Thursday, August 29, 2019


How does the Danny McCaskill Inspired Bicycles presentation relate to your world? Can you relate his video to writing? Can his new exploits connect with your academic endeavors? Again, did he make you look twice? Did he inspire and motivate you? Other reactions? Please connect and comment using complete sentences. This blog post should be completed by Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019 at 3:40p.m.


Anonymous said...

This video "Inspired" made me think that there is no task worth not trying. In the video he was obviously struggling at the beginning. Although he got better after he kept practicing. So it made me think anything that I practice at I can be good at. No matter how many times I fall I just have to keep trying and eventually I'll get it. This video spoke to me because it proved that there is nothing that isn't worth trying.

Anonymous said...

Danny McCaskill from the video Inspired Bicycles presentation sets an idea that there is nothing impossible, and to never give up. Danny shows that you can always improve with practice, and sometimes failure is ok. This video encouraged me to keep going during any difficult tasks until I become successful.

Anonymous said...

The video clip titled Inspired Bicycles by Danny Caskill relates to our world in the sense of the relationship between failure and success. Like in the beginning of the video, Caskill continuously failed when trying to learn difficult tricks and skills on his bike, leading him to anger and disappointment. However, Caskill did not give up trying to learn amazing techniques and was able to perform the trick that he kept falling on. If he had just given up in the beginning when things seemed too hard for his capability, he wouldn't have been able to eventually complete the trick with ease, and wouldn't have continued to push himself to learn new things and become on of the best bike riders. This is valid anywhere in our lives, from writing and academics to sports and hobbies...the video inspires us to be willing to go through the process of learning before getting to where we want to be in the future. You have to work hard, skill at a time, with determination and persistence. Danny McCaskill’s talent and message is interesting and amazing to watch.

Anonymous said...

When watching the video clip Inspired Bicycles by Danny Caskill, it shows how even when you fall down you learn. Danny helped show that when you keep trying and don't give up until you can do it, you grow as a person and learn new things. In his case new tricks. This applies in a academic environment or in general life, in school if you don't do well on a test or quiz you learn from that and when it comes around again later you don't make the same mistake as before.In a real world problem, you have to be able to adapt and don't give up even if you fall down. Thats life, it takes patience, perseverance, and determination. Just like how in the video Inspired Bicycles showed Danny Caskill never giving up.

Anonymous said...

The Video Bicycles was very interesting and it's unbelievable on what Danny can do. He inspired to me keep working hard for the goals I want to achieve. Danny shows in the video that he never gives up and strives to finish what he has started.

Anonymous said...

The video of Danny Duncan that we watched in class showed me the true meaning of how hard work truly does pay off. This video related to me and told me to keep working hard in lacrosse so that I may have the same results that Danny did. Inspired not only related to lacrosse, but also showed me that my writing is like my sports. I can relate these two because in both activities practice can improve the skill. As I was watching, I realized that he kept failing, however in the end he does not give up and can do insane skills! This truley did motivate me to go work on lacrosse and fieldhockey skills over the weekend.

Anonymous said...

In Danny MacAskill's Inspired Bicycles I was able to take his belief that no matter the warnings or criticisms the world holds, I can still achieve and work past something challenging. In the first part of his video, we see him ignoring the sign that says "Danger of Death" and he persists to bike across the fence. He failed a couple of times trying to perform this trick, and probably even more off the camera too. But he inevitably succeeded. The video then shows many of his accomplishments (and some reactions to them) through the song The Funeral by Band of Heroes. Speaking of which, I thought the background music was an interesting choice of song. At one point through the music it says "I'm coming up only to show you wrong" which I believe sticks with the overall theme of the video. So I'll take this presentation, and remember that it's going to take a few tries to get an outcome I like.

Anonymous said...

In the Inspired Bicycles video with Danny Caskill taught me that when you fall to get back up. During the beginning of the video he was struggling and at the end he was doing the tricks with no problem and he didn't give up. He has accomplished so much in life beacuse he chooses the hard way and kept trying until he succeeded.

Anonymous said...

In Danny McCaskill's Inspired Bicycles, I learned that doing new and different things are always going to be a challenge no matter how hard you work at them. At the beginning of the video, he was struggling to bike across the gate. He fell and slipped but still didn't give up. Finally, he managed to bike across successfully! Throughout the rest of the video, he did some amazing tricks and made them look easy. This video really demonstrated determination and perseverance. When I come across things like this in my life, I'll remember to keep pushing and never give up.

Anonymous said...

-Julia Dunn

Anonymous said...

In the Inspired Bicycles video showed me that when you fail just keep trying. From the very start of the video Danny Macaskill failed many times trying to cross the fence, but kept trying until he finally completed it Danny kept succeeding in flipping over stairs and jumping over objects with a bike. This video has showed me to never give up.
Madalyn Murphy

Anonymous said...

The Inspired Bicycles video made me think that almost anything is possible. While most people might not be able to do what Danny McCaskill did with his bicycle, the video was more uplifting than showing off. In the beginning, he showed that he did fall off the bicycle, but he got back up and got better at the different tricks. This video inspired me to think about trying new things.

Anonymous said...

This video relates to our world because,Danny Macaskill did not succeed the first couple of tries. This is relatable the amount of times that I have tried something and have not exceeded is outrageous. Practice is everything Danny Macaskill, he practiced a lot so he could reach his goal, and one day he finally made it. You can use this idea in school, if you don't succeed or don't understand something in a class, don't worry, practice and you will be able to reach your goal. It was pretty amazing what he could do on that bike. He was not born with that talent he had to work to be able to do those tricks. He motivated me to try my hardest in school this year and to never give up.

Anonymous said...

The "Inspired Bicycles" video had me thinking that everyone has potential. It made me realize that lots of people can do something if they put their mind to it. It started off by showing Danny Macaskill failing at first, but as time went on he ended up progressing and becoming really good at riding and doing tricks on his bike.

Anonymous said...

In the video bicycles, Danny Caskill inspired me to keep trying because no matter how much he falls he always eventually gets back up ready to try again. If you truly believe in your goal you can always accomplish it with patience, planning, and practis you can do almost anything. it related to my world because I have done lots of sports and activities that have many challenging parts to them but if I have patience I will eventually get it right. I can relate it to righting because somtimes you get stuck but you just have to keep thinking to get through it. this vidio can be related to a lot of subject matter and activitys in the world.

Anonymous said...

In the video bicycles, Danny Caskill inspired me to keep trying because no matter how much he falls he always eventually gets back up ready to try again. If you truly believe in your goal you can always accomplish it with patience, planning, and practis you can do almost anything. it related to my world because I have done lots of sports and activities that have many challenging parts to them but if I have patience I will eventually get it right. I can relate it to righting because sometimes you get stuck but you just have to keep thinking to get through it. this video can be related to a lot of subject matter and activities in the world.

Anonymous said...

In the video bicycles, with Danny Caskill showed that if you have persiveranve and patient you can accomplish anything. This applyes to out generation because people can easily give up if something does not go the way they inteded the first time. This shows that when you try you can reach your goal. Life is going to challenge you, but you can't give up . Nothing is handed you, but you have to work for it, even if people tell you otherwise.

Anonymous said...

The Inspired Bicycles video relates to our world because in life you have to fail many times to succeed. In order to accomplish something, you have to believe in yourself and try and try again, much like Danny Caskill did in the video. This video can inspire people by portraying that even the best fail, but you have to get up and try again.

Anonymous said...

The video titled “Inspired Bicycles” taught me that no matter how many times you may fall, keep getting back up again and you can accomplish what others may call “impossible”. In addition, as I watched the video on YouTube, I also read through the comments and many people said that Danny McCaskill inspired them to start and try new things like biking. Just as Danny McCaskill inspired millions of people, I want to inspire many people in my lifetime as well. This video can be beneficial and applied to our lives during times where it seems as if there is no hope and when it seems as if nothing is working out. If Danny hadn’t continuously tried to do the trick, he never would have done it. If we continue to practice our talents and skills in and out of school, numerous things can be achieved.

Anonymous said...

The video clip, Inspired Bicycles, by Danny McCaskill relates to our world when we fail at a task, or don't do it as well as planned. In the beginning of the video, the bike rider fell many times and showed how hard it can be to get something right. McCaskill showed that he tried again and again until he got it right. This can also relate to a students academic and school life, as well as their social life. No star of the football team or fastest swimmer was born the best. They had to work for it, like McCaskill did to learn the bike tricks he can do. The most famous writer, or the kid with the best grades in english class had to work hard too. Because McCaskill worked so hard to achieve these great skills, he has inspired me to try harder in what I do, because anyone can get better, it just takes hard work.

Anonymous said...

The ideas from "Inspired Bicycles" video clip produced by Danny McCaskill can be implemented into our lives in many ways. For example, when we fail at something, the video is suggesting that we should not quit, be try again until we achieve what we wish. The clip shows a man on a bicycle trying to learn difficult stunts and failing, however he gets up afterwards and keeps going until he gets it. Not only can this relate to sport-like activities, but also things ike music, arts, or goals in one's life in general.