Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Choice vs. Fate?

What roles do choice and fate play in Romeo and Juliet?


Anonymous said...

Choice and Fate plays a very important role in the play "Romeo and Juliet" In fact they both are somehow connected to each other. Romeo and Juliet meet because of fate, at the Capulet's masquerade. They immediately fall in love and they choose to get married. But alas, fate is not in their favor. The tragic death of Tybalt by Romeo, creates more complications. Romeo gets banished, and have to leave Verona as soon as possible. But ofcourse he chooses to spend the night with Juliet before he leaves.
So choice and fate are two very important actions that makes the play running.

kaylab said...

Choice and fate play a very important role in Romeo and Juliet. There are many situations, like when Romeo and Juliet met at the Capulet ball, that could be considered fate. It was fate that they found eachother and fell in love but it was their chose to be together and get married secretely without telling their parents. I kind of think that it might have been fate that Tybalt killed Mercutio. Even though Romeo had a chose not to fight, he did to defend his family even if it meant killing a person that is part of his new family. I think that to be considered a tradegy story, there has to be both fate and choice involved in the plot and Shakespeare put both of these factors into the story.

hilary l said...

Fate is what brings Romeo and Juliet together. They meet at the right time when Romeo is heart broken because of his loses of Rosaline who he thought he loved, and Juliet is arranged to be married with Paris and man she does not love. They both choose to be married secretly but the horrible choice of Romeo killing Tybalt ruins the plans that Romeo and Juliet have. Because of Romeos horrible choice the story ends tragically.

Eva H said...

I think that choice and fate are very similar in Romeo and Juliet, but also extremely different. In the beginning, it seemed like fate when Romeo and Juliet met. They could have chosen to forget each other, but instead they chose to get married and hide their relationship from their feuding families. Romeo chose to kill Tybalt, but he could have walked away, and not have been banished. Juliet chose to use poison; therefore Romeo thought she was dead. So, Romeo chose to kill himself causing Juliet to chose to kill herself as well. I think the only the fate involved in this play was Romeo and Juliet meeting. Everything else was choice. If Romeo and Juliet had chosen differently they might have lived.... but will we ever know?

Tiffany F. said...

In Romeo and Juliet both choice and fate play big roles to help this become the story of Romeo, and Juliet we know today. First, if Romeo had not went to the party only to find his true love they never would of meet due the families strongly disliking each other. That is fate due to being at the right place at the right time. Now choice of her mother would have been for to her to marry Paris, in which Juliet did not like. Now choice and fate were Juliet did like Romeo = choice, and fate = meeting each other. Both choice and fate are similar but different too, it depends on who you are talking about.

egeise said...

There are many occurances of fate and choice in Romeo and Juliet. Choice and Fate occur when Juliet meets Romeo. She decided that she needed an out option against Paris. She didn't want to marry someone just yet, or she wanted to experience true love. Romeo wanted to make Rosaline accept him, which she didn't. If Rosaline hadn't accepted Romeo, Romeo whould've never met Juliet. Since, Juliet wanted an out, she was openly looking for someone to pursue, therefore, fate brought them together. But, if it wasn't for choices and decisions that they made along the way, fate wouldn't have brought them together. I also believe that fate, or a power from above, brought them together to end their family fued. What if an outside soceror knew that Romeo and Juliet could end the long term family fued and planed for Romeo to fall in love with Rosaline, have Rosaline ignore him, then have Romeo and Juliet fall in love with each other, even die together! A little farfetched I know, but still it could happen!!!! Anyway, reoccuring choices help make fate a posibility in the tragety of Romeo and Juliet.

ashleyk said...

There are many examples of choice and fate throughout the story of Romeo and Juliet. Fate is what brought the two together and what made them fall in love. Choice is what made the rest of the story what it is. Romeo and Juliet both chose to marry only a day after meeting. They chose to keep this secret from their families. Romeo chose to kill Tybalt and after doing so cried out, "O, I am fortune's fool!" meaning Romeo blamed fate for his situation. Choice and fate each play huge roles in this story, but if we think about it, fate is what governs it all. If we believe fate is what we were meant to do, then no matter what choice we make, it will be our fate.

Amanda G said...

Choice and fate play an important part in Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet were brought together by fate. If Romeo hadn't gotten depressed from Rosaline, then he never would have gone to the party. It was his choice to go to the party. They both chose each other. If they did not have any interest in eachother, then they would have just ingnored one another. Also, Romeo chose to fight Tybalt, eventhough he did not expect to kill him.

Kate said...
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Kate said...

In Romeo and Juliet, choice and fate play a pretty big part throughout the story. It is fate that Romeo finds Juliet after Rosaline had broken his heart. However, it is choice that they continue to fall in love and that leads to getting married after not knowing each other for very long. It is Juliet's parents wish and choose that Juliet is to be married to Paris. Romeo killing Tybalt was another choice that he made. Because Romeo made a bad choice, then I don't think that it was fate for them to be together after all.

BaileyG. said...

I believe choice and fate play a huge role in Romeo and Juliet . Some examples would be; one, Romeo is pushed into going to the party and fate lets Romeo see through his gloomy cloud of Rosaline (so to speak) and see a plus in life that will eventually lead to what he thinks will be happiness.He gets married to Juliet and life seems to be turning around for him. Little does he know, that hours from then, he will have to leave and decide on new ways to lead his life. Fate in a way is like karma. When ever you do something, you have to worry about karma.
Karma is the total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny. Above is the deffinition i found. One of the other deffinitions described karma as fate. I think the saying "what comes around, goes around" fits the book very well because of the events that are happening with Romeo and Juliet.

caseyd said...

I believe that fate and choice plays a very important role in Romeo and Juliet. romeo and juliet met with fate, and without the choice of romeo comming up to juliet and intruducing himself to her they never would have ended up together. also they have fate, and break through the barrior of the two families, without the choice of them staying together when knowing that life was going to be hard they never would have got married and died for eachother. also when Romeo is bannished shows a test for romeo and juliets love, showing the fate and commitment between the two characters. they choose to run away and that is another important role in how commited they are to their relationship!

amandab said...

Fate and choice both are important because they are one of the two major ideas in the text. Like its fate when Romeo and Juliet meet and its choice that Romeo kills himself instead of waiting to see the outcome of Juliet.

Rach L said...

In Romeo and Juliet, choice and fate contributed to two very important roles that dramatically change the actions taken in the story. It was fate that brought Romeo and Juliet together. They did not plan on meeting at the ball, or even dancing with each other. Romeo and Juliet chose to like each other, even after meeting each other for one night. Thet did not have to get married at all, they chose those decisions for themselves. This includes Tybalts and Mercutio's death. The decisions Mercutio, Romeo, and Tybalt made changed the fate for Romeo and Juliet. There lives would never be the same. Truly, this played a major decision in how the story played out.

kena. said...

Choice I believe plays a bigger role in this story than fate.
Choice is held before many characters and what they could have done.
As in the choice of Romeo and Juliet to get married right away.
Romeo making the choice to go to the dance.
Romeo and him going after Tybalt.
Tybalt and seeking revenge on Romeo.
Lord Capulet letting Romeo alone during the dance.
All these were choices the characters could have chosen to change, in which fate plays no role in. Therefore the role that choice play in this story is very “dramatic” the smallest change in choice could have “destroyed” the whole story and the choice the characters made construct the whole story.

Destiny B said...

Choice and Fate play a very important role in romeo and juliet. It is pure fate that they meet at the capulet ball but it is their choice to get married and go behind their families backs. they also fall in love but it is by choice that they want to run away together after Romeos banishment in turn leading to the death of both romeo and Juliet.

NatashaL said...

Choice and fate are two of the main themes in "Romeo and Juliet." Almost every event occurs due to either choice or fate. The whole convening of the two lovers is because of fate. Nothing else could explain why Romeo fell in love with Juliet at a Capulet party, while he was really spying on Rosaline. Choice comes into play in several occurences. Tybalt and Mercutio chose poorly when they decided to turn a petty insult into a public show of swordsmanship, leading to the death of Mercutio. Shakespeare uses several aspects of choice and fate in his story of "Romeo and Juliet."

Vivian S said...

In this story, fate plays a small part but it's what sets off the hole story, without the fate of Romeo being foreced to go to Juliets party. The rest is simply choice, their meeting and falling in love and decided to go get married was choice. Romeo killing Tybolt was choice, a bad choice but it was a choice. And Romeo getting banished was a choice by the king. The double suicide wasn't fate, it was by choice.