Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What Are You Thinking?

What does the Did You Know 2.0? presentation make you think about? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 2:30p.m. Friday, August 20th, 2010.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The presentation made me think about how much humans rely on technology in this present day and age. It changed my opinion about humans in general; we are starting to get very lazy, and we are not always willing to pursue something just because we cannot find it easily.

ashleyb said...

This presentation made me think of how much we rely on technology to do everything today. What would we do if there was no technology at all? in a couple of years when they have a computer that is smarter than the human brain, we will rely on that so much to do homework and everything in everyday life, that we will forget how to use our own brain and forget that it is there. When the computer crashes we will probably think it is the end of the world and that will be very sad.

Yael said...

This presentation made me feel a bit scared. We rely on technology too much, and I learned from the video that not only it was made four years ago, but the facts have quadrupled if not more. There is always a positive or negative side effect to everything. As learned from the video, technology helped several couples find love through the web, and they became families...a lot of people would not be who they are now without EHarmony or Match.Com. You wouldn't be able to look up an answer in Google or Yahoo. On the other hand, too much of it can be overwhelming and difficult to comprehend. This could end up being the Matrix, where we have machines that are smarter then we are. We need to be able to function without, television, computers, cell phones, and ipod touches. I certainly do! :)

Lizzie said...

It made me think about how much time we could possibly end up using computers and other technology without using any other resources and it affecting our communication with other people. It could impact us by us not being able to socialize with others as well as we could before.

megans said...

The Did You Know 2.0? presentation made me think about our world and the future. It made me think about the future and how it might impact our academics because it said at one point someday we'll have computers that will hold more information than the human brain can hold,and that to me is crazy! We'll all end up depending on technology someday.

ClaudiaG said...

The "Did You Know" presentation really left me thinking about our future. I started thinking about where we're going with our technology and whether the advance it good or not. Some of the facts in the presentation were scaring and some of them were truly amazing. It's kinda neat, and frightening, to see how much we've grown, tech wise, in just the last ten or so years.

Greg T said...

The "What are you Thinking" video really made me think about many different things. It showed me how much the people rely on technology, and makes me wonder what it would be like without technology. It amazed me when it said "If myspace was a country it would be the 8th largest one."

Zellie said...

I thought that the show was powerful and showed that the world is expanding with techonogy and that we need to be more careful about what we use so we don't use all of it.

ChristianaJ said...

The presentation really made me think. How much humans have been able to accoplish is amazing and made me wonder about how the future will be like when we advance to even more complicated tecnology. It also got me thinking about what life would be like if we couldn't use any of our modern tecnology

Kat said...

The presentation really made me realize how we all depend on technology to do our work for us. Back then everything we had was either hand made or using animals to haul things around. Now, we depend on technology to do our research, to entertain our selves, etc.. Instead of doing things the old fashion way, books, we rely on the internet as a faster way to find answers. I can just imagine our future of starting over if a major network crashed and not being able to know how to fix it. Technology may make our lives easier but too much technology will make us have less knowledge about every thing. So eventually we will all have to start over from scratch.

KendraR said...

The presentation made me realize technology is taking over humans. We rely on technology a lot, and if we keep relying on it we won't know how to do anything. People are gettine really lazy and super dependant on technology but one day it might not be there to help us!! Which might be a good thing!!!

sportybridget said...

The presentation made me really think about how many electronics I hve and how it would be with out all of it, and also it amazed me how if myspace was a country it would be the 8th largest in the world,which makes me ask the question "If facebook was a country how big would that be?"

reneeY said...

This presentation made me think about how much the world has changed. I use technology every day and I didn't ever think of how much it impacted us. I think it is great to have it. i thought it was cool that 1 out of 8 marriges started online.

ericad said...

Even though it was mostly about technology, the whole baby part made me think how many people there are in the world. I thought there was alot of people at Arapahoe, vit thats just one highschool, in one city, in one state, in one country.Its amazing.

Laura said...

The presentation made me think that how much everyone relys on technology and what we would do without. Also, it made me think that the world uses so much technonlgy that myspace would be the 8th largest country.

Tiffany said...

the presentation made me think about how much our technology has advanced. This might impact how i waste time on the internet or how much people use it for much different purposes then what i do.

KendraW said...

This presentation made me think about how much we use technology. Almost every person uses some kind of technolgy every day. It kinda scares me how much we do use technology; like ipods, cell phones, computers,t.v. We used to hardly use these things. I wonder what we will event in the furture.

FaithV said...

This presentation made me think about how lost the world would be without technology. What would happen if one day we lost the internet? What would people do? It also made me think about how scary it is that computers are eventually going to be smarter than us because then we wouldn't be dependent on ourselves, we would be dependent on technology. It caused me to think about human intelligence. We were smart enough to create something that can out think us. But what will happen when it really does? This made me take my academics much more seriously and makes me try even harder to be as smart as I can be. The human race is smart, so we need to use our intelligence.

antoinettew said...

I thought that this presentation was a major reality check of how HUGE of a role technology plays in our lives. This could be taken as good or bad. The good would be how much we have progressed in time and how much potential there is in technology and people. But this is also not the best thing, it shows that we rely way too much on technology and its making us lazy because we think oh I can look it up or just go on the computer, and if one day that technology is gone a lot of people won't even know what to do with their time or even life.

beccab said...

The presentation made me think about the world a lot more. First of all humans depend on technology way to much. for example cell phones are very popular in this day and age almost everyone has one. Its sorta ridiculous that kids who are still really young have one because they should not be using technology so young because they should be focused on other activities in there life. Also what is going to happen in 10..20..30 years from now how is the world going to be. People are thinking of new kinds of technology that we couldnt even imagine!

meganl said...

Did You Know made me think about what will the world be like in 30 years and what will everyone wear and what they use like electronics and more. This might impact us by stop relying on technology for our lifes and learning about the outside world.

Lindsey said...

The "Did You Know?" video really made me think about how fortunate we are. We hve so much technology at our finger tips and all we do is take it for granted. Sometimes I even think that we, as Americans, spend too much time using technology, and less time stretching our brains. My fear is that some day in the near futer we are going to have the mentality that we don't have to think because the computer or calculator will do that for me.

brianna:) said...

this video made me think that many people rely on technology and many people get together threw technology and if there was none many people wouldn't be together and in a couple years so people should stop relying on technology

AnnikaC said...

The Did You Know 2.0? presentation really made me think. It made me think about the world from a few years ago to now. It's crazy how developed technology is becoming, and how much we rely on it! The fact that we can easily get on our phone, computer, or anything with INTERNET, to find anything you ever wanted to know is just insane. The whole thing was kind of... freaky. It just made me think about so many different things in the world. It was really a great video.