Wednesday, April 4, 2007

"Romeo and Juliet"

What is essential to share regarding your completion of the Perfect Mate handout?


Kate said...

My mom's and my responses to the "Perfect Mate" paper where not too different. It was very different than the story of Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet, the parents would not agree on what their children where doing. It seems like if they knew that they where in love, it would be thought of as a sin and they would be looked down on a lot. I don't think that it would be very fun to have a guy that no one in my family supported and if they found out, they would look down on me very much.
Kate G.

Tiffany F. said...

Doing the perfect mate handout for homework I was reading them and it reflects how my family is today. My mom had most if not all the same traits for a mate. Connecting to the book Romeo and Juliet could not have as much feedom in a mate. When one side was not for the other it would be bad, if not folling your parents requests.

Vivian S said...

The perfect mate hand out showed me and my mom had some of the same characteristics but not all. Even if she did pick out a "mate" for me, he probably wouldn't be everything i was looking for in a guy. and having to follow up and marry the guy would be unreal, i dont think i could do that.

Amanda G said...

This handout showed me that my mom and I had picked just about the same traits. My family is very different from the story Romeo and Juliet because my family is okay with me being with a guy that they might not have picked for me. In the story, the parents won't allow their kids to be with just anyone. Juliet's parents even picked a guy for her to marry.
I agree with Kate. The parents do not approve with what their children are doing.

ashleyk said...

The "Perfect Mate" paper showed me results I had expected. My mother and I ended up having very similar answers. It was funny and shocking to see how close our answers were. In the section where the students would guess what their parents would put, I wrote that my mom would want a guy who was family oriented. When I read the section on her paper that described what she thought the perfect guy would be like, she wrote down those exact words! I think my mom and I had similar answers because we had recently talked about this sort of thing. Communication between a child and their parents is very important because it lets the parents understand their kids better and vice versa. Romeo and Juliet lacked this kind of communication with their parents, which is one of the reasons why I think their parents didn't understand their relationship.

egeise said...

I found that my mom practically hit the nail on the head; although she was fairly bland. She also expressed that there is no such thing as a perfect mate. The more I thought about this the more I realized that it made perfect sence. There might be a trait that you absolutly dispise about the person but you find a way to compromise around it. Each side has to make sacrifices.

Many people have stated that their ideas were similar to their parents' and that Romeo and Juliet's parents didn't have that experiance. I would like to point out that they lived in a completely different era than we do today. I believe that parents back then chose a mate for their children according to the social class of the parents and the money of the parents; much like modern India and Ancient Rome. Children don't have a say in who they marry so, it seems likely that children would disobey thier parents and want to go off with another. They wanted to fall in love not get stuck with some guy just because his parents had a lot of money. Today's priciples have changed a lot since then. The goal in society today is to have a healthy relationship and be sucessful at the relationship. We also want to live happy lives. As I stated before, then it was all about wealth and social status. I find it interesting how over the different eras, the principles change in what we value in finding a "perfect mate".

NatashaL said...

After completing the "Perfect Mate" handout with my mom I realized that she is not really in touch with my social life because she didnt really know what type of guys I am really interested in. Although she was wrong on a few things like what physical appearences appeal to me I believe that looks are superficial when choosing a perfect mate, and I think that my mom also feels that way. We pretty much agreed when it came to personalities. I do not think that my mom would ever trully be disappointed in what mate I chose because as long as I am happy then I think that is enough.

Natasha L.

NatashaL said...

I completely agree with Ashley! Children should be able to tell their parents anything without feeling uncomfortable, even if it is personal. Parents need to keep an open mind towards their childrens interests because they cannot choose everything for them.
Romeo and Juliet could not reveal their true love to their parents because their minds were clouded by the rivalry they shared. I believe that this miscommunication between the children and the parents led to the tragic ending to the love story. Romeo and Juliet kept their love a secret and tried to take matters into their own hands when they should have just told their parents about how they felt.

kena. said...
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kena. said...

The "Perfect Mate" handout that we did was very interesting. Especially the answers that my parents gave. I was sorta suprised but then agian i wasn't. My parents wrote not as much as me which i sorta expected them to do. But i came out with more details. And i was also happy with what they wrote. It was intersting to see what my parents thought.


and by the way mr.trotter nice pink layout :]

hilary l said...

When I did the "Perfect Mate" handout I was not too surprised that my mom's idea about a perfect mate for me, and my ideas for a perfect mate for me were so similar. We act a lot alike and we both share almost the same views about men. If my mom had to pick a man I had to marry it would be too bad as it is in Romeo and Juliet.

Rach L said...

While doing the "Perfect Mate" handout, my mother and I had pretty much the sames ideas as the perfect guy for me. I wasn't suprised at all with the ideas and qualities that they were looking for. It just pretty much restated the traits i look for. But acourse I went into deatil! My parents would love me no matter who I choose as the perfect guy, but they know that I would pick someone good for myself.

In Romeo and Juliet, it doesn't seem that they have a lot of freedom to choose from. Also, they have to get married at such a young age, that there is basically no time to make sure you found the right person for yourself. It seems really rushed, and I wouldn't like that one bit!

Eva H said...

I wasn't surprised at my parent's responses. I found that our answers were quite similar. My parents simply want the best for me. I have a strong relationship with my parents, and we have very good communication.

My family has nothing in common with the Capulets and Montagues. Because of this feud, Romeo and Juliet’s lives' end. If their parents care about them, they should end the feud and allow their children to live in happiness with each other. A child’s happiness always comes before parents.

amandab said...

Well there weren't any surprises because i have a perfect mate that my mom loves and knows really well. She and I both know hes the perfect guy out there for me. All her answers related to him and they all matched perfectly. Me and my perfect mate relate to Romeo and Juliet because we are actually in love. We are not those kind of couples who go around saying they love each other just because they are in a realationship. Those are the ones where the people dont talk and dont really care for each other. And just like Romeo and Juliet we are meant for each other. Also whats makes our relationship so strong is we were amazing friends before we started dating so we know our limits and everything about each other. So no matter if we break up we will still have eachother in our lives because hes my best friend. We mean the world to each other and we've changed and made our lives better. We are madly in love, like Romeo and Juliet. My mom gets and repects that and she also loves it because he is so close to my family and he is best friends with my brother. My mom knows what i want and sees that i have found it.

Destiny B said...

My mom and I responded to the "Perfect Mate" sheet and i found out that our responses were very similar. turns out me and my mom want the same thing in a guy for me, which is very good because i agree with Kate it would be very difficult to love someone and have your family not support you in that. Destiny

Ciara S. said...

With the perfect mate worksheet i was very suprised at what my parents thought. They almost thought the exact same way that i did. we basically had the same answers. not every little detail was the same but the overall picture was practically the same. I guess we had the general idea the same. It came to show me that my parents where more connectedin my social life than i thought they where.

~Ciara S.

kaylab said...

I found out from the "Perfect Mate" handout that I had many similarities with my parents. We both chose the same traits that we expected in a perfect mate. Even though we chose some similar traits, I think it would be impossible for my parents to actually choose a perfect guy for me because I might be looking for more characteristics than just broad ones that my parents might be looking for. I do not think that my family relates to Romeo and Juliet. I think that no matter what kind of guy I wanted, my parents would support me and approve of anyone that I truely loved.

Anonymous said...

the perfect mate assignment was actually very fun! we and my parents had fun with it and i found out that, my parents do know alot of thing about me and what type of boy i would like. even though, they had some mistakes, overall we had TONS of fun

caseyd said...

When doing the "Perfect Mate" handout, i was struck by the fact on how well my parents and i have overlapping ideas on my future "mate," and also how much our ideas differed. Wanting to find a nice, clean cut, man, that is ORGEOUS (aka: georgeous), nice, simpethetic, and wants to be with me would be a typical man for me. my parents however thought that i should have a man that was nice, and funny, smart, and funny. like of coarse i love a man that has good family values, but where is the adventure!?!?!? i want a man that is not afraid to get into trouble, but is into an exciting life. i dont want a geek as a husband, that is boring! but some of their ideas made me think that maybe their man could be good for me!? i am not too sure right now! it seems that in Romeo and Juliet however, the parents would not agree on what Juliet is doing with romeo. it also doesnt help that they are from two different families. but i think that the main idea is to make sure that juliet is happy and her parents seem nice, and understanding towards juliets feelings. so i think they might approve of romeo just because she is in love with him.