Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Are You Thinking?

What did the 2019 Did You Know? presentation make you think? How might this impact your academics and view of the world? Please respond to this blog post by 3:40p.m. Friday, August 23rd, 2019.


Anonymous said...

The 2019 Did You Know, really got me thinking about how many other people there really are in our world. Sometimes it is easy to forget how big our world is and how many people live in it. It was crazy to see that there were more honor students in one country than there were ore students in North America. It was so cool to get to see some statistics from everywhere around the world.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The 2019 Did You Know, made me think about how much our wold has chanced in just the past 10 years. I thought that I was crazy that what some people are leaning won't help them in 3-4 years because of how fast technology is evolving. I can't belie that some people are training for jobs that don't even exist yet, technology is taking over. This can have a positive and negative impact because there are jobs that are being done by robots, that a perfectly welll human could be doing. But because of this change, more jobs are being crated although this will take some time. The world we live in we be completely different within the next cupel years.

Anonymous said...

The 2019 Did you Know video made me release how lucky I am to live in such an advanced world. A lot of people say that technology is a burden on our society, but I believe that it's a blessing to have so much information at your fingertips or to make a normally difficult task easier.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

While watching the 2019 Did You Know presentation, made me ponder on our world today, and all its pros and cons. It made me consider what our world will be like in a few years, and how much our society has grown. I find it incredible how much one video can impact your mindset. Completely changing my view on exactly how many people are in this world, and how the world is constantly growing, this video also gave me a good academic view of different countries and their statistics.

Anonymous said...

When watching the video 2019 Did You Know?, I was shocked by the statistical numbers relating to how many new jobs, children, technology advancements, data, and progress the world has made in the past years. Technology isn’t even peaking, and the world has changed so much. The way we live is being based on technology, something older generations never imagined or grew up with, and to think that the advancements and numbers of equipment doubles each year is amazing. At this rate, we will be solely depending on technology to get us from Point A to Point B daily, and more and more programs will allow us to do so. Billions of people are on their smartphones, websites, browsers, and social media at all times during the day. To find a group that doesn’t constantly use these is almost impossible. Each generation will be so different in the way school, jobs, and activities are run. The video really gets you thinking about the impact of technology that we usually just pass by without thinking twice about it. Like generations before us, we probably will hardly recognize the future, for it will consist of a vast variety of opportunity and development.

Anonymous said...

The 2019 Did you know presentation, made me understand what our world is more like today. It was surprising to see that kids/adults were training for jobs that are not going to exist in the future. This gives me a different point of view on what I want to do in the future, because that job might not exist. It was kind of shocking to me to know that. This also impacts my learning because it makes me understand that in school, I have to keep trying to learn new things because the world is big and there is plenty of ideas out there that we don't understand.

Anonymous said...

The 2019 Did You Know presentation made me think how much technology has changed in just the past few years and how much it is continuing to change and advance daily. It was interesting to see how many texts, posts, and calls there are every day and to think about how many people use technology. The idea that we are being prepared for jobs that don’t even exist yet is shocking. There were so many interesting facts such as there are more honor students in one country then there are in North America and that robots are actually creating jobs. Within the next 10 years, our world could be drastically different.

Anonymous said...

When I watched the 2019 Did You Know presentation, I realized how big the modern world actually is. Some of the things I realized but hadn't comprehended yet, such as the robots taking jobs and the information constantly being revised and changed. There are so many things going on every day, it is hard to comprehend. 360,000 babies are born, and 151,600 people die in a day. These numbers are shocking because no one I know has died and no one I know has had a baby in the last day, so how can these numbers be possible? We think on the scale of what is happening in our small community, and we don't realize what is actually happening in the world.

Anonymous said...

It's tremendous to realize how fast technology and society has advanced, and we're still adding to our already very systematic world. We know that a lot of information displayed in the 2019 Did You Know? presentation is an ongoing problem, or a soon to come one in the future. We were given statistics that showed us the upcoming population issues and our digital age problems. It almost feels like we're going off the rails and out of control with these updates. However, it is important to keep a clear head through through the video's tone of a daunting task. A lot of what is to come will be revolutionary, if not opportunistic, and we're all apart of it.

Anonymous said...

The 2019 did you know presentation made me think about how the world is changing. It makes me think about how our decisions affect the world more and more. Also, the fact that technology is growing and how that is a good thing and a bad thing for our economy to grow.

Anonymous said...

When I viewed the 2019 Did you know video, I was hit with the reality that technology is the future. Depending on the point of view, this could be a bad or good thing. However, I was shocked by the growing number of people and websites that are on the internet. This is a great thing, because humanity has so many different ways to connect and learn. However, this is also very threatening because as the internet grows, our privacy shrinks. The video also shined light onto a new topic that I had never truly pondered. It talked about how babies that are just being born are entering a data and algorithm economy. Which made me think about how the economy is changing and it is much different than what other generations are used too. This video made me look around the classroom and think about how most of the jobs that my peers and I will have aren’t even invented yet, which is a very hard concept to grasp. This presentation made me ask, “How fast will the technology advance?” and “How will we be prepared to enter this new world of technology?”

Anonymous said...

When I watched the did you know video, it taught me a lot of things I didn't about technology. It really put into perspective the fact that the everyday devices we are using are constantly changing. There are many pros and cons to new technology. First, new things can make doing everyday things easier than ever imagined. With the click of a few buttons, you could have a self driving car right at your footsteps. However, with new technology, comes new complications. From people not knowing how to use it right, to people getting hacked and all of their personal information stolen. Thinking about the new things being added into our worlds can be terrifying, but its all apart of our world growing and getting advanced as a whole.

Anonymous said...

While watching the video it made me wonder how life used to be before technology. I know that technology has impacted the world in good and bad ways. I wonder where technology will take us, or if we can even go farther. The video changed my perspective on technology and I do think that we have taken it too far, and it's taking over essentially the world.

Anonymous said...

The 2019 Did You Know? presentation put various things into perspective. Everything from how fast population is growing to the rise of the silver surfer. In the video, the idea of children learning and training for jobs that don’t even exist yet was mentioned. This showed how quickly technology is changing and how fast the world is evolving. As we sit in class and learn about numerous things that we believe are not useful to our learning, we could actually be learning about something that will be vital to this ever changing world.

Unknown said...

The 2019 Did You Know? presentation made me consider various different things. The one that I thought about the most was the fact that our world is truly changing so quickly. I remember being super little and there wasn't all of this social media that was putting out an image of what you are supposed to be like or look like. Everyone was just themselves. I feel like that is the issue with our world and the internet changing so quickly we are given a platform to be completely fake and no body wants to be themselves. I believe that being yourself in this changing world is crucial for your well being.

Anonymous said...

The 2019 "Did You Know?" presentation had me realize how much our technology changed within just years. It also made me wonder how technology was used before it was as advanced as it is today. These advancements in our technology I think is great because it will allow humans to do better things on the future.

Chloe said...

I thought that the video was super cool, and really put things in perspective about how the world is. It showed how quickly technology is changing and how much the world is changing.

Anonymous said...

When we were watching "The 2019 Did You Know?" I honestly wasn't that surprised, but what really interested me was the quantum powered computer. I thought a quantum reactor was only in "Iron Man" and the movies. The only thing about all of this technologie is what happens when there's glitches or everything crashes for a day? Will the world go into panic and end up back at square one or will we move forward as humanity has always done? We're the first generation to be born with all this technology, so are we using it correctly?

Anonymous said...

"The 2019 Did You Know?"I was suprised on how quickely the all the technology is changing. Also we really dont know how to use the technology now and thats why we are getting hacked.

Anonymous said...

"The 2019 Did You Know?"I was suprised on how quickely the all the technology is changing. Also we really dont know how to use the technology now and thats why we are getting hacked.