Thursday, April 24, 2008


Which aspects of Romeo and Juliet's relationship seem outrageous, and which seem realistic? Please incorporate quotations to validate your response.


kelly w. said...

I think that Romeo and Juliet's relationship is unrealistic because they started their relationship thinking that they were star-crossed lovers and they fell in love at first glance of each other. It is sort of realistic because of the time it was set in and this kind of thing was probably common, although the other ones probably did not have the same outcome.

KyleMayo1501 said...

The entire Relationship is messed up... they not only are from two rivaling families that want to see the other dead- but they pronounced their "true" love to eachother within 6 hours and marry in 12... just a bit messed up... yet they go to the extremity of dying for one another- which I see as very realistic because people that Love eachother would do such a thing inorder to protect or to be with the one they truely love. So even though their romantic situation is messed up- I would say that they truely do love one another...

jamesonP said...

i think that romeo and juliets relationship is unrealistic when it comes to the whole "love at first sight" thing going on. the weird thing is their relationship seems really true to me.

Lora R said...

I think the love at first sight is hard to find when your so young, and thats what makes R&J's relationship so unrealistic. I think that the things they go through, and the stupid decisions they make are apart of a teenage life, so that can be definded at realistic. But over all i think their relationship is realistic considering the time period.

maggy woods said...

I think that Romeo and Juliet's relationship is unrealistic because they don't even know each other, but yet they want to get married. "Love at first sight!!!" It is realistic though because sometimes you could meet somebody for the first time of your life and within 5 minutes just have a wonderful feeling that you know this person is perfect for me!!! "True Love!!!"

Nicole said...

The whole Star-crossed lovers is like... a palmist or a phsycic.
People take them so seriously when usually, it's not real.
Their relationship is very unrealistic. Mainly with the whole "love at first sight" thing.
A nice concept, but it never happens in real life.
An aspect that makes sense is with Romeo seeing Juliet after pining over Rosiline. That's what we call REBOUND.
The lust, that's realistic. People feel that passionate for each other, and are fully prepared to die for one another, thus mistaking this lust for love. A common misconception today.
So in a way, a realistic thing is how naive they are. Kind of makes me think of those 10 year olds saying "yeah this is my boy/girlfriend. I love him so much."
Something that seems unrealistic is the timing.
Three days this entire plot happened.
Day 1- they meet
Day 2- get married
Day 3- Die
... that just seems a bit weird to me. Too rushed...

tsaathoff said...

Romeo and Juliet are pretty much an unrealistic relationship because they kind of had that love at first sight thing and new nothing about each other besides that they both thought each other was good lucking. After like one day of meeting they are getting married and they families hate each other. The reatistic thing about these two really do like each other and as they show that they would do anything for each other to be together. the really do love each other which is weird since how they met is weird.

CraigR said...

I feel that the speed of the relationship is the most outrageous part. Them being from enemy families doesn't seem too crazy to me. Parents don't like there children's boy/girlfriends probably about half the time. So it isn't too farfetched that children from two rival families fall in love; especially because it is a questionable argument between the houses. Mercutio pointed out, while dying, that the feud should be ended (the plague on both your houses quote). Getting married only a few days after meeting someone does, however, seem a bit out of the ordinary.

Seank said...

Romeo and Juliet are fictional characters. So anythinjg that shakespear writes auotmatically becomes true in his book. That does not mean that everything that applys to the book applys to real life at that time or any time.

Annelise S. said...

I think that how fast that all of this went down is pretty crazy because no one really falls in love that fast. They can be in great like or lust but love is to strong for people to accomplish in three or less days. When it comes to their familes being enemies, thats pretty cliche now a days so its not that big of a surprise. A lot of the times there is conflict and when boyfriends/girlfriends usually meet the family a lot of the times the family doesn't like them anyways. Even Mercutio said, while dying, that the feud should be ended (the plague on both your houses). Getting married so quickly, especially back then seems kind of arrogant and stupid now a days people get married there first day in vegas so i don't really think that it's a huge problem, just a big mistake.

mchiafalo said...

I think that there relationship was kind of unbelievable! I mean if you and another family had been rivals since the beginning do you really think you would dare even try to start a relationship with a man or woman who you did not like - or that you were not supposed to like? If you look on the other perspective though, sometimes when things are forbidden teens want to rebel against their parents wishes. When you know you cant have something, it makes you crave for more.So that is the realistic side of it. Another thing is that they knew each other two days and they "fell in love at first sight" and decided to get married. Even though marriages probably happened quickly due to not living as long as we do now, i dont think that anyone would look at a person and be like..."ooh, i like you....wanna get married!!!" There is a difference between thinking someone is attractive and actually liking or in this case loving someone.
A thing that i believe is very realistic is the stupid decisions and choices they make. Also when you see the connections between different people and how they respond to each other...well i could totally see that happening!

Youngblade said...

This relationship is weird and understandable as well. It is weird in the aspect that they have only known eachother for a short period of time and they are already getting married. This is a little unrealistic. But the part about their true love is somewhat realistic. "True loce at first sight" is possible and this is what they are experiencing at this point in their relationship. Also, it is unrealistic that they are getting married and their parents don't even know. If I was getting married I would have to tell my parents at some point in time. So overall, this relationship is both believeable and unbeleavable at the same time.

ShaneK said...

Romeo and Juliet's relationship has a very unique nature. The haste in marrage seems obsurd and the fact that the families are fatal rivals just seems very obscure. The only thing realistic to me about it is the fact that they are pretty young and immature or else they would most likely realize the actions they take at such a fast rate.

caseyk said...

Romeo and Juliet lead a very eccentric love relationship. They are both only 12 or 13 years old, there is no way that either one of them has any idea what love really is. Love is something that comes with the maturation of being an adult and knowing life's responsibilities. There is no reason that 2 kids should be making the kind of sacrifices that they do make for each other, for example, they both make numerous threats to KILL themselves...actually take away their own life for what they believe is true love. Although being married at a younger age was common during these times because of the short life expectancy, the extent to which they carry their 'marriage' is absolutely ridiculous. However, this is somewhat realistic compared to people in young relationships now; they say that they are 'in love' and tell about how crazy they are for each other to the point where it is completely stupid. There is always that false sense of need and the false feelings that we wish we could have and force ourselves to think these emotions are there when they really aren't.

Katie M. said...

Romeo and Juliet's relationship is pretty unrealistic with the love at first sight. Being so young and not knowing each other just doesn’t' make since to me. Their love and then marriage thing happened so fast that unrealistic is all over this story to me.

mbabbitt said...

i think the relationship was unrealistic because, they were way to young to be head over heels for eachother, and i dont think they realized how be of a word "love" really is. I think its cute how they really liked each other but they got married really young and a few weeks after they met each other, but i guess thats how people lived back then.