is not for the human mind to probe. the nature of our punishment, if it be discovered, is not for the human heart to ponder."(pg 37, Rand)This shows some of the thoughts going through Equality's mind.

Anonymous said...

I think that this video about machines can be compared to anthem by how in modern day we use a lot of technology and in anthem they did nit use a lot of technology. The world has come so far in the past 20 years and to some this is a good thing and to others this is a bad thing. In anthem their was really never any change until equality made his invention. equality had to face a lot more chancels then we do and ever did. I think this shows a lot of him self and how he thinks.