Sunday, December 2, 2018

Cyclops: Text To Film In "The Odyssey?"

What subtle or overt differences did you notice regarding the Book IX The Odyssey reading and The Odyssey film clip of the Cyclops episode?  Explain, note, argue, quote, and defend.  Anything regarding the Heroic Code, Guest/Host Relationship, or hubris?  After watching the film clip, please respond during class.


Anonymous said...

Some subtle differences I noticed regarding the Book IX The Odyssey reading and The Odyssey film clip of the Cyclops episode are, first, the cyclops is a lot smarter in the episode compared to the book. Another difference is Odysseus sacrificed himself to the cyclops in the episode, but not in the book. In the book, they pray for the stick to stab him in the eye, but in the episode it just appears. Another difference is they disguise themselves as sheep to escape in the episode, but not the book.

Anonymous said...

In the book, they run and hide from the cyclops, but in the movie they don't run and hide. In the movie Odysseus tells the cyclops to eat him, but in the book he doesn't. They give him wine in both the book and the movie. They also don't hide on the bottom of the sheep bellies in the movie, instead they just run.

Anonymous said...

The cyclops isn't the brightest but he does have a temper.The cyclops is naive and believes Odysseus when he tells him that his name is no name. He falls for there trap and then ends up losing his sight not being able to catch everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Well first, the similarities are that the Cyclops isn't a good host for the people because when they started eating his food, he killed them because he thought that it was his food. The Cyclops was mad at the soldiers and he was saying that his brothers had the more significant caves that he wanted them to go instead of his cave. Oddysius was trying to talk to the monster ad that is different than the book because, in the book, the monster actually kills him. He gave the Cyclops a drink and he really liked it and then he asked for his name and then he said "Nobody". The drink he gave the big Cyclops was a potion that made him go to sleep. Then they killed him with a stick they sharpened to get him in the eye so he wouldn' see so they could get out of the cave. Oddysius actually had an idea that he and his troops could hold onto the sheep's stomachs, so they could get out faster without the Cyclops knowing.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus and his men showed up to the Cyclopes food and the cyclops ate some of his men. Odysseus is trying to fool the Cyclopes into thinking his name is nobody, and the creature believes Odysseus, Odysseus is trying escape by stabbing the creatures eye out, and the plan works, but then some escape from the Cyclopes and some don't.

Anonymous said...

He said that his name is nobody because he was trying to trick the Cyclops because he is not the smartest. Odysseus also has a different idea to get out of the cave then he did in the book. His plan was the same to poke the cyclops eye to make it hard to see. Then they would add some like sheep like fur on their backs trying to crawl under the giant without him feeling them when they are trying to escape from the cave. The Cyclops was probably not meaning to kill any of the people but he did probably for their actions in his home eating his food and he got upset by that.

Caitlin Wilcox said...

in the book he does not talk about he has magic in his head he asks them for help. in the book, he announces himself as lord of. odisius and all the stuff. the pray for Athena and the wood appears and they make it. then they hide under the sheep to escape the cyclopes. not just run.

Anonymous said...

The clip that we watched was closely related to the book although there were some big differences in the book. The book had differences like how the cyclops got drunk after three cups not just one, the men also were more lenate and wanting to go and odysseus called himself noman. The Crew also did not want him to say his real name while the show exhibited that. The crew wanted to survive using their whit while odysseus used it to become well no which is not a heroic move.

Cate V. said...

After the Cyclops eat some of the men, in the movie, Odysseus lies to the Cyclops and claims that he has a magical head and that he knows all the secrets of the world. He doesn't do this in the book. Another difference between the book and the film clip is that Odysseus says his name is "Nobody" in the film, yet in the book he lies and says his name is "Noman". But this isn't that much of a difference. Another difference that is more major is that the sheep and rams aren't as big in the movie as they were presented in the book. This means that in the movie the soldiers try to cover themselves in wool to disguise themselves and escape out. In the book, Odysseus comes up with the idea to tie his men to the belly of the giant livestock and escape out of the cave that way. These things make the character of Odysseus seem like less of a leader and hero.

Anonymous said...

The film and the book IX are a little bit different because in the book they make the cyclops a lot bigger than in the episode. In the episode the stick to stab the cyclops in the eye just appears, and in the book they pray about it. The cyclops thought that they were his food because the humans were eating his food. Odysseus had a good idea and that was to hold onto the sheep's stomachs to get past the cyclope faster so he wouldn't know. And another thing is that they run and hide from the cyclops but in the film they don't they just stand there.

Anonymous said...

There were many differences between the text and film, some of these differences were disappointing in that some details described in the book that were left out are details that show the cleverness of Odysseus. For example, when the men escaped from the cave in the text, they strapped themselves to the underbellies of the rams while in the film they simply ran out. When they strapped themselves to the rams, this may have been a symbol of the fact that Hermes was watching over the men and guided them away from their troubles.

Anonymous said...

In the book when they offer him wine they give the Cyclops 3 cups of wine and he goes to sleep. In the movie, they offer him a bowl of wine and he goes to sleep. Other differences are that instead of saying his name is Noman in the book he says his name in nobody. And when they poke the Cyclops eyes with the log he whimpers and the other Cyclops come, but in the movie, he just goes outside and cries in pain. The last difference I noticed was that they don't tie themselves to the sheep instead of they try to get out of there, but one of the guys use the lamb's coat while one of the guys get eaten by trying to get out. Overall there were a bunch of similarities and differences between the book and the movie.

Anonymous said...

There were a few differences that I noticed between Book IX and the film clip. One is that in the film Odysseus sacrificed himself to the Cyclops after it killed two of his men, and in the book, he did not sacrifice himself. Also when they are trying to escape from the Cyclops in the film they disguise themselves as sheep to escape from the cave so the Cyclops doesn't catch them, but that did not happen in the book either.

Anonymous said...

In the book they offer him wine they give him 3 cups of wine and he falls asleep. In the movie, they offer him a bowl of wine and he passed out. Other differences are that instead of saying his name is Noman in the book he says his name in nobody. And when they poke the Cyclops eyes with the log he whimpers and the other Cyclops come, but in the movie, he just goes outside and cries. The last difference I noticed was that they don't tie themselves to the sheep instead, but one of the guys use the lamb's coat while one of the guys get eaten by trying to get out.

Anonymous said...

The book and the video was similar because the cyclopes is a good host and a good person to the soldiers, the only reason the cyclopes ate the soldier was because he thought that he was food and he thought that was what he was supposed to eat. But the book is different from the video because Odysseus tried to talk to him but in the book, the cyclope actually just ate him and he didn't even try to listen to the soldier. The video also gave him a potion that made him fall asleep so the soldiers could figure out a way to get out of the cave. In the end, they were successful and they got out of the cave with only a couple of men lost throughout the process.

Anonymous said...

They use a different strategy to get away from the Cyclops in the video then they do in the book. In the book, they try and hide from the Cyclops but in the video, they aren't hiding they just try and sneak out from under the Cyclops. Some pretend to be a sheep but in the video, it doesn't work out very well. They both had an idea that was similar, which was going out as a sheep or hanging onto the sheep to get past the Cyclops.

Anonymous said...

there were some differences between the film clip and the book. One difference was when they escaped the cave. In the book, they sneaked out on the underbelly of sheep, however, in the clip they don't do that. They try to sneak out around the Cyclops. Another difference is that Odysseus introduced himself as "Noman" in the book, but in the clip, he says he is "Nobody". The film version kind of made Odysseus seem like he hadn't done anything wrong, but he had by eating food without permission. They didn’t really address that in the film.

Anonymous said...

The differences between book 9 in the Odyssey and the film regard more detail in dialogue in the book then there was in the movie. Instead of being called no man in the film Odysseus tricks him into thinking his name is nobody, and when Polyphemus cries for help no one responds. The men also didn't pray to Athina for help instead they used log from something else. And the final difference between the two was that the men dress up as sheep instead of strapping themselves to sheep. I’m sure there were more differences that I didn't catch but those were the most identifiable. The only similarity I could find was that Odysseus does not do a good job at being a hero according to the hero code.

Anonymous said...

One of the differences I saw between the movie and the film was that in the film, the spear was not heated by the fire before they stabbed him like it was in the book. Another difference I saw was that the Cyclops did not pick up the ram Odysseus was under and talk about it being left behind in the film, but it did in the book. There also wasn't as much conversation between Odysseus and the Cyclops in the film as there was in the book.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that there were some differences from the book and movie. For example, the Cyclops seems smarter and more attentive. Also, the men in the book ran and tried to hide from the Cyclops under the sheep for safety. But, in the movie, they just ran for their lives.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus tries to tempt him with his "magic knowledge," this did not occur in the book. In the book he goes by "Noman" and not "Nobody". Polyphemus had three drinks and not just one. They did not pray to Athena. Polyphemus did not open the stone immediately. They hung onto the sheep and did not just dress up like them. Regarding the heroic code, Odysseus was selfish by taking Polyphemus's food and was cocky by revealing his true name when he escapes.