Friday, November 30, 2018

"The Odyssey" Background Information?

Regarding the Background film about The Odyssey, what comments can you make about what you understand about The Odyssey. Please argue, explain, criticize, etc... Blog post is due Nov. 30th by 3:31p.m.


Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is about the journey of Odysseus home from fighting in the Trojan War. 'he faces many trials and problems on the way, and it takes him about 10 years to return. Odysseus invades the home of a cyclops to get food, and then ends up blinding him. Poseidon, the father of the cyclops, then curses Odysseus to sail the sea. Odysseus ends up losing all his ships and all his men in his journey home. If he wouldn't have been so prideful and egotistic, he would've gotten home much faster. He wouldn't have angered the gods, or made so many enemies along the way. The lesson Odysseus learns is that if he is prideful and full of himself, he's going to face opposition from people and anger.

Anonymous said...

They found a island and walked into a cyclops's home and then some men were eaten by the monster,then Odysseus blinded the cyclops and he shouted his name to the monster and Pasiten (the cyclops's father) made Odysseus lost for 10 years at sea, and suffered many things along the way.Odysseus didn't want to be immortal, Odysseus wanted to go home and live his own life.

Anonymous said...

The trojan war. Odysseus harms a cyclops who is the child of the poseidon and is cursed to face the trials of the seas. they disrespected someone at her table and she turned them into pigs. he encounters calypso and she offers him immortality, yet he can't leave. He is like Indiana Jones.

Anonymous said...

An Odyssey is a long voyage. The Trojan was one of the most famous wars in history. These stories about this war where the first from the west. Written by a poet with crisis. There's a lot of adventure considering the name Odyssey. In this story there also seems to be mythical creatures, one being a giant. Odyssey had been taken to 12 different areas, and would loose ships and his men along the way. There's also a goddess named Athena who controls the forces of nature. "The gods had justified human life by living it themselves." Odysseus was a character that was brave bold, a liar, and a human. He was considered a hero. Odysseus is a hero because he isn't asking for immortality and he shows his bravery and that he is willing to help rather than cower and hide away. This book called Odyssey can relate to the story of Indiana Jones as well. This book also has life lessons like learning about yourself and learning that life is well deserved and that you should live it.

Anonymous said...

In the film about The Odyssey, the Apollo 13 mission was the biggest of all odyssey's.
An Odyssey is a journey of adventure and thought. Oddysius was the leader of the Trojan war and he was the boldest, smartest, biggest warrior. The odyssey was the return trip of the people that were in the Trojan war. Thy were a larger version of our crisis experiment. The giants father was posidon and he was god of the sea. This film also relates to Anthem because the word "I" asn't allowed to be used because poeple thought of it as a word of hurt and sorrow. Equality in Anthem wasn't allowed to do anything for himself or just be alone. There always had to be someone with him or around him because that society was harsh about how everyone had to be the same and no one could be different. Women thought that Oddysius was a pig and that he was gross and had bad manners. Women would follow every other guy except Oddysius. A myth is forces of nature, derives of men, early science, supernatural, and the explained unknown.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey seems to be about a man trying to find a home, and his travels to find it. Odyssey is defined as a long journey during journeys you have many adventures along the way. Odysseus has many adventures on his journey home, he made one of the gods mad and had to endure some test on his way home. It also includes many experiences with some of the gods. He encounters different gods through his journey and has many test as well. It seems though through this journey he has been tested again and again to give up and not see the end goal of getting home.

Anonymous said...

Life is an odyssey, and people always want to fine a "home". Odysseus is an average person, but gets drafted into war and only wants to go back home. It is a treacherous journey, and it took 10 years and faces many challenges and tests. The Trojan war is from the arguing and fighting of Athena and Poseidon, and Odysseus is Athena's "champion". The women played a large part on Odysseus's journey. The work "odyssey" is used in our language for a crazy journey or novel. Odysseus had to turn his head from tempting offers so he could complete his quest. He also had to make many tough choices that could have horrid outcomes.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey video is so cool how the Greeks won the Trojan war by hiding in a wooden horse. When Odysseus tried to go back home but was stopped by a big giant I think it was so gross by poking the monster in the eye. It's kind of gory. It's so weird how the gods and goddesses hurt the humans, but then inevitably a woman or a goddess falls in love with a human man and saves him. Also, it relates back to us as humans because we go through many challenges. Like Apollo 13 just like in the Odyssey, we had to go past the moon just to get home. Overall greek mythology demonstrates the likeness between humans and the stories.

Anonymous said...

An odyssey is a long voyage or explanation. This term came from a fictional character, written by Homer, who is Odysseus. The Odyssey is about the return trip when Odysseus is journeying home. The journey back home for Odysseus took 10 years, because they came across many problems and barriers. It is an ego trip. Odysseus is a strong and clever person, considering he is the only man from his crew to make it back home. Along his journey, or odyssey, he finds his identity. This story is a myth, but is still a very well known story, and has defined odyssey for us today. Odyssey has two meanings, a long novel, or a long journey. The greater meaning of odyssey is a journey of finding yourself, so it's metaphoric and physical.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus was a strong manly and a lier and was a true human. The days that go by go to the strong ones the ones who stand up for themselves not the shy ones sitting around all day everyday as the time passes. Odysseus father was one that stood over him but since he want to go and find something new his day would put him through hard and though time. His father was also very powerful also. Athena was the god of wisdom and the champion of Odysseus. After long times at sea Odysseus badly want to go home just wants to go back to his own. Odysseus also learns how it is is like to be a human being a real person or man that he never knew that he was before.By this he gets the signal of being normal and living a normal and good life and to be at home doing his own thing that he enjoys doing.

Caitlin Wilcox said...

Caitlin Wilcox
Odysee is the voyege and it is usaly the voyege home. The return trip of odisuses. A test to get back home. The voyege home to ten years but should have taken two weeks. He pokes a cyvlops in the eye and the cyclops dad is ruler of the sea so that extended his trip. He was the obley one of his men to retern. He gose through many cahallenges in his jerony home. He has to make choices and he is tempeted to stay and not get back home but he chooses to get back home.

Cate V. said...

Based on the backround film, it is safe to say that the title, "The Odyssey" is the most appropriate name for such a story. The word odyssey means a long journey, and the story is about the main character's long journey home. The book is one of the first examples of "The Hero's Journey". "The Hero's Journey" is about the struggles and challenges a protagonist faces as they work to try to accomplish a goal. One of the reasons this book has continued to be a classic for thousands of years, is because of how it relates to hummanity. It's a story that people of all generations can relate to. The story tells the tale of what it is to be human. And since the book was the first of its kind, it inspired the creation of many things we have today, such as novel and action heroes.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is about his life and journey. Odyssey was the first novel. They stabbed him in the eye with a sharp stick and the said that was his punishment for invading a home of a cyclops to get food. They made Odysseus lost for 10 years at sea and suffered him in many ways. Odysseus just wanted to go home and liv his own life. In the video they related Odysseus to Indiana Jones. On Odysseus way home he ended up loosing all his ships and me. If he wasn't in such a rush he could have gotten home faster and safely. Odysseus is going to face a lot.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus lost his home is on a mission to find it. He was a drafty. Fought hard and wanted to go home to his wife. The book is about his journey coming home. The book proves the weak and strong. Odysseus got lost at sea and it took him 10 years. came to a island of the cyclopes. Poseidon causes him some trouble at sea because of what he said. The sea took him to Africa and Egypt. He never sailed with the same ship and he was the only survivor each time. Lands at another island of witches. Calypso offered him immortality. He decides not take the offer. he chooses between sirens monsters r whirl pools.

Anonymous said...

Watching this video about The Odyssey helped me understand that this was about the adventurous return trip for the explorers to return home to Ithica that took 10 years instead of 3 weeks. They got caught up in a huge fight with a giant, which caused lots of disagreements and slowed down the trip. Which is kind of a symbol of all of the things we go through in life. It shows of the adventures and pain we experience and how our own egos may slow down our life, but it's possibly worth it in the end.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus was a different type of hero (not stereotypical hero) is ego. He ventures through tests to get home. Tests symbolized things humanity was facing. Ego trip messes it up
Posiden is angry because the Cyclops is his son. Lost their way, he is the only one to return
Odiesiss is Athina’s disciple. Odiesiss went through more thins then she did. Learn what it is being human. Turns down calypso to live and go home. Life with suffering is better than anything else. All about choices (which is better of the lesser evil). Has a lot to do with the forces of nature. Patterns. Very symbolic. Common themes that will not die no matter what the situation

Anonymous said...

From what we have seen from the background video, the Odyssey is a series of challenges that Odysseus must endure. He seems to always have a choice to make, often a choice between two evils, and many choices that will drastically alter his future. He gets many chances to "forget" the destination of his journey and he always remains persistent in his quest. We also learn that his wife back home stays loyal and despite all of the men that would like to marry her, she waits for Odysseus until he returns after 10 years.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is is about a voyage, from what I understood from the video, it's about the voyable of a man named Odysseus who gets drafted into the war and is trying so hard to find his way back home. Odysseus comes across many problems when trying to find his way back. On part of his journey he was stopped by a giant, who Odysseus stabbs in the eye. Parts of the video were pretty gory and it showed that Odysseus seems be be a bad man. On his way home their bost id caught in a stom caused by bosiden and the entire crew dies exept for Odysseus. The video was showing that life is an Odyssey and everyone is trying to find their way home.

Anonymous said...

The Odyssey is about Odysseus's journey back from the Trojan War. Along the way, he is put through challenge after challenge. They were all designed to make him forget the reason he is still going, but he doesn't. He stays on the quest even though it is hard. He wanted to get home to his wife, who remained loyal to him. The Trip that was supposed to take 2 weeks, ended up being a 10-year journey. The stories represent life and all the hardships one is faced with. How things are thrown at us to make us give up, but we keep going on because it will all turn out for the better.

Anonymous said...

Based on the video, the Odyssey is about Odysseus's journey around the sea, on his way back from the Trojan war. Throughout the course, he is faced with many challenges, and overcomes many obstacles. The video and people in the video talk about how Odysseus's way home was full of hard decisions, and situations in which doing the right thing is not always easy. The journey home from war was much more complicated than expected, but Odysseus's wife and people he loves stayed loyal for him. The stories in this book give lessons about choices you can make, and how hard 'journeys' can make us better people.

Anonymous said...

Odysseus is about his journey back from the Trojan war and his mission. It tells about the many troubles and struggles during his journey. He was just trying to get back to his wife. They stab him in the eye with a large stick to get revenge for the way he treated them. It took 10 years and he had many challenges to get back home. This can also relate to Indiana Jones.