Monday, September 30, 2019

Technology? Our World? "The Martian Chronicles?"

Based upon your reading of recent technology development within this link Popular Science, what are you  thinking regarding technology, The Martian Chronicles, and our present day understanding of our world and universe. Complete this blog response by 3:40p.m. on Wed., Oct. 2nd.


Anonymous said...

The website Popular Science and the short stories by Ray Bradbury, which together make up The Martian Chronicles, are both based on the central idea of the progressiveness and quick development of Earth. Popular Science shows the more modern developments and inventions of today, including robots, tools, and hacks to assist our daily lives. This technology is taken back to the beginning of the Space Race in The Martian Chronicles, where Bradbury illustrates how rockets begin to change the views and ideas of the people of Earth and how they quickly and abruptly look toward Mars as their destiny. The dramatic change between page 1 and page 103 in the book show how innovation is something that everyone quickly tries to take hold of and conquer. Although new technologies are being made to try to solve our issues as a society and species, they also present or will present issues in the future.

Anonymous said...

I believe that technology is always changing and evolving. In this process many new inventions and creations are being formed. However, I do see a pattern in books and literature from the mid 1900’s that people believed technology would advance quicker than it has. Technology has advanced quickly, just not in the ways that the people in the past had thought it would. For example most of the technology advancing is in modern medicine and curing diseases or in the creation of robots. The human race today is not living on mars. However, we are creating robots that make our lives easier with everyday tasks. Although we are not living on mars right now, one day we might, and our technological development shows that one day we may reach the goal set in the 1950’s by Bradbury.

Anonymous said...

Julia Dunn-

Today our technology has changed and grown. We have created so many new ways to communicate, deliver, create, and get around. Right now we are getting to know how things work, where things come from, and how to upgrade things we have already produced. In the Martian Chronicles, it talks a lot about a rocket that created so much heat that it transformed winter into summer in an instant. This seems like it's supposed to be set in the future in a more dystopian life. On page 103, people are making new lives on Mars. I am thinking that maybe because on earth the rocket is overheating everything, people are moving to a new place completely isolated from earth to stay safe.

Anonymous said...

As humans evolve, so does technology. Everyday, a new invention of new idea is explored in hopes of reaching many goals here on Earth. On the Popular Science website, many new forms of technology are revealed. One invention listed on the website today, talks about robot gymnastics while another talks about a STEM tank that teaches coding. All of these new forms of technology continue to improve our everyday life in hopes of bettering the common living standard. I believe that in The Martian Chronicles, the characters will also have this common goal of bettering the chances of human survival while also bettering the standard of living. However, even as new technologies progress, it also comes with many hardships and many failures. After reading the first few pages of the book, it is obvious that there are some problems on Mars within the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Although technology might make very few mistakes once functioning properly, it does not mean that humans do so as well.

Anonymous said...

The technology from the articles in "Popular Science" is all very futuristic, yet the technology we have now isn't what most people dream off the future currently. Our present day understanding of the universe is much better than what it was, but there is much more to grow and improve on. The Martian chronicle I dont think would actually be possible, considering mars's soil is poisonous to living forms of life.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Advances in technology have driven development in today's society, changing it for the better. Throughout history, scientific and technological innovations have shaped the dynamics of society. Thinking about the future, it is necessary to look at the functioning of new nations not only through social, political, and economic lenses but through a technological one as well. With more people and more jobs, working in the technology field will help us as a society to develop much quicker. In The Martian Chronicles living on Mars and transferring back an forth from planets is a huge technological advancement, which is currently unavailable to today's society, although, researchers one day might find a way we can, and our technological development shows that one day we may reach the goal.

Anonymous said...

Our technology has been growing in a massive speed. The website Popular Science and the short stories “Martian Chronicles” by Ray Bradbury talk about basic forms of new development of Earth. Popular Science shows modern developments such as robots and inventions. However in The Martian Chronicles it talks about how rockets begin to be formed and people living on Earth and Mars as a destination.

Anonymous said...

Technology has been growing very fast, it's almost too fast. New technology is evolving the world today and it has pros and cons. In "Martian Chronicles" the technology is very new for the time, and it is progressing the way people think. The Popular Science articles show that technology mainly robots are helping our society. I think that technology is beneficial to us, same as in the "Martian Chronicles."

Anonymous said...

The technology that has been intended in the past few years are things that some people never would have imagined. Our technology is advancing at a crazy rate, that is causing some people concern and confusion. Some of the things that students are learning in collages are for things that have not been invented yet. The technology that has been described in "Marston Chronicles" is technology that would be predicted for the future. These new ideas were produced to be created soon, like the flying car which was predicted to have already been invited. But as you can see that our technology is advancing at a quick rate, but not as fast as some would have assumed like in the "Marston Chronicles "

Anonymous said...

After reading recent technology development articals I have found that technology has advanced quite a bit there are robots that do everything from clean your house to do gymnastics. I think that the author of the martian chronicles understood how technology changes and how our understanding of the world also changes over time and with new discoveries. we understand the world through processing information and using what's around us to help tell the story of our past, but the martian chronicles has a different point of view. technology is different in the story because of all different factors, it uses setting, time, understanding of the world at that time, all sorts of things that we use to create the idea of our world. I think that the story and technology have more similarities than we think. Though it is different through our understanding of the world and what it can be.

Anonymous said...

Our technology in our world has been developing very quickly in these past few years. People have developed robots to do all types of positive things. However for our futures benefit I believe it is a positive thing that our generation is advancing this far in technology. In "Martian Chronicles"it shows how technology is semi-new to people then. And it is cool to see how things have changed since then.

Anonymous said...

During the past few years, technology has been changing drastically. The website Popular Science and the story “The Martian Chronicles” by Ray Bradbury both contain futuristic technology. Popular Science mentions robots and “The Martian Chronicles” talks about life on Mars. I think our world will continue to make huge technological advancements that will lead us to many discoveries, and possibly to Mars. Our technology is advancing constantly, but not at the rate that it was previously assumed to be, such as having flying cars.

Anonymous said...

Human technology has changed drastically very recently. Our understanding of the universe and space has also changed drastically since The Martian Chronicles was written. Ray Bradbury thought that there would be current life on Mars, but today, we know that that isn't true. Our knowledge and technology is advancing, but not in the same way that was expected. Martians were expected to exist on Mars, or that we would have even more advanced ways of communication. Things have changed since the book was written, but not in the way Ray Bradbury was expecting.

Anonymous said...

Technology is changing at a rapid speed. Everyday we are building and learning new things. We obviously have a long way till we have learned everything. But from the beginning of history, humans have evolved and become smarter. We are growing with the earth, learning new things. And understanding concepts that we never would have thought we had learned. For example some of the greatest people in science, like albert einstein are ordinary people, that enjoy creating new ideas. Those people help advance technology on our planet.So far in the book “The Martian Chronicles”, technology plays a big role. It is obvious to me that they people who live on mars are different. They don't have the information of other terrestrial life outside mars. There technology is not clearly as good as ours because they believe that earth is not habitable for life to live on earth. All in all, technology is growing on our planet, we are gaining new concepts to help us understand life outside our planet.

Unknown said...

Current technology has evolved, and is still evolving very fast. In the book "The Martian Chronicles" by Bradbury takes a look at what he thought would be our future technology to the next level, and assumes there is life on mars with really good technology. It is obvious that the things living on mars are very different from us, and yet, they are still a bit human like. They also, like us, don't have any information on life other than on mars, and one of the creatures on mars is having dreams that there are. This is very similar to how we think of things beyond earth, and how some believe that we are crazy like how the creatures husband does. In conclusion, this book, so far, is very much like life on earth except with a different setting, technology and all.
-Anna Walker

Anonymous said...

Technology is constantly changing. In today's society, a new piece of technology comes out seemingly everyday. Which new technology come a whole new set of responsibilities. We need to ensure that people are using things responsibly. The book "The Martian Chronicles" demonstrates that there could be many things that we do not know about other planets, and about our universe. From what we have read so far, we don't know if other life will be as peaceful and willing to share their space. The book is focusing on the normal of the Martians, but their normal is very different.

Anonymous said...

As humans become smarter,our technology becomes more sophisticated. There is always a new piece of technology that will aid or help humans in some way. For example, on the website, "Popular Science," there is an article about a robot that has been programed to perform gymnastics tricks. Although this does not better our world, it shows that we can use this knowledge to help us in the future. If it can do gymnastics, it can perform even simpler tasks. Relating to the book, "The Martian Chronicles," I think that the martians on Mars will evolve, and create smart technology that will make their lives easier. Since the narrator makes the martians seem similar to humans, their technology and evolution could also be similar to humans.

Anonymous said...

All of the new ideas created to solve problems that we couldn't solve before is what advancing through society should be about. Looking at the Popular Science platform, part of the news is an underwater robot a group of engineers built to replant heat resistant corral, and with even more technological advances like this, we know the future will be profound. I believe Ray Bradbury, who wrote the Martian Chronicles, took a similar interest in this idea (even if the book was written in 1950). Based on his knowledge of the current technology of the time, he thought of a future in space travel and with aliens. Perhaps the events he guesses of haven't happened and will never happen, but the universe is big and the Earth is just a small detail, plenty could occur.

Unknown said...

while humans are developing and becoming smarter, the technology is also developing and being better. website "popular science" is an article about robots that have program that is letting them do gymnastics tricks and other simpler tasks. it relates to the book "the martian chronicles". i believe that people on mars are going to become as smart as humans and their technology is going to evaluate enough to be similar to ours.

amelia o