Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Choice vs. Fate?

What roles do choice and fate play in Romeo and Juliet?


emilymc said...

Choice and fate are two big factors in the play Romeo and Juliet. They both contribute to both of the main characters as well. As an example, Romeo Choses to kill Tyblt and after that CHOICE, FATE smacks him in the face later in the play. Juliet Choses to pretend death and Romeo comes back and sees his dead bride and that CHOICE led to the FATE of them both dying for each others love.

KyleMayo1501 said...

I think if you change fate into consequence, it makes more sense. Like Romeo chose to avenge his dead friend, Mercutio and the consequence followed to his banishment and then ultimatly his death, and the death of many others including his true love, Juliet. I think choice is a main factor in the entire play- fate was when Romeo met Juliet at the Capulet's Ball and managed to get hitched to her in 12 hours! Yet Choice was the roll that brought them to choose death- had fate tooken "choice's" place they would have lived and escaped together...

Youngblade said...

I believe that some of the choices that are eventually made are similar to fate. Most of the time they have no control and it all has to do with fate. Romeo's choice to fight Tybalt was purely fate and it couldn't of ended any other way. Some more choices... such as the choice to join Romeo and Juliet in Holy Matrimony by Friar Laurence is choice that was controlled by himself... (brett says hey to everyone). Overall, fate and choice are similar.

tsaathoff said...

Romeo and Juliet have a choice if they wanted to marry paris adn Romeo has the choice to not kill Tybalt. The fate is juliet has to marry someone she doesnt adn for romeo after he kills tybalt he is kicked out of verona which is his fate for disturbing the peace.

ShaneK said...

This whole book is based off choice, not so much fate. If Romeo were to THINK before he acts, his consequences wouldn't be so extreme. Fate is just a word that gives an excuse to overlooking consequences so it has no role in this play except for maybe the whole nature about mythology. Romeo's choice of going to the masque allows him to meet Juliet. Romeo's choice of marrying her gives them a new bond that wasn't before present. Romeo's choice to kill Tybalt in revenge for his friend's death results in exilement and complete sorrow. This theme continues throughout the book and even when it nears the end.

jamesonP said...

choice's make fate as you can see romeo didn't think fighting tyblt through he fate was to be banned from the town. he didn't know his wife would have to marry someone else and he sure didn't know he would never see his love after his choice! the fate is everything happens for a reason but i don't really know if its true in this case. :)

CraigR said...

I have to agree with Shane on this one. If Romeo hadn't chosen to go to the masque, he never would have met Juliet; it wasn't fate that brought the two together. Fate can never make a decision for you, it just may seem that way sometimes. Also, it wasn't fate that gor romeo banished, it was him getting caught up in the moment and making poor decisions.

JJ said...

They both play a big role in the play. A big way that fate plays a role is when Romeo goes to the masque. is he hadnt decided to drop in to the party then he never would have meet juliet. But when Romeo meet Juliet the choice to marry then comes fate with Romeo killing tybalt and then results in the banishment of Romeo. This causes problems with both of the yourg lovers because juliet is split between a death in the family and the banishment of her husband.

Seank said...

Choice vs. Fate are closely related becuase in my opinion choice controls fate. By Tybalt choosing to kill Mercutio it changed only his fate. But if Romeoe had no chose to kill Tybalt the ending of Romeo and juliet would probably have been very different.

Lora R said...

I think choice plays a wayyyy bigger part in Romeo and Juliet.
I think the things they do are all by choice. Every action they take has a consequence, and thats due to stupid choices.
I think that fate doesnt play a role at all.

kelly w. said...

Fate has a lot to do with this story because they felt they were star crossed lovers and that they were brought together by fate. they had a choice to be together and get married or not and they also had a choice to tell the families or not and because they did not tell them right away, it ended with them both killing themselves.

maggy woods said...

Roles played by fate is what brought Romeo and Juliet together in the first place!!! Choices is what kept them together util they both sacraficed eachother's lives just so that they could be together forever!!!

Nicole said...

Fate and choice played a HUGE part of Romeo and Juliet.
More so fate than choice.
Choices are like the plans themsleves, while fate is how the outcome is destined to be.
Like how Romeo and Juliet were destined to die for their love.
Choice and fate in most cases seem to be intertwined.
Like two different colors of yarn that got tangled together.

Annelise S. said...

If Romeo didn't go to the masque ball thing, he wouldnt have really became aquanted(sp?)with juliet; I dont know if it was so much fate that it was just a coincedence. Fate doesn't tell you what to do; in the end its just like saying, Oh i told you so. Also, when Romeo got in to the fight it was just a crappy time and poor temper even though is friend got killed, sometimes payback isn't always the best choice.

mchiafalo said...

I think that both fate and choice play a huge role in Romeo and Juliet.
Romeo chose to go to the ball and then fate brought them together. Both of them chose to be married. It was Romeo who made the chose to kill Tybalt....and fate brought the plan of meeting together once again....even though it did not end well...!

mchiafalo said...
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caseyk said...

The factors of choice and fate are both viewed differently based on the person looking at it. It's a point of view type situation. Choice to me is the reality of what is really happening and what the characters are conscious is occurring, they choose to do certain things which are of course in the 'cause and effect' category. Fate is something that the person believes is destined or suppossed to happen; fate is that something that we believe we have no control in and it is going to happen no matter what.

Katie M. said...

In this story it seemed fate played a bigger factor than choice. From the ball where Romeo and Juliet met to when Romeo killed Juliet's cousin Tybalt. But at the same time it was Romeo to take revenge on his friend’s death by killing Tybalt. We seem to have more control of our choices we make then what fate will bring. But these to elements are in this story and seem to put it all together.

mbabbitt said...

Choice, you dont know what choice is right or wrong, ait is what you believe is in, and what you think is the right choice