Friday, April 4, 2008

Pyramus, Thisbe, Romeo, and Juliet? Love?

What "Big Ideas" do the Pyramus and Thisbe myth and Romeo and Juliet drama proclaim regarding love? Syhthesize, react, and challenge.


tsaathoff said...

they both fall in love fast adn at a young age. the two pairs of lovers are so in love that they would kill themselves to be with that other loved one. the girls both stab themselves for the guy and the guys stab adn posion themseves cuz they long for that loved one that they dont really no that well. haha thats funny

maggy woods said...

Its neat to see how two differnt lovers love eachother so much that they will do anything for one another and don't care what others think. I they want is to be together and for people to underst and that its ok to love your enemies.


Both of these couples are willing to sacrafice anything for the other because they are so in love. It has to be true love or this willingness to sacrifice would not be present. Also, they are all so young and they have so many things in common. I can understand why they are willing to sacrafice a little, but not that much?

Nicole said...

I think some big ideas is that love makes us... irrational to say the least. And that when we feel so strongly only makes our thinking worse.
It makes me think of a quote that I saw "Even Heaven is Hell if you're not with me".
That's really how they feel towards each other, though Pyramus and Thisbe's love seems a bit more real. They new each other all their childhood, and it was a long while before the tragic event happened.
But, despite the differences between the two tales, they both didn't want to be alive while the other was dead, even if they only thought that they were dead.
It sort of intesifies their meaning of love, and the reader can feel it as they scream at the pages "They're still alive! Don't do it!"
So going back to my original thought, we don't analyze the situation when we feel such terror and pain at the loss of a loved one.
We only take in what we see and act upon that.

JJ said...

Both couples fall in love very fast. pretty much at first sight. this comes to where they will both do anything for each other. even though they are young they have so much in common which is the reason y they will sacarfice so much for each other to keep there love for each other, even if it means it has to be a secret.

emilymc said...

Romeo and Juliet both look at each other and fall in love, then they both kill themselves in the same way pyramus and thisbe do. Also, both of the 'lovers' only met and knew each other for just a couple days. But is sacrifice love?

KyleMayo1501 said...

they are both dramatic love scenes.
They do however show the essence of Love that many people strive for... they would die for one another - and to be without the the other makes them die inside. The two love stories set the idea of true love and what it should be to many people today... even though they are seperated - like Thisbe and Pyramus by the wall or Romeo and Juliet by their parents (also in Thisbe and Pyramus) but they still strive and overcome the difficulties... which sets the plot fore true love.

Lora R said...

Pyramus and Thisbe relate to Romeo and Juliet because they both have the same plot.
Two lovers are young and in love, although there is an obstacle in their way.
Instead of over comming the obstacle the lovers both end up dying.
They also, do not know each other very well and the story doesn't happen over a long period of time.

CraigR said...

I think most stories about love have tons of similarities. These two especially, because in the end there is death. I'm not sure how many other similarities there are, because we aren't very far in Romeo and Juliet yet.

ShaneK said...

Eventhough without pregressing in the play very far, there is already evidence to the similarities of the two. Pyramus and Thisbe are derived from Greek and display many references to the God as does Shakespeare with Cupid. Also, with knowing the end to Romeo and Juliet, it shows basically the same events as does the story of Pyramus and Thisbe. Later on in the play i bet more similarities are presented too.

Seank said...

I think that it is weird that two people would sacrfice eachother to be together even though they dont know eachother that well. But i guess in that time peroid you die around 30 so it must be ok to start that kind of love faster.

caseyk said...

They are pretty much the same story but with different names for the characters. The theme is exactly the same within both stories. Both potray overdramatic young love resulting in unnecessary deaths on the parts of both lovers.

jamesonP said...
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jamesonP said...

Romeo and Juliet smoother each-other with fancy words that i can almost understand but i can understand that people must have really been crazy back then, if they are already so called "in love" because i don't believe that you could lay eyes on a person and instantly be in love with them! they are out of their minds to try to hide it. it's not a big deal! defiantly nothing to stab and poison yourself over! :) Both of the couples are insane and obviously suicidal!