Friday, October 25, 2019

"The Martian Chronicles" Film/Text Alignment?

In The Martian Chronicles Film Excerpt, did you notice text alignment? Text differences? Other? Please comment by 3:31p.m. on Fri., Oct. 25th.


Anonymous said...

The film based off Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles is similar for the most part. The film dives deeper in the before-men-on-mars era at the beginning, showing that an unmanned spacecraft didn’t find the settlements on Mars at first. The film is more scientific in the way that the producers simply show what is happening and more details about Earth whereas the book focuses more on how people are reacting on mars The martians in the book and the movie are shown with the same, if not very similar features and home style. The text seems to be more adapted and thorough than the movie, which is not at a great quality.

Anonymous said...

In this film excerpt I noticed that the first spacecraft landing on Mars is talked about in more detail than in the book. In the beginning of the excerpt the dates are already different from in the book. The film does talk about Rocket Summer but very briefly and it shows more of the captains with a paparazzi and answering questions about the first expedition. The film excerpt describes the martians Mr. and Ms. k just as the book did although it is pretty different other than that. Overall the film excerpt is a lot more different than it is similar to the text.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In the Martian Chronicles film is similar to the book, it's asking the same questions. In the film and the book the humans on earth think the same,they all want to see if there is life on Mars. They are different because they take place in different time periods.

Anonymous said...

During the Martian Chronicles Fim, there were come contact to the text along with some differences. The time that the Storie takes place is years after the text. In July 1978 an un maned spacecraft landed on Mars, miles away from the Martian society. In the beginning we are introduced to the human society, before we meet the martian society. They way life is described to be for Mr. and Mrs. K is very simple to the way their lives are in the book.

Anonymous said...

The dates and times are a bit different from the text, as well as the beginning setting. However, the description of the Martians is very similar to that of it in the text; they appear to be in a similar situation compared to the original book. This might suggest a very similar story to the original one.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the dates changed a but and it starts with an unmanned ship. it goes more into detail than the book for now. it is diffenrt than I imagined. the film has different parts and some is left out and also has lots of different sets and spaceships.

Anonymous said...

There are a few things that are similar and different about the film and book. The dates at the beginning were different from the dates if the book. However, the storyline of the book is the same of that of the movie. The details of the book and movie are very similar like the mist and floating lava. Mr. K and Mrs. K are portrayed the same way in the book and the movie.

Anonymous said...

In the Martian Chronicles video, a few things were different from the original text. The first unmanned spacecraft happened earlier in the timeline in 1976 instead of closer to the 2000s. The video focused more on individual humans and their conversations than the original "Rocket Summer." The book didn't give specific details of the process of the humans getting to Mars.

Anonymous said...

In the “Martian Chronicles” Film Excerpt, I first noticed that the dates in the video were different from the book. In the video I saw that the martians could see into the horizon, compared to the book the martians could not see anything. There are many similarities between what the people look like in the book and the film, they dont look like humans all different, they look all the same. I believe that the film was somewhat accurate, although there was so big differences like the dates, and small details of the film.

Anonymous said...

Movies are almost always different than the book. To start off with the dates in the movie are different than the book. In the book there was no initial rover that was in the movie. In the book we never meet the captains while they are on earth. This being said, in the movie we meet them while there is a press conference. In the movie it showed lots of things about the actual ship in space that was never in the book. In the movie the actor’s look more human than the book depicts them to be.

Anonymous said...

In the film I noticed a few differences.The dates in different from the Martian chronicles, people wondering about living life on Mars. In the Martian chronicles it talks about how the earth is going through a hard time and it shows that people are trying to explore the other planets. The settings seem to be the same from both of them.

Anonymous said...

In the Martian Chronicles and in the video, mankind is curious to see if there is life on Mars.although, the humans in the video don't seem nearly as selfish and cruel as the humans portrayed in Martian Chronicles. The martian couple seems to be described the same as the Martian Chronicles. I think the video may be portrayed differently than the actual book because the humans so far aren't as cruel. The Martian Chronicles really exaggerated the idea of the humans wanting to take over mars and eliminate all the Martians.

-Julia Dunn

Anonymous said...

The date and introduction to the planet Mars is different from the introduction to the book "The Martian Chronicles". As well as putting extra scenes into the show to better explain what was happening in Bradbury's book. Its stays true to the text but tends to elaborate on scenes that were not originally in the book.

Anonymous said...

As all recreations of books in movies, there are many differences-some good, and some bad. In the first few minutes of the movie, there are already some differences such as the date and date in which the story takes place. In addition, some of the astronauts and the planning of the missions is different. However, the description of the Martians and their home is pretty similar to that of the book.

Unknown said...

I noticed that the date the first ship landed is different, and nobody is on it. They also see no life on mars when they land because the spaceship can't see beyond the horizon. If it had landed somewhere else they might have found something. The second spaceship that was sent there was about the perspective of the people that built it. On the third spaceship expedition, it's like Mrs and Mr Kk in the “Martian Chronicles” when the narrator and humans found and observed the martians; the video matches up with the characters and setting and the martians house.

- Anna Walker

Anonymous said...

Some differences and similarities between the film and the text are, the dates are different. Names are the same. setting is the same. Miscommunication in the beginning.

Anonymous said...

In “The Martian Chronicles” movie, some of the things were changed. In the text, they landed in like 2001 or something like that and in the movie it was 1973 I think. The planning of the mission is different in the movie than it is in the book also. Then some similarities is like the description of mars, and the martians home and all that.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that this film, based off of "The Martian Chronicles" added extra scenes to the story to give listeners a better understanding of the story. However I realized some details they added into the film don't really correlate to what was said in the story.

Unknown said...

in 'the martian chronicles' film i noticed that the dates are different than the ones in a book, in the book we haven't ever met the captains while they're on the earth, in the book martians couldn't see the horizon and in a film they do, in the movie actors look more like human than in the book. the book didn't give us specific details about human getting to Mars. the text seems to be more adapted than the movie. there are a lot of differences, but you can still tell that it's about 'the martian chronicles' book.
amelia o

Anonymous said...

Most movie adaptations of books usually change and sometimes ruin the plot. In The Martian Chronicles Film Excerpt, even from watching a little segment from the movie, changes quite a few things. For one, they changed the date of the time frame in the book and even added a little part about a rover landing on Mars. However, the film did suggest telepathy when narrating how Mr. K listened to his book, which is a major part of all the expeditions.

Anonymous said...

In The Martian Chronicles Film Excerpt, there was both text alignment and text difference. There was a lot of text differences, such as different dates, scenes, and the beginning setting. The film talks more about what happened before the first expedition. The characters were the same in both the film and the book, such as the Martian couple and Captain York.

Anonymous said...

In The Martian Chronicles Film, text alignment and text difference were both presented, as well as lots of text differences. These include time periods, experiences, and settings. The film discusses what happened before the first expedition, while the book discusses what happens on Mars. The characters were the same in both the film and the book, such as the Martian couple and Captain York.