Wednesday, May 16, 2018

"CTW" Paper Revisions

Concerning your Change The World Paper, please review your paper rubric and paper to answer the following revision questions. Please answer specifically. (You could earn up to 25 points for these responses).

1. What did you did you do well regarding the process and final writing of your CTW paper?

2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your CTW paper?

3. What writing strategy will you try to use next year when you write for any class?

4. When you write next year, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?

5. What word of writing advice would you give to your future self for next year?


Anonymous said...

1. What did you did you do well regarding the process and final writing of your CTW paper?
What i did well was i tried my best ti be as convincing as possible. I did my research and tried to connect my topic to my personal thoughts and to the world. Though i only used two quotes in my text, i tried as hard as i could.

2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your CTW paper?
I could improve on using more quotes and trying to get more research. What i plan on doing next time this opportunity comes up, I will try and be more convincing in my arguments. I will do more research and i will do better annotations on my articles as well.

3. What writing strategy will you try to use next year when you write for any class?
I will try to use the strategy of using my research to benefit me. I also want to try using my research to give opposite view points in my paper.

4. When you write next year, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product? I will do it for homework instead of doing it in class only

5. What word of writing advice would you give to your future self for next year? DO YOUR WORK. Dont slack off. Work your hardest.

Anonymous said...

1. What did you did you do well regarding the process and final writing of your CTW paper?
What I did well on my CTW paper was being somewhat convincing about how guns should be monitored and background checks should be more strict. Also, the vocabulary I used was good.
2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your CTW paper?
I could have improved when it came to repeating sentences or words because I did that a lot
3. What writing strategy will you try to use next year when you write for any class?
Next year I will try and not be so repetitive with my writing and just put more effort into it
4. When you write next year, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?
The steps I'll take will be to actually do it and not wait till the last minute, do it for homework and in class when told I can
5. What word of writing advice would you give to your future self for next year?
Advice to my future self would be to not slack off and wait till the last minute to do everything. Put more effort into your work.

Anonymous said...

1. What did you do well regarding the process and final writing of your CTW paper?Something I did well regarding the process and final writing of my Change the World paper is a strong introduction and minimal grammatical errors.In addition, my page requirements and citations with annotated bibliography were thoroughly completed.
2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your CTW paper?
Some areas for improvement in my CTW paper are the evidence and conclusion portions because they do not contain enough .... Regarding the evidence, I could have included more quotes from outside sources. For the conclusion, I could have circled back to the introduction allowing the essay to be summarized and leaving the reader with a strong thought about teenage anorexia.
3. What writing strategy will you try to use next year when you write for any class?
A writing strategy I can take advantage of next year is proofreading my writing prior to turning it in.
4. When you write next year, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?
When writing next year the steps I will take to turn in a more polished product are limiting myself to a one sentence thesis statement, further relating my topic sentences to my thesis statement, including more lead in quotes, and circling back to my introduction throughout my conclusion.
5. What word of writing advice would you give to your future self for next year?
The words of advice I would give my future self when writing is to reread several times, searching for grammatical errors and to always go above the minimal requirements to form a well-versed essay.Also to do your work on time and not to procrastinate.

Anonymous said...

1. What did you did you do well regarding the process and final writing of your CTW paper?
While writing my final version of the CTW paper I did really well in finding quotes and explaining them from different articles and experts. I would say that area of my paper was really strong,and it showed that on my grading sheet as well.

2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your CTW paper?
An Area i can work on and improve by my paper, is my conclusion, because I got poor and fair on my conclusion piece of the paper. I think one of the reasons I didn't get a good grade on my conclusion, is because I was toward the end of the paper and I wanted to get it over with.

3. What writing strategy will you try to use next year when you write for any class?
I would say to try not to wait till the last minute to do everything. Another thing I will try to do is make a strong plan so I know what I am doing. It really helps to have a plan and not just write all the things that come to your mind while your writing the paper on the paper.

4. When you write next year, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?
When writing next year, I can take advantage of proofreading my paper before I turn it in. I also will plan it out better to get a strong paper and not just some things i think will sound good and look like good evidence.

5. What word of writing advice would you give to your future self for next year?
The word of writing advice I would give to myself is planning the paper so it is really strong. Another piece of advice would be to reread my paper and looking for grammar errors before I turn it in, also not waiting till the last minute to do everything instead do it all on time.

Anonymous said...

1. What did you did you do well regarding the process and final writing of your CTW paper?
I think that I used a lot of good vocabulary and I think that the organization of my paper was very well done
2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your CTW paper?
I believe that my conclusion was not the best it could be, as it was definitely lacking in some areas and could have been better put together. I think that I could have concluded my article a lot better by having a better summary about the essay in my conclusion.
3. What writing strategy will you try to use next year when you write for any class?
Next year, I will try and organize my paper to the best I can, by separating the parts of the paper out and then putting them together once I have completed each part, so I can make sure that they are well organized and thought-through.
4. When you write next year, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product? I will go to my teacher to try and get some feedback about what I can do to make sure that my paper is the absolute best it can be, and I will work on it for a long time before it is due so it is not ruched and of the best quality.

5. What word of writing advice would you give to your future self for next year?
Don't procrastinate on writing your paper, get the work done! Make sure to meet with your teacher to get feedback so that you know exactly what to do to get the best grade that you can.

Anonymous said...

1. What did you did you do well regarding the process and final writing of your CTW paper?
I fell like for the most part I was able to fix a lot of my grammatical errors that were in my rough draft and I was able to do a lot of research and find a lot of facts.
2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your CTW paper?
Although I was able to find a lot of research in some places it seems like I was a little bit repetitive with word choices.
3. What writing strategy will you try to use next year when you write for any class?
I am hoping to widen my range of vocabulary and use some of the words that we learned this year.
4. When you write next year, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?
I will start reading my papers more carefully and making sure I put commas in where they are suppose to be in.
5. What word of writing advice would you give to your future self for next year?
Don't procrastinate just do it and it will be so much easier.

Anonymous said...

1. What did you did you do well regarding the process and final writing of your CTW paper?
I did well finding quotes, and putting all of the essay together along with incorporating all of my facts and opinions into the essay.
2. What is an area that you could improve upon regarding your CTW paper?
I could improve the quality of my work and the effort put into the work.
3. What writing strategy will you try to use next year when you write for any class?
I will use the format of this writing piece in all of my writing in english next year.
4. When you write next year, what steps will you take to turn in a more complete and polished final writing product?
I will take the steps of spending more time on my work and using all the formats plus going over my work once I finish to fix any additional problems with my future essays.
5. What word of writing advice would you give to your future self for next year?
A word of writing advice is stay on top of when certain parts are do, don't fall behind and make sure I know how to putt all the pieces together plus pay attention to where certain quotes and informations goes.