Monday, September 20, 2010

Schools Vs. Creativity?

What are your thoughts regarding Sir Ken Robinson's video presentation regarding "schools killing creativity?" In your response, please reflect, think, ponder, question, or wonder. Please complete your this blog response in class.


brianna:) said...
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ClaudiaG said...

I considered Sir Ken Robinson's video extremely well thought out. He made so much sense, so much that I wish we did have more arts. Sure we have band and art and theater, but do we incorporate all of those in our regular courses? No, but should we? Should we keep the line that so strictly divides our academics and arts? Ken Robinson said that “If you're not prepared to be wrong how can you be ready for a future no one knows about?” Arts give us the room to be wrong. To me, creativity is as important as literature.

Zellie said...

While watching this video it had brought a few thoughts to mind. As he was talking about the child who was drawing God I thought immediately about our public schools today. They aren't (teachers and staff)letting us be ourselves unless you are in art didn't get to express ourselves in our own way because they think that somethings in some classes your creativity is not useful. At least in my opinion it comes off that way. I see that in some classes that they are the exact opposite of the things that I am in need of when I am supposed to be learning. So something I think that we should have classes based of the different ways of learning(sight, hearing,ect.) because I know that there are some classes that do nothing for me.

Tiffany said...

In the video, they talk about how creativity is just as important as education and some arguments against that statement. Sir Ken Robinson believes that we aren't born into creativity but we grow to learn it along the years but education kills it. Also, were being educated for the future but we don't even know what the future will be like. Creativity and school should go in hand-in-hand. In school if you use more creativity in projects or essays than you would probably do better. Creativity will grow more the more we use it in school until we have gone to top of our creativity level.

FaithV said...

The main point that I thought was most intriguing when he talked about how we are "Being educated out of creativity." and that we are afraid to be wrong. This is bad because if we are afraid to be wrong and make a mistakes then we cannot b original. I also interested that we are being prepared and educated for a world that we have no idea what it will be like. Another interesting topic was how there is a education "hierarchy". Math and languages are up at the top and creative things like dance, drama, music, and art are at the bottom. "People would say don't do art you wont be an artist or don't sing you wont be a singer".So people focus on the subjects that they think are important, and try to take creativity out of education. Why? Why can't we be supported in the things that we want to do than the things that others think are more important? I love drama and music and I get discouraged because people say you cant do this or do that.But why not? We all have talents, shouldn't we be supported in what we are good at and what we love and explore those talents?

megans said...

I agree and disagree with Sir Ken Robinson's video presentation regarding "schools killing creativity?" I agree with him because schools will tell you things that you don't want to hear and that can let your hopes down. You can't always take art class, and if you do take classes you want, sometimes the teachers will tell you you're not good and that can let you down. I do disagree with him though because if you want to be a singer or actor/actress you can take choir and drama and progress through it. You can accomplish your dream and become professional, you just have to work for what you want. One last reason I disagree is because schools do offer classes for you to be creative, so take those classes. These are my thoughts regarding Sir Ken Robinson's video presentation.

brianna:) said...

creativity is now as important as education.Your always being educated but you don't know you are,creativity is grown out of you as you get older because education kills it for example if Ur education starts at 2006 it will end in 2065.I think creativity is a key part in a lifetime,because most things you do will involve creativity.I wonder how much you actually use creativity throughout Ur life without is creativity kept through life?

sportybridget said...

In the video "School vs. Creativity" it is talking about how when we get to school and we have creativity, education makes us lose it. I agree with this because they tell us what to learn so the educational system can produce people with jobs and money which is not what some people want to do but they make us do it.They tell people no; no you can't be a musician, your not gonna make it, you can't be an athlete your not going to make it onto a team and win, etc. Some one who is very talented may be told to focus on school work, try do become a doctor or lawyer, but if they want to follow their dreams, the school system should let them do it not force them to stay grounded in school work.

Greg T said...

in the video schools v.s. creativity I think that the creative ideas of children are as important as education because the part of your mind that allows education lets you're mind expand. If you don't grow into creativity we grow out of it." our academic education is focused on children's career
and many don't have the belief that they cant study what they want because they cant get a career. We should help kids educate their whole being.

maryL said...

The video clip we watched discussed how schools are killing creativity. Sir Ken Robinson talked about schools caring more about students being right or wrong, rather than what the student is thinking. I agree with Sir Ken Robinson on many of the things he said. "Education is what takes us to the future that we can't grasp." I think this quote is talking about how students are the one who are making the future. They are the ones who will be making the new inventions. "We may not see the future, but they will, and we should make it our job to help make it a good one." He is saying that this generation of educators won't be here forever, so they have to help students because they may be the new generation of educators. We should cherish the creativity of a students creativity, because there is really nothing like it in the world.

Lizzie said...

I think that Sir Ken Robinson's video regards that schools are limiting creativity because children are really creative and we shouldn't limit there creativity because adults don't understand why kids play music, do art, because their parents say negative things such as, you will never become a musician, or you will never be an artist. So the kids will not want to do those things anymore and they will want to play video games and take the job that requires less schooling to do. I think that limiting creativity is not the best way to make kids pay attention in school and if a kid had or has ADD they need something to do to keep them busy like having something in their hands, such as a ball or a pen to twirl and the kids with those issues can be ignored or they can be helped by drawing, dancing, or any physical activities because they need to be doing something or they will get out of control and the teachers will class the kids as "problem children" because they need to do something while they are in class, so drawing is a very effective way for children to express themselves if they don't have a mental issue they still need to be doing something because their brains are not fully developed yet so they need to be doing something with their hands to be a successful student in school.

Kat said...

Sir Ken Robinson's video presentation about "school is killing creativity" it quite true. I can relate to this because since I was little, I had a huge imagination. I would make up games for my little cousin, draw whatever comes to mind, and write adventurous stories. Now I find it difficult to draw from my mind or write stories or make up games. When I started school, I would get in trouble for drawing on my papers. I realized that I had started to lose my imagination. The homework took time away from my daily drawing sessions. Sir Robinson was right about creativity being as important as education. We learn every moment of our lives, not just only in school. Losing our creativity as we grow up is also right. As children, we are all eager to learn and do things that are fun. I think His video is very true since I can relate to it. -Kathy N

Greg T said...

My thoughts on the whole education Vs. creativity is that they are both equally said. Everyone wants education in their life,but also creativity is as important as your education. One thing about education is that now matter where you go its always there in different countries they all have the same subjects in every school. If your prepared to be wrong then be prepared to be right as well. All children are born as an artist. Clearly from my
point of view I rather have both.
Creativity and education is important to everyone on the world and i think that everyone would want it in their life as well.

ericad said...

Creativity is just as important as education, and the way we learn in schools is making us all the same. Like he said" We grow into creativity we grow out of it." Which made me think that everyone has creativity its just weather you choose to use it or not. Everyone is always learning, but are you always being creative? I just think more and more everyday we are using a creative skills. If we choose too.

meganl said...

All children are born artists.When you get older you lose your creativity. Every school has math and language arts. Almost all schools have music that is more important than drama and dance. Even though dance and drama help people keep creativity in their mind through out the years.In the next 30 years more people will get education then when history was started. If a man is in a forest and says something but nobody heard him,is he still wrong? If someone is different it doesn't mean they are sick it just might mean that they are different and need to do something else to stay on track.I think that creativity is very important and that it should still be in school even with learning the everyday things like math and science and others. They should be equally taught to those who want it. If people wish to not take a art,like drama or fashion class, then they don't have to do that.

antoinettew said...

I thought that what Sir Ken Robinson was saying was very true. In schools when there's more focus on learning things about other people you don't really learn about yourself. You also are to focused on being perfect and not making mistakes that you can't just enjoy yourself without worrying about making mistakes. I really do believe creativity is as important as literacy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson's ideas of schools sometimes ruining the idea of creativity. Many students lose interest in education because they see no meaning in it. I honestly think; "When am I ever going to have to remember the dates of battles of the Civil War? And why do I need to know the square root of 13?" I think many of us would be able to thrive in education more if we are able to learn the basics of core academics and our talents.

NicoleM said...

I find it really interesting how he explains his take on what school might do to kids He is a very positive person trying to change something. He said every kid is born as a artist,but its hard to stay a artist when you get older which I agree with but at the same time i question it because he doesn't know if people try to stay artistic or creative. Watching this gave me a different take on creativity and what schools might do and what schools might need to change. To me schools are doing just fine i feel i can be myself and still do good in school, Arapahoe encourages you to be who you are to me that means creativity. This video taught me something, this is so reasons and thoughts of why i think schools shouldn't limit creativity.

AnnikaC said...

The process of having original ideas that have value. This is how Sir Ken Robinson explains creativity. I found his presentation inspiring! I agree with the statement, but I do not think that schools are killing creativity. "Education is meant to take us into the future...We are educating children for a future we don't know what is like." I agree with him on many terms but the fact that he thinks creativity is SO much more important than academics is what I do not agree with. I felt he made many great points, "If you aren't prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with any original ideas." Schools DO push academics more than arts and that shouldn't be how it is. But we still are excelling in many ways in academics and creativity!

Laura said...

Sir Ken Robinson describes the importance of creativity. I agree with this statement but I don't think schools are killing creativity. "If you aren't prepared being wrong you aren't creative".. Being creative doesn't always mean being perfect, you have to describe who you are and that's what makes creativity. "All children are born artists." But creativity isn't more important than education. Education is still huge. Without education you can't make creativity. Thats why I agree with the importance of creativity but education is still more important in my opinion.

beccab said...

In the show Schools vs Creativity? I learned a lot of new facts and ideas. Creativity is as important as education is. "All children are born artists" I personally agree to that because when you are born each individual has a different, unique personality and imagination. If we don't grow into creativity then we will grow out. People who don't have creativity wont believe in themselves. If they don't then they wont follow there dreams. For example people who want to be artists, musicians, poets, writers or what ever they wish to be may not achieve there goals because they may have never been a good student in school so don't believe in them selves. Creativity ideas have value and we should all support that, without human imagination our world would be boring or dull because there would be no life imagination or creativity.

Zellie said...

"If your afraid to be wrong you won't come up with anything origanal." This quote is very true. If you come up with an idea that you think is great and you are proud of it, you want to go tell people about your idea. When you tell someone about it they might laugh and tell you that your idea is not good. If that happens you will feel like your idea was wrong, like it was stupid. After awhile you won't want to try because all the ideas you have people dont like. After awhile people give up, the stop trying to have creative ideas.

Made By: Renee Y.

KendraW said...

In the video it is school vs creativity shows how all children are born a artist, but a lot of people now days grow out of creativity. We are educating people out of creativity.Every were in earth in every school arts are in the bottom of the learning subjects. why is this? In the next 30 years more people will be graduating then in the past years.Some people have to move to think, so when your in school and you see the fidgety persons in one of your classes it just because they think in a different way and use their minds in a different way then everybody else.

Lindsey said...

I thought his insights and theories of us being educated out of our creativity were very interesting. How we all have the ability to be very creative but most don't pursue it because we think that it might hurt our future. I liked his thoughts on ADHD and his story on the dancer. I think that there are many other people out there like her who were not meant to be a professor but were meant to do something more creative and the schools are just restricting them. Schools should try to recognize these things and allow the students to be more creative and not so limited in the classroom.

Yael said...

In this video, Sir Ken Robinson explained how schools are killing creativity. How your born with an incredible human imagination, which is full of creativity, and through the years you grow out of it, or you get educated out of it. I believe the same thing. Creativity is a necessity needed to learn, and to get the best education possible. His quote "If you are not prepared to be wrong, you won't be able to be original, " is very legitimate, and I completely agree. If there weren't mistakes in this world, where would we stand. Creativity takes our mind to the next level, and with creativity, we can learn.

ChristianaJ said...

My thoughts regarding Sir Ken Robinson's video presentation where that he made outstanding points that we are educated out of our creativity but on the other hand everyone is different some of us may have a passion for creative activities from a young age but some people also have gifts for areas in academics. However I think everyones talents should be recognized and I think schools should be more lenient and add more creative art classes. He also made a very valid point when he said that eventually we become afraid to be wrong. For example in math you miss one decimal point or forget to carry a negative sign and you answer is completely off. Some students are also punished for their creativeness like students are not allowed to draw during class even when there's nothing to do, so creativity is almost viewed as a negative quality. I think creativity is more important than many people give it credit for.

Greg T said...

I think that Sir Ken Robinson's presentation was interesting because he was saying that education today is making it very hard to be creative because the schools are telling you to do things a certain way. This makes it hard to be creative and do things our own way. He also says that the teachers today are educating us for a world that we don't know what it will look like. Also their aren't many schools that teach you to do creative things like dancing and singing every day as much as they teach you to do math and languages. For example, if somebody was better at dancing than schoolwork, then they should be able to be successful in a dancing school where they can express themselves and get better at dancing. This way, the dancer will be more successful and comfortable being able to express herself in something that she is good at. So this presentation was very interesting to today's education.