Friday, August 27, 2010


How does the Inspired Bicycles presentation relate to your world? Can it connect with your academic endeavors? Did it make you look twice? Did it inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Friday, August 24th, 2010 at 2:30p.m.


megans said...

The presentation 'Inspired Bicycles' made me think that things in life are tough, but if we just keep going on and practicing, things will get better and easier. It's amazing that he can do the things he can do!!

reneeY said...

I think this relates to school a lot. This guy didn't know how to ride a bike and then he went above and beyond. It makes me realize that I can do anything. Nothing stopped this guy so nothing should stop me.

maryl said...

The "Inspired Bicycles" presentation showed me to try your hardest in everything you do. It showed me that things may seem very hard at the beginning but with hard work and confidence you can achieve anything. This could work in many situations, such as school, sports, work and more!

ChristianaJ said...

The presentation "Inspired Bicycles" relates to our world in many ways but a few ways it realtes to our world is that people are trying new and more dificult tasks everyday and that presentation proved that. "Inspired Bicycles can connect with my academic endeavors because I feel I always strive for my best but I think that if I went out of my comfort zone it would help me achive great things with academics. The presentation most definatly made me look twice throughout the whole thing I was thinking did they edit this or is he really performing all these stunts. The presentaion was very motivating when I got home I practiced my music longer than I normally would.

meganl said...

This movie related to my world because at firat i didn't want to be an actress but once i did a camp for a theater group i didn't want to stop. Now i live and breathe for acting on stage. It motived me to keep trying even when i don't get the part. It made me look twice on all the other stuff that i tried and quite one to try it agin and i might succeed the second time.

Yael said...

The presentation "Inspired Bicycles" shows me that inspiration comes from passion, passion for life or anything in it. He accomplished things he didn't know he could, and kept trying for new things to happen. He has inspired everybody to follow your passion, to be open to new adventures, to see things that nobody can, and to dream big. This relates to school, because when you want to accomplish something or get something done quickly like homework, or a math test, you use your knowledge and make the best possible choices so you can be the best person that you could possibly be! My passion is Life! I am living to the fullest every day! <3

antoinettew said...

This video definitely relates to the world and even school. The guy riding the bike obviously had to practice a lot to get those tricks right, and it just shows that there are many obstacles in life but we just have to keep trying and push through till we finally get past or defeat that obstacle.

kathyn said...

Sorry for posting late I had trouble getting into the blog because I forgot my password. I don't use my email much.
This presentation showed me that if you are persistent than you can do anything you set your mind on doing. You can take risks for example in this video, he risked breaking his arms or legs and for that risk he became a great biker.

Tiffany said...

The presentation relates to the world by seeing that if you want something to happen it takes practice to achieve it. It made me look twice at how much someone could accomplish with practice. I liked the presentation it was fun and entertaining to watch.

FaithV said...

I think that the presentation of 'Inspired Bicycles' relates to school and to everyday life. Everything is one big journey, and sometimes we face obstacles that kick our feet out from under us. But we always find the strength to get back up again and keep going. Giving up is not an option. Sometimes you may feel like you can't do something, but nothing is impossible when you put your mind to it and try your best. Anybody can do anything. This has inspired me to go for my goals no matter how impossible they seem. I want to be something in this world, and I will work as hard as I need to at school and at home to reach my goals. This has given me hope that I can be whatever I want to be, and I don’t have to give up on anything, no matter how impossible it may seem. Sometimes in life, you just have to take a leap of faith.

Lizzie said...

The presentation "Inspired Bicycles" relates to life and the world because he did not know how to ride a bike and he taught himself and it shows that if you put your mind to it you can teach and do anything you want. It inspired me to try to get good grades for the rest of my high school career.

Lindsey said...

The bicycle inspiration really goes to show one that if you put your mind to something ,anything at all, you will accomplish your goal and maybe even more. This makes me think more about the things I do, like:school and sports. Even when I get frustated I need to push through and stick to it. I couldn't believe that he couldn't ride a bike and now he does jaw dropping stunts!

Lindsey said...
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beccab said...

The presentation "inspired Bicycles" made me me think about a lot of experinces and choices you have to make to succeed in what you do.I know that soccer is a big part in my life and I would like to go on with playing this sport as i grow older. My coach always told me try hard and give your all every time you practice so each time you do that talent that you have you will get better!

KendraW said...

The presentation "Inspired Bicycles" made me think about how in life you fail and you just have to get up and keep trying. This happenes in school a lot.When you fall behind you have to keep trying until you are doing better. You can do whatever you want to just belive.

ericad said...
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sportybridget said...

This presentation really inspires me and I think a lot of people that if you are inspired to do something you can do anything you want, whether its like the man in the video who didn't know how to ride a bike to doing a sport that you've never played or cooking something you've never tasted. With a little practice and inspiration you will succeed at anything.

Laura said...

In the presentation "Inspired Bicycles" it made me think about how hard things can be but as long as you don't give up you can do anything. It also made me realize that practice makes you better and thats what the bikers taught me.

ericad said...

The presentation made me think of how this guy set his mind to something, and carried himself all the way through it and went above and beyond with his goal. What it meant to me the most was to set a goal for yourself, but not only accomplish the goal but take it to the next level.

AnnikaC said...

The 'Inspired Bicycles' presentation is INCREDIBLE! I was shocked and amazed while watchig it. It shows me that anyone can do anything if they really set their mind to it, practice, and NEVER give up! If you want to accomplish something in life you have to try your hardest. It inspired me to always do my best in life.

ericad said...
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Zellie said...

I thought that the video inspired me to do the unthinkable because i believe that rules are made to be broken especially when you are told what you cannot do. i think that it can go along with my academics because you can always strive to do better. I think after watching this that i am so inspired to go out into the world and do the unthinkable.

CorinneB508 said...

This movie relates to the world because some of it shows that you should take a chance to try something new. This movie made me think about what to do in my life and that there will be some bumps in the road, but keep on trying till you reach your goal in life.This bicycler found what he is good at and through the hard times he didnt give up kept on going.

ashleyb said...

The "Inspired Bicycles" presentation was very inspiring to me. It shows that if you try hard enough to do something or complete something, you will eventually get the hang of it. You just have to practice it and work on it a lot.Practice makes perfect. This relates to my world because when i am ice skating and i feel that i cant do something that day, i just take a little break and try again, harder the second time and i usually get it after many attempts. This makes me feel proud and successful to know that i can do it, it just takes time.

ClaudiaG said...

I really liked the "Inspired Bicycles" video because it sent such a powerful message. It really said that if you find something your passionate about it can really take you places. That if you really work for something hard enough you can amazing things(like his bike tricks) with it.

Anonymous said...

The presentation "Inspired Bicycles" relates to me because this let's me know that if I try, there's so many things I can do. I had always been scared of the water since I was little until swimming class this year. It made me think over and over "Is this even humanly possible?" To think that it is actually possible motivated me to try new things.

brianna:) said...

The presentation 'Inspired Bicycles' made me think that decisions in life can be difficult to make,in my life decisions play a big role but picking the right path makes everything easier,its a cool thing to believe in yourself cause u can succeed if u believe.

Greg T said...

The presentation shows that no matter where your skills are when you begin; if you work hard enough you can be incredible. I relate to this because this year is my first year playing competitive softball but i know if i work hard next year i will be much better. Kenziem

KendraR said...

The presentation 'Inspired Bicycles' made me realize that life is tough. If yo really love something, keep doing it. If you fail, keep practicing. Just think, this guy didn't know how to ride a bike, and now he does all these awesome tricks. Nothing stopped him, so nothing should stop you!