Friday, May 14, 2010

Topiary Dreams?

How did the film, A Man Named Pearl, impact you? What did it challenge you to think, feel, and believe about your interests, future, and dreams? Use any notes or quotes.  Please share your passionate response.


Erin C. said...

This movie showed how a man can turn someone else's trash into his treasure and beautiful sculptures. He didn't have much, but he used what he had to make himself happy and that inspired me. When he first joined the neighborhood, he wasn't wanted, so he showed all of his neighbors what he could do and that he could be just like them.

Dani Scott said...

The movie A Man Named Pearl helped me see that anything is possible. If you have a dream go for it and don't let anything stand in your way. It's your life do what you want.

Carly I said...

this video made me think a lot about what i am most passionate about and what i would love to say in and do.this made me want to follow my passion and to not give up on what i wanted to achieve in my life. he worked to get where he is today ally by following what he wanted and working for that goal, that really inspires me to do the same with mine.

BrittneeA said...

While watching A man named pearl, I thought about everything that i have accomplished in my life. It really made me think that nothing is imposable and all you have to do is believe. Pearl takes plants that are considered to be "trash" and he turns it into something special. This movie really did show me that if you try hard enough your hard work will truly pay off.

Hope173 said...

The film A Man Named Pearl impacted me because it was so touching how Pearl just trims his bushes and trees because he loves it, not for the attention that he gets because of it. He is a great man, and the film makes that crystal clear. The film challenged me to think about my future and how it is so important to pursue your dreams! Also, Pearl is so thankful for nature which is great because many people in the world these days could really care less about what nature has to offer, which will impact the world later in the next generations lifetime.

Ellen B said...

The film challenged me to chase my own dreams. Pearl showed others that even though they might find him different, it doesn't matter because he is following his dream. It showed that you can turn trash into treasure with a little hard work and determination. Pearl's creations express his artistic and creative side. This film's goal was to encourage people to follow their dreams and pave their own path. In order to find a true passion, you must have the determination to seek it out.

AmandaA said...

This movie showed me that it is very important to find something that you are passionate about because not only does it help you but you can also help other's discover something new. This movie also showed me that he didn't have a lot but he used what he had and made a masterpiece. Its important to find something that inspires you and something that you are good at. In my future I look forward to finding something that I am passionate about and something that I am very good at.

Molly L said...

In a Man Named Pearl, "He makes something out of nothing." This makes me think about what will happen in my future. What would happen if i worked as hard as Pearl? How would that impact me? What will I end up doing in the future? How will I impact others? Pearl impacts others by showing them you can do anything if you stick with it and work hard. He also went through a lot.
in the movie it said when he first came he was not wanted due to race. Now, people say "Pearl put us on the map."

Anonymous said...

This film is a wonderful film to show in class. I think it is powerful. He took a life that was not the top. One that had many trails and made it the best that he could make it. I love how he helped other children who don't have good life's, whether it be family, school, drugs, what ever. I know from experience that people who have those kinds of trails need someone to help them and look after them. Every little action someone can make to someone who needs help will help that person for a long time. I love how he made his dream come true. It shows you that you can have a wonderful life, but you are the one who has to make it that way. Don't just think about it, take action. Anyone who struggles with life and needs to be lifted up should watch this film. It will inspire you to do many things that you never thought were possible.

Alana W said...

This documentary showed that even a guy with no experience in the subject can take something nobody else wants and turn it into something beautiful, i think it also shows the importance of finding what your passionate about and sticking to it, and it really makes me want to find something im good at.

Caitlin N said...

This film has impacted me by showing you that if you find that one thing your life can be amazing. And that Pearl went from having nothing to something by cutting trees and finding his passion. If you find your passion then you can get a lot out of life. One part of the video was about how this plant store would throw away these "unhealthy plants" plants. Pearl would go and get those plants and then make the most beautiful creation out of it. He taught those people that you can always get something out of nothing. And that is the best thing I got out of this video.

Anna S said...

"Life is always gonna have obstacles.It's whether you let those obstacles lead your life or you learn from them." Pearl took the small things in life, such as dying plants, and made them beautiful. He's the kind of man that doesn't take life for granted and doesn't let the little things bother him. He proves you can go from being a sharecropper to a famous gardner. It makes me wonder: if everyone appreciated the small things in life, would this world be a better place? Everyone can learn something from this man not just about taking plants and making them into something magnificent,but taking life and turning it around for the better.

Cassie M said...

The film, A Man Named Pearl, impacted me greatly. I felt like the movie taught me that be thankful for what you have and work with what you have. I had to really focus, because I didn't understand why he was doing what he was doing, but now I understand. He also encouraged me to do what I want and what makes me happy no matter what. I really admired his determination, lovingness for children, and the passion he had for nature, which also greatly impacted me.

AbbyJH said...

This film impacted me because it was about a 77 year old man who made his dreams come true. I realized that it is never too late to reach for the stars and make your dreams come true. I also learned that you could have a hidden talent just waiting to come through but you have work hard to get there. Pearl has such dedication and a strong work ethic to be able to stick with a project that acquires so much time. Pearl is an inspiration to children and he takes time to actually talk too them and care about them. Pearl stays humble even though he gets a lot of publicity. Pearl is a great inspiration to many.

FlynneM said...

This movie impacted me because it really shows that people can be self mad and be persevered and strong. He really shows that even with just about nothing that you can make something beautiful. it really makes me want to take that extra step to become what i want and i want to be able to say that i did it on my own and i started from nothing and have gotten where i am now!

Emily R. said...

I thought that Pearl had a lot of hope and he made his dream come true. He changed the stereo type that his neighborhood had made about his race. They said that Pearl wouldn't take care of his lawn and his yard but now he has the best yard in the neighborhood. Pearl didn't let what other people said or wanted effect what he wanted and what who he was. He believes in himself and when most people would have changed their personality and attitude as they get more popular and they become well known, Pearl stayed himself and he was still a very down to earth man. He is a good, kind man and he is an inspiration to everyone.

Danielle Z said...

"A Man Named Pearl" shows everyone that you dont have to come from money or the best life to make something out of yourself. He had a dream so he took what he had and used his resoources to achieve that dream. Everyone has their own dream to become something that might seem like it could never happen, but this video shows that if you really want it then you can achieve it. He showed everyone that doubted him that he could do it and he did have a talent.

AmeliaS said...

This movie has changed my thinking, but only by a little bit. The reason it really didn't impact me is because i already know that one mans junk is another mans treasure. I also know that there must be one great thing that one person can do that another person can't. The most important thing that this movie and Pearl Fryar has shown me is that somebody so late in his life could still find the thing that he loves. All of Pearl's life wasn't to get to where he is with topiarys, it took him a while to find his calling.

Claudia D said...

The movie "A Man Named Pearl," showed me that you can make something beautiful out of nothing. Pearl found something that he was good at, and showed the world just how beautiful it could be.

LeslieH said...

The film A Man Named Pearl impacted me in the way of changing and going out of the norm, because that's what Pearl did. This movie made me challenge myself to have a different opinion than everyone else. And maybe, just maybe, I might go out of the norm as well.

Hannah F said...

The film, "A Man Named Pearl" really impacted me. It showed me that anything is possible. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, male, or female, you can do anything. In the movie it says, "You can do something with practically nothing." That quote really made me think about mt own life. When I hurt my back, I felt like my life was over. I found out that I could never run again. It was awful. I had to give up the one thing that I had loved and done my entire life, soccer. The worst part was, was that nothing can be done. The doctors told me that I couldn't do anything for it, except make a "life style change." When I heard that, I just thought, "this is not fair; why me?" I now realize that it happened for a reason, I have a ton of friends who support me and wonderful people in my life. So the quote, "you can make something out of practically nothing" really means, to me, that no matter what happens, you can turn it around and it will be better. Things can feel like they are falling apart, but they can always be fixed.

squintcrwoley said...

The movie shows someone so ordinary can make some so extra special. The man takes things that long like nothing and terns them into something. He wanted to show everyone that no matter your skin color you can do just as much as everything everyone else can do.

KelseyM. said...

This movie inspired me to follow what myself wants to do and what I have a passion for. He shows that sometimes what you love to do and want to do don't always come easy. you really have to work for it but in reality it is all worth it because it makes you very successful and is a big help to others in one way or another it gives other people hope that they can achieve something that great too just by sticking with what you want to do and being passionate about it.

Kristen said...

In the film a man named pearl, Pearls dreams and things he accomplished made me think that it if you put your heart and mind toward somethings, you CAN do it. It really amazed me that when he first moved into the neighborhood, many people didn't like him and had serious prejudice toward him, but he didn't let that get in the way of anything. Instead he let those thought make him work harder and he doesn't let anything get in the way of him works and dreams. He shaped the garden but also the garden shaped him. The garden helped him to realize who he wanted to be and also what he wanted to do. The garden helped him achieve the goals he was looking for.

Clare B. said...

The film makes me think about having a passion and doing it no matter what the obstacles. Pearl had to work 12 hours a day and still went home and took care of his garden. He took the plants that they were going to throw out and made them flourish. Everyone should really strive to help other like Pearl does with plants and children.

Rae.A said...

I think the film made me think about that if you set your mind to something, you can do it. it made me think about how you can overcome all circumstances and how art can bring everyone together.

Erin K said...

The film A Man Named Pearl showed me how someone could actually have such an amazing hobby that influences so many other people. Pearl is so passionate about the topiary art that he creates. He loves to show and tell others about his work when they come to see it, especially the kids that look up to him. I think that he is a really good role model for a kid to have because even though he has gotten so much attention he is still the same person and he still believes in the value of life and what you can do. He is a strong person because he never gave up or quit he always stuck with it. This film showed me that one day if I find something that I love that I and I stick with it then i should never get a big head because then I have done wrong because as Pearl says "Don't ever forget where you came from." Right now I have no idea what I would like to do or my what I am really interested in, I am still trying to figure out who I am.

Kristi S. said...

The film A Man Named Pearl impacted me because it has made me think that if there is something you enjoy doing, do it, don't worry about other peoples thoughts. Pearl trims trees and bushes in different shapes and designs because it is what he likes to do, and all this has made him famous but he hasn't changed the way he is personally. Seeing this film has made me think about what I truly want out of life. Although I don't know what it is I want, it has made me think even more about what I could get out of life. My dreams have changed as I have gotten older. Knowing that and seeing this film has made me hope that someday I will find something I truly love doing, and I wont find it boring like I have in the past. From watching this film I have realized that even the most odd things can make a beautiful art. I can say that I don't have any dreams of topiary but I do have dreams of finding something I love to do. This film has helped me think even more about my dreams and I really enjoyed this film.

AbbyH said...

The film, "A Man Named Pearl" has impacted me a great deal. It proved that anything can be created out of anything, that is if you put your mind and dedication to the work. Nothing is impossible if you believe in it and put your hear to it. Once the goal is achieved, there is a positive outcome. Pearl Fryar didn't have much to use to create topiary, the main tools he used was his heart, he put his dedication and heart to this project.

~Nouhad E. said...

This movie showed me that when you have a dream, it can be pursued by reaching goals that you set for yourself.Pearl was determined to build a garden with topiaries. He started with simple plants that looked like trash, and created something very beautiful. I think this movie is very inspiring.

MadisonW said...

This video showed how someone can take something so simple and turn it in to a master piece. This showed me that anything is possible if you put some heart and hard work in to it. He is very passionate about what he does and it is very evident in his art work, he has inspired many people in to believing that anything is possible.