Thursday, April 24, 2008


So far, which character is the most innocent victim within this play? Why?


Seank said...

I think that the most innocent victem in Romeo and Juliet would probably have to be Romeo. I think this because he chose to die right before Juliet wakes up. So both of them died for no reason.

CraigR said...

I think the most innocent victim in this book is Mercutio. He may have mocked people, but he really never meant any harm. He wasn't a part of either family and he got caught up in the middle of their conflict, and he died because of it. He wasn't even seriously fighting Tybalt, he was accidentally killed. Someone like him did not deserve to die.

JJ said...

I would half to agree with craig. i also believe that the most innocent victim in the play so far has to be mercutio. The biggest role that he has played so far has just been trying to cheer Romeo. He only likes to have fun and joke around with everyone thats around him, which i belive is why he did because when he got stabed by tybalt all hi friends thought that he was just joking around with him.

kelly w. said...

i think the most innocent character is Benvolio because he really has not caused any trouble for anyone and he is very quiet and does not start fights or get involved with any of that sort of stuff.

Lora R said...

I think in this play, that Juliet is the victim. I say that because, she and romeo happened to meet when Romeo was just "re-bounding" off of Rosiline. Also, the only reason they kissed was because Romeo was being very forward. I think that almost none of the things would have happened if Romeo wasn't "re-bounding".

KyleMayo1501 said...

Actually when I think about it... I too have to say that it was Mercutio- though he sided with Romeo's Family he truely never did anything to the Capulets- he teased them but never actually killed one... yet he was killed (on accident) all because of their quarrel... I think he was the essence of innocence to R&J's twisted love story.

jamesonP said...

i think the most innocent character in romeo and juliet would have to be juliet because she is just caught up in a mess with the whole guys thing but she really hasn't done to much!

maggy woods said...

I think the most innocent person within the book, Romeo and Juliet, I would have to say Juliet. Yes she may be making some bad choices for her family, but as long as they are right for her, then she should be able to do what she wants! She is so young and therefore all she knows is that she has fallen in love with Romeo and wants to marry him, so that she won't have to marry PRINCE!!!

Nicole said...

The most innocent victim... probably Mercutio, or Benvolio... most likely Mercutio.
Mainly because, they had no idea whatsoever about Juliet and did nothing to help Romeo in these events. Which, yes qualifies them as minor characters, so since they have less to do with the plot, the more innocent they are. They are on the rims of the ring and Mercutio was unfortunate to be knocked out.

tsaathoff said...

I would have to say Mercutio because he didnt really do anything but he was killed. All he really did was mock Tybalt a little pass the line and Tybalt got mad and killed him. He adn Tybalt were just joking around adn then Mercutio got stabbed adn died but it was an accident.

Annelise S. said...

i would also say mercutio is the most innocent victim here because he just joked around not really intending to hurt anyones feelings or for them to take it personal, its just stupid mocking and if the people can't put up with it then they are a bunch of wussies and need to grow up and get a life.

mchiafalo said...

In Romeo and Juliet the victim would probably have to be Mercutio. Even though he would spew some mean remarks, he never meant harm in it. He was kinda just a drama queen that loved the negative attention. The poor guy wasnt really a part of any family but always got stuck in the middle. In the end it ended up that it ended his life. If you think about it he really meant nothing with Tybalt he was just goofing around. Only when Tybalt started to pick on his friend Romeo did he choose to act and get involved. If anyone should of died it really should not of been him!

Youngblade said...

i would have to agree with craig and jordan because is talks a lot of smack and things of this sort, but he has never harmed anyone. Just because of his quarrel with tybalt does not make him guilty. I do not believe that tybalt meant to kill him, just as he did not get into that fight to hurt anyone.

ShaneK said...

In the characters presented so far in the play, Mercutio would probably be the most innocent of them all. Even though he did start a brawl with Tybalt, he would always joke around and it didn't even seem that serious. He even says before he dies something like curse both your houses because he wasn't even supportive of the fued and as a result, was slain because of it.

caseyk said...

Of the 'victims' in the story, I believe Mercutio is the most innocent. He never was really trying to create conflict and start a fight resulting in death and this outrageous drama. After messing around with a few Capulets in a friendly way, he finds himself in a faux sword fight with Tybalt. He is soon stabbed accidentally and dies a very undeserved death.

Katie M. said...

The most innocent character is Juliet because her and Romeo jut happened to meet and he fell in love with her really fast. She was pulled into this mess by Romeo who at the time had a broken heart and when he saw her see became the back up for Rosaline. Her father is also trying to marry her and the Prince but she doesn't want anything to do with him.

mbabbitt said...

Mercutio, because all he does is have fun and joke around, he doesnt really care whats going on. like when he was fighting tybalt, that was just for fun, but things got out of hand and ended up with having no fun.